1,745 research outputs found

    ID 7.13+17 – Validation of learning path description, Implementation of the Learning Path Manager and Editor

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    Herder, E., Kärger, P., Berlanga, A., Janssen, J., & Heyenrath, S. (2009). ID 7.13+17 – Validation of learning path description, Implementation of the Learning Path Manager and Editor. TENCompetence.In this internal deliverable we discuss the latest version of the Learning Path Editor (LPE), which has been integrated into the TenCompetence infrastructure. The development activities for the LPE were also conceived as an evaluation of the pragmatic quality of the underlying model, the Learning Path Specification.The work on this publication has been sponsored by the TENCompetence Integrated Project that is funded by the European Commission's 6th Framework Programme, priority IST/Technology Enhanced Learning. Contract 027087 [http://www.tencompetence.org

    ID 7.12 – Revised version of the learning path description and validation plan

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    Herder, E., Kärger, P., Berlanga, A., Janssen, J., & Heyenrath, S. (2009). ID 7.12 – Revised version of the learning path description and validation plan. TENCompetence.Based on preliminary evaluation results and peer review of the schema, a second iteration of the Leaning Path Specification has evolved. Its applicability and benefits are currently demonstrated by the development of a Learning Path Editor, which allows authors to create learning paths that are structured according to the learning path specification. These learning paths are used by the PDP Planning tool for presenting lifelong learners with a personal development plan that they can further edit toward their needs.The work on this publication has been sponsored by the TENCompetence Integrated Project that is funded by the European Commission's 6th Framework Programme, priority IST/Technology Enhanced Learning. Contract 027087 [http://www.tencompetence.org

    ID 7.17 – Implementation of the Learning Path Manager and Editor

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    Herder, E., Kärger, P., Berlanga, A., Janssen, J., & Heyenrath, S. (2009). ID 7.17 – Implementation of the Learning Path Manager and Editor. TENCompetenceBased on preliminary evaluation results and peer review of the schema, a second iteration of the Leaning Path Specification has evolved (ID7.12). Its applicability and benefits are currently demonstrated by the development of a Learning Path Editor, which allows authors to create learning paths that are structured according to the learning path specification. These learning paths are used by the PDP Planning tool for presenting lifelong learners with a personal development plan that they can further edit toward their needs.The work on this publication has been sponsored by the TENCompetence Integrated Project that is funded by the European Commission's 6th Framework Programme, priority IST/Technology Enhanced Learning. Contract 027087 [http://www.tencompetence.org

    Generation and characterization of two fibroblast-derived Baboon induced pluripotent stem cell lines

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    Cross-species comparisons studying primate pluripotent stem cells and their derivatives are crucial to better understand the molecular and cellular mechanisms behind human disease and development. Within this context, Baboons (Papio anubis) have emerged as a prominent primate model for such investigations. Herein, we reprogrammed skin fibroblasts of one male individual and generated two induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) lines, which exhibit the characteristic ESC-like morphology, demonstrated robust expression of key pluripotency factors and displayed multilineage differentiation potential. Notably, both iPSC lines can be cultured under feeder-free conditions in commercially available medium, enhancing their value for cross-species comparisons

    Generation and characterization of two Vervet monkey induced pluripotent stem cell lines derived from fibroblasts

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    Cross-species comparisons using pluripotent stem cells from primates are crucial to better understand human biology, disease, and evolution. The Vervet monkey (Chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus) serves as an important primate model for such studies, and therefore we reprogrammed skin fibroblasts derived from a male and a female individual, resulting in two induced pluripotent stem cell lines (iPSCs). These iPSCs display the characteristic ESC-like colony morphology, express key pluripotency markers, and possess the ability to differentiate into cells representing all three germ layers. Importantly, both generated cell lines can be maintained in feeder-free culture conditions using commercially available medium

    D7.4 Evaluation and Outlook WP7 Results, aggregates internal deliverables ID7.17-ID7.18

