67 research outputs found

    On the use of U-Net for dominant melody estimation in polyphonic music

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    International audienceEstimation of dominant melody in polyphonic music remains a difficult task, even though promising breakthroughs have been done recently with the introduction of the Harmonic CQT and the use of fully convolutional networks. In this paper, we build upon this idea and describe how U-Net-a neural network originally designed for medical image segmentation-can be used to estimate the dominant melody in polyphonic audio. We propose in particular the use of an original layer-by-layer sequential training method, and show that this method used along with careful training data conditioning improve the results compared to plain convolutional networks


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    International audienceDeep generative neural networks have thrived in the field of computer vision, enabling unprecedented intelligent image processes. Yet the results in audio remain less advanced and many applications are still to be investigated. Our project targets real-time sound synthesis from a reduced set of high-level parameters, including semantic controls that can be adapted to different sound libraries and specific tags. These generative variables should allow expressive modulations of target musical qualities and continuously mix into new styles. To this extent we train auto-encoders on an orchestral database of individual note samples, along with their intrinsic attributes: note class, timbre domain (an instrument subset) and extended playing techniques. We condition the decoder for explicit control over the rendered note attributes and use latent adversarial training for learning expressive style parameters that can ultimately be mixed. We evaluate both generative performances and correlations of the attributes with the latent representation. Our ablation study demonstrates the effectiveness of the musical conditioning. The proposed model generates individual notes as magnitude spec-trograms from any probabilistic latent code samples (each latent point maps to a single note), with expressive control of orchestral timbres and playing styles. Its training data subsets can directly be visualized in the 3-dimensional latent representation. Wave-form rendering can be done offline with the Griffin-Lim algorithm. In order to allow real-time interactions, we fine-tune the decoder with a pretrained magnitude spectrogram inversion network and embed the full waveform generation pipeline in a plugin. Moreover the encoder could be used to process new input samples, after manipulating their latent attribute representation, the decoder can generate sample variations as an audio effect would. Our solution remains rather lightweight and fast to train, it can directly be applied to other sound domains, including an user's libraries with custom sound tags that could be mapped to specific genera-tive controls. As a result, it fosters creativity and intuitive audio style experimentations. Sound examples and additional visualiza-tions are available on Github 1 , as well as codes after the review process


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    International audienceAu cours des dernières années, l'apprentissage profond s'est établi comme la nouvelle méthode de référence pour les problèmes de classification audio et notamment la reconnaissance d'instruments. Cependant, ces modèles ne traitent généralement pas la classification de modes de jeux avancés, question pourtant centrale dans la composition contemporaine. Les quelques études réalisées se cantonnent à une évaluation sur une seule banque de sons, dont rien n'assure la généralisation sur des données réelles. Dans cet article, nous étendons les méthodes de l'état de l'art à la classification de modes de jeu instrumentaux en temps réel à partir d'enregistrements de solistes. Nous montrons qu'une combinaison de réseaux convolutionnels (CNN) et récurrents (RNN) permet d'obtenir d'excellents résultats sur un corpus homogène provenant de 5 banques de sons. Toutefois, leur performance s'affaiblit sensiblement sur un corpus hétérogène, ce qui pourrait indiquer une faible capacité à généraliser à des données réelles. Nous proposons des pistes pour résoudre ce problème. Enfin, nous détaillons plusieurs utilisations possibles de nos modèles dans le cadre de systèmes interactifs

    Cross-Modal Variational Inference For Bijective Signal-Symbol Translation

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    International audienceExtraction of symbolic information from signals is an active field of research enabling numerous applications especially in the Musical Information Retrieval domain. This complex task, that is also related to other topics such as pitch extraction or instrument recognition, is a demanding subject that gave birth to numerous approaches , mostly based on advanced signal processing-based algorithms. However, these techniques are often non-generic, allowing the extraction of definite physical properties of the signal (pitch, octave), but not allowing arbitrary vocabularies or more general annotations. On top of that, these techniques are one-sided, meaning that they can extract symbolic data from an audio signal, but cannot perform the reverse process and make symbol-to-signal generation. In this paper, we propose an bijective approach for signal/symbol translation by turning this problem into a density estimation task over signal and symbolic domains, considered both as related random variables. We estimate this joint distribution with two different variational auto-encoders, one for each domain, whose inner representations are forced to match with an additive constraint, allowing both models to learn and generate separately while allowing signal-to-symbol and symbol-to-signal inference. In this article, we test our models on pitch, octave and dynamics symbols, which comprise a fundamental step towards music transcription and label-constrained audio generation. In addition to its versatility, this system is rather light during training and generation while allowing several interesting creative uses that we outline at the end of the article