29 research outputs found

    Where Epigenetics Meets Food Intake: Their Interaction in the Development/Severity of Gout and Therapeutic Perspectives

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    Gout is the most frequent form of inflammatory arthritis in the world. Its prevalence is particularly elevated in specific geographical areas such as in the Oceania/Pacific region and is rising in the US, Europe, and Asia. Gout is a severe and painful disease, in which co-morbidities are responsible for a significant reduction in life expectancy. However, gout patients remain ostracized because the disease is still considered ā€œself-inflictedā€, as a result of unhealthy lifestyle and excessive food and alcohol intake. While the etiology of gout flares is clearly associated with the presence of monosodium urate (MSU) crystal deposits, several major questions remain unanswered, such as the relationships between diet, hyperuricemia and gout flares or the mechanisms by which urate induces inflammation. Recent advances have identified gene variants associated with gout incidence. Nevertheless, genetic origins of gout combined to diet-related possible uric acid overproduction account for the symptoms in only a minor portion of patients. Hence, additional factors must be at play. Here, we review the impact of epigenetic mechanisms in which nutrients (such as Ļ‰-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids) and/or dietary-derived metabolites (like urate) trigger anti/pro-inflammatory responses that may participate in gout pathogenesis and severity. We propose that simple dietary regimens may be beneficial to complement therapeutic management or contribute to the prevention of flares in gout patients

    Genetic and epigenetic determinants of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma

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    Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is the most common type of lymphoma and is notorious for its heterogeneity, aggressive nature, and the frequent development of resistance and/or relapse after treatment with standard chemotherapy. To address these problems, a strong emphasis has been placed on researching the molecular origins and mechanisms of DLBCL to develop effective treatments. One of the major insights produced by such research is that DLBCL almost always stems from genetic damage that occurs during the germinal center (GC) reaction, which is required for the production of high-affinity antibodies. Indeed, there is significant overlap between the mechanisms that govern the GC reaction and those that drive the progression of DLBCL. A second important insight is that some of the most frequent genetic mutations that occur in DLBCL are those related to chromatin and epigenetics, especially those related to proteins that ā€œwriteā€ histone post-translational modifications (PTMs). Mutation or deletion of these epigenetic writers often renders cells unable to epigenetically ā€œswitch onā€ critical gene sets that are required to exit the GC reaction, differentiate, repair DNA, and other essential cellular functions. Failure to activate these genes locks cells into a genotoxic state that is conducive to oncogenesis and/or relapse

    The Worlds of Splicing and Chromatin Collide

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    Both transcription and splicing take place in a nuclear environment which, at face value, may seem refractory to the efficiency afforded by the coupling of both processes. This environment, chromatin, was once viewed as only a passive packaging system for genetic material, with very little contribution to the variety of nuclear activities occurring within and around it. However, overwhelming evidence now points to the chromatin environment as being highly dynamic, and an active player in nuclear activities

    Potential health risks linked to emerging contaminants in major rivers and treated waters

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    The presence of endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in our local waterways is becoming an increasing threat to the surrounding population. These compounds and their degradation products (found in pesticides, herbicides, and plastic waste) are known to interfere with a range of biological functions from reproduction to differentiation. To better understand these effects, we used an in silico ontological pathway analysis to identify the genes affected by the most commonly detected EDCs in large river water supplies, which we grouped together based on four common functions: Organismal injuries, cell death, cancer, and behavior. In addition to EDCs, we included the opioid buprenorphine in our study, as this similar ecological threat has become increasingly detected in river water supplies. Through the identification of the pleiotropic biological effects associated with both the acute and chronic exposure to EDCs and opioids in local water supplies, our results highlight a serious health threat worthy of additional investigations with a potential emphasis on the effects linked to increased DNA damage

    MeCP2 binds to nucleosome free (linker DNA) regions and to H3K9/H3K27 methylated nucleosomes in the brain

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    Methyl-CpG-binding protein 2 (MeCP2) is a chromatin-binding protein that mediates transcriptional regulation, and is highly abundant in brain. The nature of its binding to reconstituted templates has been well characterized in vitro. However, its interactions with native chromatin are less understood. Here we show that MeCP2 displays a distinct distribution within fractionated chromatin from various tissues and cell types. Artificially induced global changes in DNA methylation by 3-aminobenzamide or 5-aza-2ā€²-deoxycytidine, do not significantly affect the distribution or amount of MeCP2 in HeLa S3 or 3T3 cells. Most MeCP2 in brain is chromatin-bound and localized within highly nuclease-accessible regions. We also show that, while in most tissues and cell lines, MeCP2 forms stable complexes with nucleosome, in brain, a fraction of it is loosely bound to chromatin, likely to nucleosome-depleted regions. Finally, we provide evidence for novel associations of MeCP2 with mononucleosomes containing histone H2A.X, H3K9me2 and H3K27me3 in different chromatin fractions from brain cortex and in vitro. We postulate that the functional compartmentalization and tissue-specific distribution of MeCP2 within different chromatin types may be directed by its association with nucleosomes containing specific histone variants, and post-translational modifications

