32 research outputs found

    Computational Mindfulness

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    We take a computational approach to investigating highly abstract concepts including mindfulness, brain waves, and quantum mechanics. Using Langerian non-meditative mindfulness, defined as the active process of noticing new things, we find that when tested on the authors as subjects in two different ways, induced mindfulness is consistently distinguishable from induced mindlessness, and results in a calmer time series of brain waves as measured on an electroencephalogram. Additional results include a statistical Granger causality analysis of scholarly mindfulness research showing that Langerian mindfulness research causes future mindfulness research but not vice versa, and preliminary results from another study showing substantial differences in responses among subjects induced to view their own faces either mindfully or mindlessly

    From Noob to Smurf: Advanced Analytics for League of Legends

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    Standard metrics for multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) games like League of Legends (LoL) are very simple: kills, deaths, and the like. At Vantage Sports, we use a proprietary method to generate unique metrics that are more useful for professional players. These metrics are then calculated for hundreds of thousands of amateur player games, and the results used to determine which ones most contribute to winning. Some of the most important ones are worthless deaths and smart kills, which refine the standard metrics based on whether the team overall benefited from the activity. A new player rating model described here correlates strongly with winning even though it is essentially based on just one individual's contribution to a five-on-five game

    Wage Against the Machine: A Generalized Deep-Learning Market Test of Dataset Value

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    Philip Maymin's poster on a deep learning market test on a NBA dataset

    Does Big Government Cause Poverty?

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    Philip Maymin's poster examining the wage gap between free market and large government economies

    The Automated General Manager

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    A poster describing Philip Maymin's research on an unbiased, back-tested algorithmic system for drafts, trades, and free agency that works to outperform human front offices

    Behavioral Despair in the Talmud

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    We solve two "unsolvable" (teyku) problems from the Talmud that had remained unsolved for about 1,500 years. The Talmudic problems concern the implied decision-making of farmers who have left some scattered fruit behind, and the alleged impossibility of knowing whether they would return for given amounts of fruit over given amounts of land area if we aware of their behavior at exactly one point. We solve the problems by formalizing the Talmudic discussion and expressing five natural economic and mathematical assumptions

    This Riddle Will Show You If You Are Gender Bias

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    Faculty Research Day 2018: Graduate Student Poster 1st PlaceGender bias is prominent be it work or home. This bias was not even identified until it was pointed out after the survey. The purpose of this survey is to make people realize our brain overthinks or gets manipulated easily even when the answer is just stating the obvious

    When Can You Pick Up Fallen Fruit?

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    A poster discussing applying ideas from the Talmud to business