2 research outputs found

    Saturn's turbulent F ring

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    As our abilities to utilise high performance computing to theoretically probe many astrophysical systems increases, a genuine need to relate to real systems becomes ever more important. Here, Saturn s rings can be used as a nearby laboratory to investigate in real time many astrophysical processes. One such system is the narrow F ring and its interaction with its inner shepherd moon Prometheus. Through numerical modelling and direct observations of the in-situ spacecraft Cassini we find new and exciting dynamics. These might help explain some of the asymmetries witnessed in the distribution of embedded moonlets and azimuthal ring brightness known to exist within the F ring. Spatially we find asymmetry in the Prometheus induced channel edges with regards to density, velocity and acceleration variations of ring particles. Channel edges that show fans (embedded moonlets) are also the locations of highly localised increases in densities, velocity and acceleration changes where opposing edges are considerably less localised in their distribution. As a result of the highly localised nature of the velocity and acceleration changes chaotic fluctuations in density were witnessed. However, this could seek to work in favour of creating coherent objects at this channel edge as density increases were significantly large. Thus, density here had a greater chance of being enhanced beyond the local Roche density. Accompanied with these dynamics was the discovery of a non-zero component to vorticity in the perturbed area of the F ring post encounter. By removal of the background Keplerian flow we find that encounters typically created a large scale rotation of ~10,000 km^2. Within this area a much more rich distribution of local rotations is also seen located in and around the channel edges. Although the real F ring and our models are non-hydrodynamical in nature the existence of a curl in the velocity vector field in the perturbed region could offer some interesting implications for those systems that are gas rich

    TOI-2076 and TOI-1807: Two young, comoving planetary systems within 50 pc identified by TESS that are ideal candidates for further follow up

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    We report the discovery of two planetary systems around comoving stars: TOI-2076 (TIC 27491137) and TOI-1807 (TIC 180695581). TOI-2076 is a nearby (41.9 pc) multiplanetary system orbiting a young (204 ± 50 Myr), bright (K = 7.115 in TIC v8.1) start. TOI-1807 hosts a single transiting planet and is similarly nearby (42.58 pc), similarly young (180 ± 40 Myr ), and bright. Both targets exhibit significant, periodic variability due to starspots, characteristic of their young ages. Using photometric data collected by TESS we identify three transiting planets around TOI-2076 with radii of R b = 3.3 ± 0.04 R ⊕, R c = 4.4 ± 0.05 R ⊕, and R d = 4.1 ± 0.07 R ⊕. Planet TOI-2076b has a period of P b = 10.356 days. For both TOI-2076c and d, TESS observed only two transits, separated by a 2 yr interval in which no data were collected, preventing a unique period determination. A range of long periods (<17 days) are consistent with the data. We identify a short-period planet around TOI-1807 with a radius of R b = 1.8 ± 0.04 R ⊕ and a period of P b = 0.549 days. Their close proximity, and bright, cool host stars, and young ages make these planets excellent candidates for follow up. TOI-1807b is one of the best-known small (R < 2 R⊕) planets for characterization via eclipse spectroscopy and phase curves with JWST. TOI-1807b is the youngest ultra-short-period planet discovered to date, providing valuable constraints on formation timescales of short-period planets. Given the rarity of young planets, particularly in multiple-planet systems, these planets present an unprecedented opportunity to study and compare exoplanet formation, and young planet atmospheres, at a crucial transition age for formation theory