31 research outputs found

    Quasi complete intersections and global Tjurina number of plane curves

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    A closed subscheme of codimension two T⊂P2T \subset P^2 is a quasi complete intersection (q.c.i.) of type (a,b,c)(a,b,c) if there exists a surjective morphism O(−a)⊕O(−b)⊕O(−c)→IT\mathcal{O} (-a) \oplus \mathcal{O} (-b) \oplus \mathcal{O} (-c) \to \mathcal{I} _T. We give bounds on deg(T)(T) in function of a,b,ca,b,c and rr, the least degree of a syzygy between the three polynomials defining the q.c.i. As a by-product we recover a theorem of du Plessis-Wall on the global Tjurina number of plane curves and some other related results

    Quasi-complete intersections in P2 and syzygies

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    Let C \in P2 be a reduced, singular curve of degree d and equation f = 0. Let \Sigma denote the jacobian subscheme of C. We have 0 -> E -> 3.O -> I_\Sigma(d-1) -> 0 (the surjection is given by the partials of f). We study the relationships between the Betti numbers of the module H^0_*(E) and the integers, d; \tau, where \tau = deg(\Sigma). We observe that our results apply to any quasi-complete intersection of type (s; s; s).Comment: New version with improved results and references adde