12,590 research outputs found

    Predictive Inference for Spatio-temporal Precipitation Data and Its Extremes

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    Modelling of precipitation and its extremes is important for urban and agriculture planning purposes. We present a method for producing spatial predictions and measures of uncertainty for spatio-temporal data that is heavy-tailed and subject to substaintial skewness which often arise in measurements of many environmental processes, and we apply the method to precipitation data in south-west Western Australia. A generalised hyperbolic Bayesian hierarchical model is constructed for the intensity, frequency and duration of daily precipitation, including the extremes. Unlike models based on extreme value theory, which only model maxima of finite-sized blocks or exceedances above a large threshold, the proposed model uses all the data available efficiently, and hence not only fits the extremes but also models the entire rainfall distribution. It captures spatial and temporal clustering, as well as spatially and temporally varying volatility and skewness. The model assumes that the regional precipitation is driven by a latent process characterised by geographical and climatological covariates. Effects not fully described by the covariates are captured by spatial and temporal structure in the hierarchies. Inference is provided by MCMC using a Metropolis-Hastings algorithm and spatial interpolation method, which provide a natural approach for estimating uncertainty. Similarly both spatial and temporal predictions with uncertainty can be produced with the model.Comment: Under review at Journal of the American Statistical Association. 27 pages, 10 figure

    Approximation learning methods of Harmonic Mappings in relation to Hardy Spaces

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    A new Hardy space Hardy space approach of Dirichlet type problem based on Tikhonov regularization and Reproducing Hilbert kernel space is discussed in this paper, which turns out to be a typical extremal problem located on the upper upper-high complex plane. If considering this in the Hardy space, the optimization operator of this problem will be highly simplified and an efficient algorithm is possible. This is mainly realized by the help of reproducing properties of the functions in the Hardy space of upper-high complex plane, and the detail algorithm is proposed. Moreover, harmonic mappings, which is a significant geometric transformation, are commonly used in many applications such as image processing, since it describes the energy minimization mappings between individual manifolds. Particularly, when we focus on the planer mappings between two Euclid planer regions, the harmonic mappings are exist and unique, which is guaranteed solidly by the existence of harmonic function. This property is attractive and simulation results are shown in this paper to ensure the capability of applications such as planer shape distortion and surface registration.Comment: 2016 3rd International Conference on Informative and Cybernetics for Computational Social Systems (ICCSS


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    We estimate underlying macroeconomic policy objectives of three of the earliest explicit inflation targeters - Australia, Canada and New Zealand - within the context of a small open economy DSGE model. We assume central banks set policy optimally, such that we can reverse engineer policy objectives from observed time series data. We find that none of the central banks show a concern for stabilizing the real exchange rate. All three central banks share a concern for minimizing the volatility in the change in the nominal interest rate. The Reserve Bank of Australia places the most weight on minimizing the deviation of output from trend. Joint tests of the posterior distributions of these policy preference parameters suggest that the central banks are very similar in their overall objective.

    Creating Simplified 3D Models with High Quality Textures

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    This paper presents an extension to the KinectFusion algorithm which allows creating simplified 3D models with high quality RGB textures. This is achieved through (i) creating model textures using images from an HD RGB camera that is calibrated with Kinect depth camera, (ii) using a modified scheme to update model textures in an asymmetrical colour volume that contains a higher number of voxels than that of the geometry volume, (iii) simplifying dense polygon mesh model using quadric-based mesh decimation algorithm, and (iv) creating and mapping 2D textures to every polygon in the output 3D model. The proposed method is implemented in real-time by means of GPU parallel processing. Visualization via ray casting of both geometry and colour volumes provides users with a real-time feedback of the currently scanned 3D model. Experimental results show that the proposed method is capable of keeping the model texture quality even for a heavily decimated model and that, when reconstructing small objects, photorealistic RGB textures can still be reconstructed.Comment: 2015 International Conference on Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications (DICTA), Page 1 -

    Fabrication and characterization of integrable GaAs-based high-contrast grating reflector and Fabry-PĂ©rot filter array with GaInP sacrificial layer

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    Integrable GaAs-based high-contrast gratings (HCGs) are fabricated and characterized, targeting applications in high-speed vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs). A Ga 0.51 In 0.49 P sacrificial layer beneath the GaAs layer is employed to create a low index surrounding HCG strips by selective etching. Experimental results show that the finite-size HCG has a reflectivity of 93% from 1270 to 1330 nm for the transverse magnetic polarization, which is consistent with the calculated results. An HCG-based Fabry-Perot filter array formed by the different HCGs, air gap, and GaAs substrate is demonstrated. The measured resonance wavelengths of the filter arrays are consistent with the theoretical results, which implies that the resonance wavelength of such filters can be tuned by parameters of the HCG itself
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