675 research outputs found

    Crediting multi-authored papers to single authors

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    A fair assignment of credit for multi-authored publications is a long-standing issue in scientometrics. In the calculation of the hh-index, for instance, all co-authors receive equal credit for a given publication, independent of a given author's contribution to the work or of the total number of co-authors. Several attempts have been made to distribute the credit in a more appropriate manner. In a recent paper, Hirsch has suggested a new way of credit assignment that is fundamentally different from the previous ones: All credit for a multi-author paper goes to a single author, the called ``α\alpha-author'', defined as the person with the highest current hh-index not the highest hh-index at the time of the paper's publication) (J. E. Hirsch, Scientometrics 118, 673 (2019)). The collection of papers this author has received credit for as α\alpha-author is then used to calculate a new index, hαh_{\alpha}, following the same recipe as for the usual hh index. The objective of this new assignment is not a fairer distribution of credit, but rather the determination of an altogether different property, the degree of a person's scientific leadership. We show that given the complex time dependence of hh for individual scientists, the approach of using the current hh value instead of the historic one is problematic, and we argue that it would be feasible to determine the α\alpha-author at the time of the paper's publication instead. On the other hand, there are other practical considerations that make the calculation of the proposed hαh_{\alpha} very difficult. As an alternative, we explore other ways of crediting papers to a single author in order to test early career achievement or scientific leadership.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Extracting the Temperature of Hot Carriers in Time- and Angle-Resolved Photoemission

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    The interaction of light with a material's electronic system creates an out-of-equilibrium (non-thermal) distribution of optically excited electrons. Non-equilibrium dynamics relaxes this distribution on an ultrafast timescale to a hot Fermi-Dirac distribution with a well-defined temperature. The advent of time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (TR-ARPES) experiments has made it possible to track the decay of the temperature of the excited hot electrons in selected states in the Brillouin zone, and to reveal their cooling in unprecedented detail in a variety of emerging materials. It is, however, not a straightforward task to determine the temperature with high accuracy. This is mainly attributable to an a priori unknown position of the Fermi level and the fact that the shape of the Fermi edge can be severely perturbed when the state in question is crossing the Fermi energy. Here, we introduce a method that circumvents these difficulties and accurately extracts both the temperature and the position of the Fermi level for a hot carrier distribution by tracking the occupation statistics of the carriers measured in a TR-ARPES experiment.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure

    Simultaneous quantization of bulk conduction and valence states through adsorption of nonmagnetic impurities on Bi2Se3

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    Exposing the (111) surface of the topological insulator Bi2Se3 to carbon monoxide results in strong shifts of the features observed in angle-resolved photoemission. The behavior is very similar to an often reported `aging' effect of the surface and it is concluded that this aging is most likely due to the adsorption of rest gas molecules. The spectral changes are also similar to those recently reported in connection with the adsorption of the magnetic adatom Fe. All spectral changes can be explained by a simultaneous confinement of the conduction band and valence band states. This is only possible because of the unusual bulk electronic structure of Bi2Se3. The valence band quantization leads to spectral features which resemble those of a band gap opening at the Dirac point.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Detecting the local transport properties and the dimensionality of transport of epitaxial graphene by a multi-point probe approach

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    The electronic transport properties of epitaxial monolayer graphene (MLG) and hydrogen-intercalated quasi free-standing bilayer graphene (QFBLG) on SiC(0001) are investigated by micro multi-point probes. Using a probe with 12 contacts, we perform four-point probe measurements with the possibility to effectively vary the contact spacing over more than one order of magnitude, allowing us to establish that the transport is purely two-dimensional. Combined with the carrier density obtained by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, we find the room temperature mobility of MLG to be (870+-120)cm2/Vs. The transport in QFBLG is also found to be two-dimensional with a mobility of (1600+-160) cm2/Vs
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