67 research outputs found

    Creating Products in the Absence of Markets: A Robust Design Approach

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    Purpose - The purpose of this study is to examine how firms deal with a situation of true uncertainty about their potential markets and technologies. Specifically, we ask how firms can create products when the corresponding market does not exist. Design/methodology/approach – This paper is based on a longitudinal study of a high-tech firm, combined with analysis of existing theory in Product Design and Entrepreneurship. Findings – Markets and products are usually a defining choice made early on by firms in their strategic process. Such a choice guides their development by providing a ‘stable concept' to which decisions can be related to. When markets do not exist yet, however, this approach is not effective: Early choice of products and markets limits firms' flexibility by constraining their ability and willingness to adapt, while fundamental new technical and market information is likely to emerge during the project that will prove the initial assumptions wrong. We show an alternative approach where products and markets actually result from a generic process of products and markets exploration driven by the firm. We suggest that this approach forms a robust design in that it allows the firm to deal with the uncertainty by simultaneously developing its products and exploring markets, while preserving the flexibility to adapt to the changing environment. Practical implications – The practical implication of this paper is to suggest an alternative approach to deliberate planning in high-tech ventures. With this approach, rather than markets and products, strategy defines a market and technology exploration process. Originality/value – The paper is original in three ways: 1) It links the product design and market exploration processes in high-tech firm development; 2) It is based on an in-depth longitudinal study; and 3) It results from an academic-practitioner collaborative work.New Product Development; uncertainty; high-technology venture.

    Creating Products in the Absence of Markets: A Robust Design Approach

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    The purpose of this study is to examine how firms deal with a situation of true uncertainty about their potential markets and technologies. Specifically, we ask how firms can create products when the corresponding market does not exist. Design/methodology/approach : This paper is based on a longitudinal study of a high-tech firm, combined with analysis of existing theory in Product Design and Entrepreneurship. Findings – Markets and products are usually a defining choice made early on by firms in their strategic process. Such a choice guides their development by providing a ‘stable concept' to which decisions can be related to. When markets do not exist yet, however, this approach is not effective: Early choice of products and markets limits firms' flexibility by constraining their ability and willingness to adapt, while fundamental new technical and market information is likely to emerge during the project that will prove the initial assumptions wrong."New Product Development";"uncertainty";"high-technology venture"

    Creating Products in the Absence of Markets: A Robust Design Approach

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    The purpose of this study is to examine how firms deal with a situation of true uncertainty about their potential markets and technologies. Specifically, we ask how firms can create products when the corresponding market does not exist. Design/methodology/approach : This paper is based on a longitudinal study of a high-tech firm, combined with analysis of existing theory in Product Design and Entrepreneurship. Findings – Markets and products are usually a defining choice made early on by firms in their strategic process. Such a choice guides their development by providing a ‘stable concept' to which decisions can be related to. When markets do not exist yet, however, this approach is not effective: Early choice of products and markets limits firms' flexibility by constraining their ability and willingness to adapt, while fundamental new technical and market information is likely to emerge during the project that will prove the initial assumptions wrong

    L’effectuation, logique de pensĂ©e des entrepreneurs experts

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    International audienceL’effectuation trouve son origine dans les travaux de recherche menĂ©s Ă  la fin des annĂ©es 90 par Saras Sarasvathy, une jeune doctorante d’origine indienne, ancienne entrepreneuse, conduits sous la direction d’Herbert Simon, prix Nobel d’économie, Ă  l’universitĂ© Carnegie Mellon. Sarasvathy cherchait Ă  identifier les fondements microĂ©conomiques du raisonnement entrepreneurial. [...]<br/

    A Manager's guide to Disruptive Innovation : Why Great Companies Fail in the Face of Disruption and How to Make Sure Your Company Doesn't