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    Herder, E., Kärger, P., Berlanga, A., Drachsler, H., Janssen, J., Kalz, M., & Heyenrath, S. (2009). D7.4 Evaluation and Outlook WP7 Results, aggregates internal deliverables ID7.17-ID7.18. TENCompetence.Summary of the results of TENCompetence WP7 between M42 and M48. Update of the Learning Path Specification, new version of the Learning Path Editor and evaluation of the Competence Matching ToolThe work on this publication has been sponsored by the TENCompetence Integrated Project that is funded by the European Commission's 6th Framework Programme, priority IST/Technology Enhanced Learning. Contract 027087 [http://www.tencompetence.org

    CUI @ Auto-UI:Exploring the Fortunate and Unfortunate Futures of Conversational Automotive User Interfaces

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    This work aims to connect the Automotive User Interfaces (Auto-UI) and Conversational User Interfaces (CUI) communities through discussion of their shared view of the future of automotive conversational user interfaces. The workshop aims to encourage creative consideration of optimistic and pessimistic futures, encouraging attendees to explore the opportunities and barriers that lie ahead through a game. Considerations of the future will be mapped out in greater detail through the drafting of research agendas, by which attendees will get to know each other's expertise and networks of resources. The two day workshop, consisting of two 90-minute sessions, will facilitate greater communication and collaboration between these communities, connecting researchers to work together to influence the futures they imagine in the workshop.Comment: Workshop published and presented at Automotive User Interfaces 2021 (AutoUI 21

    Chromium stable isotope distributions in the southwest Pacific Ocean and constraints on hydrothermal input from the Kermadec Arc

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    Special attention has been given to chromium (Cr) as a paleoproxy tracing redox cycling throughout Earth’s history, due to differences in the solubility of its primary redox species at Earth’s surface (Cr (III) and Cr(VI)) and isotope fractionation associated with their interconversion. In turn, chromium’s pale- oproxy potential has motivated studies of the modern ocean to better understand which processes drive its cycling and to constrain their impact on the Cr isotope composition (d53Cr) of seawater. Here, we pre- sent total dissolved seawater Cr concentrations and d53Cr along the GEOTRACES GP13 section. This sec- tion is a zonal transect extending from Australia in the subtropical southwest Pacific Ocean. Surface signals of local biological Cr cycling are minimal, in agreement with distributions of dissolved major nutrients as well as biologically-controlled trace metals in this low productivity, oligotrophic environ- ment. Depth profiles have Cr concentration minima in surface waters and maxima at depth, and are lar- gely shaped by the advection of nutrient- and Cr-rich subsurface waters rather than vertically-driven processes. Samples close to the sediment–water interface indicate important benthic Cr fluxes across the section. The GP13 transect crosses the hydrothermally-active Kermadec Arc. Hydrothermal fluids (consisting of <15% background seawater) were collected from three venting sites at the Brothers Volcano (along the Kermadec Arc). These fluids yielded near-crustal d53Cr values (!0.17 to +0.08‰) and elevated [Cr] (7.5–23 nmol kg!1, hydrothermal endmember [Cr] % 8–27 nmol kg!1), indicating that the Kermadec Arc may be an isotopically light Cr source. Dissolved [Fe] enrichments have been reported previously in deep waters ($1600–3000 m) along the GP13 transect, east of the Kermadec Arc. These same waters show ele- vated [Cr] compared to Circumpolar Deep Water ([Cr] = 3.88 ± 0.11, d53Cr = 0.89 ± 0.08, n = 32), with an aver- age [Cr] accumulation of 0.71 ± 0.11 nmol kg!1 (1 SD), and an estimated d53Cr of +0.46 ± 0.30‰ (2 SD, n = 9) for the accumulated Cr. Comparing high-temperature vent and neutrally buoyant plume data, hydrothermal-sourced Cr is likely negligable compared to Cr contributions from other processes (benthic fluxes, release from particles), and the advection of more Cr-rich Pacific Deep Water. It is unlikely that hydrothermal vents would be a major contributor within the regional or global biogeochemical Cr cycle, even if hydrothermal fluxes change by orders of magnitude, and therefore d53Cr trends in the paleorecord may be attributable, at least in part, to major changes in other controls on Cr (e.g. widespread anoxia)