    Protein kinase D at the Golgi controls NLRP3 inflammasome activation

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    The inflammasomes are multiprotein complexes sensing tissue damage and infectious agents to initiate innate immune responses. Different inflammasomes containing distinct sensor molecules exist. The NLRP3 inflammasome is unique as it detects a variety of danger signals. It has been reported that NLRP3 is recruited to mitochondria-associated endoplasmic reticulum membranes (MAMs) and is activated by MAM-derived effectors. Here, we show that in response to inflammasome activators, MAMs localize adjacent to Golgi membranes. Diacylglycerol (DAG) at the Golgi rapidly increases, recruiting protein kinase D (PKD), a key effector of DAG. Upon PKD inactivation, self-oligomerized NLRP3 is retained at MAMs adjacent to Golgi, blocking assembly of the active inflammasome. Importantly, phosphorylation of NLRP3 by PKD at the Golgi is sufficient to release NLRP3 from MAMs, resulting in assembly of the active inflammasome. Moreover, PKD inhibition prevents inflammasome autoactivation in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from patients carrying NLRP3 mutations. Hence, Golgi-mediated PKD signaling is required and sufficient for NLRP3 inflammasome activation.PMC558412

    Toll-like receptor 4 signaling in liver injury and hepatic fibrogenesis

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    Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are a family of transmembrane pattern recognition receptors (PRR) that play a key role in innate and adaptive immunity by recognizing structural components unique to bacteria, fungi and viruses. TLR4 is the most studied of the TLRs, and its primary exogenous ligand is lipopolysaccharide, a component of Gram-negative bacterial walls. In the absence of exogenous microbes, endogenous ligands including damage-associated molecular pattern molecules from damaged matrix and injured cells can also activate TLR4 signaling. In humans, single nucleotide polymorphisms of the TLR4 gene have an effect on its signal transduction and on associated risks of specific diseases, including cirrhosis. In liver, TLR4 is expressed by all parenchymal and non-parenchymal cell types, and contributes to tissue damage caused by a variety of etiologies. Intact TLR4 signaling was identified in hepatic stellate cells (HSCs), the major fibrogenic cell type in injured liver, and mediates key responses including an inflammatory phenotype, fibrogenesis and anti-apoptotic properties. Further clarification of the function and endogenous ligands of TLR4 signaling in HSCs and other liver cells could uncover novel mechanisms of fibrogenesis and facilitate the development of therapeutic strategies

    Where Epigenetics Meets Food Intake: Their Interaction in the Development/Severity of Gout and Therapeutic Perspectives

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    Gout is the most frequent form of inflammatory arthritis in the world. Its prevalence is particularly elevated in specific geographical areas such as in the Oceania/Pacific region and is rising in the US, Europe, and Asia. Gout is a severe and painful disease, in which co-morbidities are responsible for a significant reduction in life expectancy. However, gout patients remain ostracized because the disease is still considered ā€œself-inflictedā€, as a result of unhealthy lifestyle and excessive food and alcohol intake. While the etiology of gout flares is clearly associated with the presence of monosodium urate (MSU) crystal deposits, several major questions remain unanswered, such as the relationships between diet, hyperuricemia and gout flares or the mechanisms by which urate induces inflammation. Recent advances have identified gene variants associated with gout incidence. Nevertheless, genetic origins of gout combined to diet-related possible uric acid overproduction account for the symptoms in only a minor portion of patients. Hence, additional factors must be at play. Here, we review the impact of epigenetic mechanisms in which nutrients (such as Ļ‰-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids) and/or dietary-derived metabolites (like urate) trigger anti/pro-inflammatory responses that may participate in gout pathogenesis and severity. We propose that simple dietary regimens may be beneficial to complement therapeutic management or contribute to the prevention of flares in gout patients

    Quantitative characterization of specific genomic promoters using agarose gel electrophoresis

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    Abstract: Over the past decade a large number of studies have focused attention on the role of nucleosomes as negative and positive regulators of speciļ¬c nuclear functions. Due to the lack of an analytical method to determine the higher order conformation of the nucleosomal arrays that encompass speciļ¬c genetic loci (e.g., promoters, enhancers), research emphasis has mostly been centered on chromatin remodeling and histone posttranslational modiļ¬cations. We have recently developed an agarose gel electrophoresis method that permits us to analyze the higher order structure of speciļ¬c in vivo assembled chromatin fragments. After calibration using a well-deļ¬ned in vitro system, we have been able to experimentally determine the size, shape, and conformational ļ¬‚exibility of the Mouse Mammary Tumor Virus long-terminal repeat promoter region in its repressed and activated states. These studies pave the way for widespread analyses of the higher order structure of speciļ¬c, functionally important chromosomal loci, and in so doing enhance our understanding of the roles that the higher order structure of chromatin play in genome regulations

    Potential health risks linked to emerging contaminants in major rivers and treated waters

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    The presence of endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in our local waterways is becoming an increasing threat to the surrounding population. These compounds and their degradation products (found in pesticides, herbicides, and plastic waste) are known to interfere with a range of biological functions from reproduction to differentiation. To better understand these effects, we used an in silico ontological pathway analysis to identify the genes affected by the most commonly detected EDCs in large river water supplies, which we grouped together based on four common functions: Organismal injuries, cell death, cancer, and behavior. In addition to EDCs, we included the opioid buprenorphine in our study, as this similar ecological threat has become increasingly detected in river water supplies. Through the identification of the pleiotropic biological effects associated with both the acute and chronic exposure to EDCs and opioids in local water supplies, our results highlight a serious health threat worthy of additional investigations with a potential emphasis on the effects linked to increased DNA damage