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    International audienceSomewhere, a startup is at work disrupting your business. What can you do about it? How can your company avoid the fate of once highly successful firms such as Kodak or Blockbuster? This book unravels the mechanisms of disruption, explains why great companies fail, and proposes concrete ways to turn disruptions into opportunities. Its key message is this: Failure in the face of disruption is not due to a lack of creativity, limited resources, or a resistance to change. Failure is the unintended consequence of applying “good” management practices. The solution to success lies in modifying these practices and this book will tell you how. An ideal introduction to the topic, A Manager’s Guide to Disruptive Innovation is packed with interesting case studies and anecdotes of organizations faced with disruptive innovation. This book offers you: ‱ A deep insight into the workings of disruptive innovation ‱ Actionable steps to protect and nurture disruptive projects ‱ Practical suggestions to transform your company’s management practices to become more innovative<br/

    Réforme du systÚme de santé : la prescription de l'innovateur: A propos du livre de Clayton Christensen, JérÎme Grossman et Jason Hwang, La prescription de l'innovateur (2009, USA),

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    compte rendu de lecture paru dans la revue GĂ©rer et Comprendre, n°102, dĂ©cembre 2010Selon les auteurs, l'innovation de rupture, agent de transformation, repose sur trois Ă©lĂ©ments : le dĂ©veloppement des connaissances du domaine, de nouveaux modĂšles Ă©conomiques, un nouveau rĂ©seau de valeur. L'ouvrage fourmille d'observations perspicaces trop nombreuses pour ĂȘtre rapportĂ©es ici. Nous en mentionnerons deux . La premiĂšre concerne le processus d'autorisation de mise sur le marchĂ© (AMM) d'un mĂ©dicament ; la seconde concerne la formation mĂ©dicale : le passage progressif Ă  la mĂ©decine de prĂ©cision et ses consĂ©quences sur la formation des infirmiĂšres -dont on aura de plus en plus besoin- et des mĂ©decins spĂ©cialistes -dont on aura de moins en moins besoin. cet ouvrage aura toute sa place parmi les ouvrages fondamentaux consacrĂ©s Ă  l'innovation

    Bienvenue en incertitude ! : principes d’action pour un monde de surprises

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    International audienceFaillite de Lehmann Brothers et crise de 2008, Printemps Arabe, crise grecque, Ă©mergence de Daesch, accident de Fukushima, disparition de Nokia, Brexit, Ă©lection de Donald Trump et d’Emmanuel macron, la liste n’en finit pas d’évĂ©nements que nous n’avons pas Ă©tĂ© capables de prĂ©voir et ce malgrĂ© des moyens parfois trĂšs importants. Dans un monde de surprises, qui change radicalement et devient toujours plus incertain, il n’est pas possible de prĂ©dire l’avenir, et ceux qui s’y risquent s’exposent tĂŽt ou tard Ă  une catastrophe. Et pourtant, les outils de dĂ©cision que nous utilisons reposent tous sur un paradigme prĂ©dictif. Ils restent ancrĂ©s dans la civilisation de la rĂ©volution industrielle nĂ©e il y a 150 ans. Il est grand temps de les rĂ©inventer entiĂšrement pour le nouveau monde. Mais pour proposer de nouveaux outils, il faut d’abord repenser notre apprĂ©hension de l’environnement. Regorgeant d’anecdotes et s’appuyant sur de nombreux exemples concrets dans des domaines variĂ©s, cet ouvrage redĂ©finit trois dimensions fondamentales de la prise de dĂ©cision en incertitude : la dimension ontologique – Quelle est la nature de notre environnement et comment Ă©volue-t-il ? – la dimension Ă©pistĂ©mologique – Quelle information pouvons-nous utiliser pour dĂ©cider ? – et la dimension sociologique – Comment intĂ©grer le jeu des diffĂ©rents acteurs impliquĂ©s dans la prise de dĂ©cision en incertitude ? Sur ces nouvelles bases conceptuelles ainsi posĂ©es, il propose des principes d’action concrets pour apprĂ©hender l’incertitude et l’inĂ©dit, pour s’en protĂ©ger et surtout pour en tirer parti. Un ouvrage indispensable Ă  tous ceux qui doivent prendre des dĂ©cisions stratĂ©giques en incertitude et Ă  ceux qui les conseillent : dirigeants, responsables de l'innovation, entrepreneurs, investisseurs, assureurs mais Ă©galement analystes, consultants et Ă©tudiants en management. <br/

    Réforme du systÚme de santé : la prescription de l'innovateur

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