113 research outputs found

    Changing Pronunciation but Stable Social Evaluation?

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    The study of phonetic variation and change in sociolinguistics predominantly focuses on ‘the vernacular’ or at least on speech occurring in spontaneous conversations. While such studies are obviously vital to understand the patterns of change in a speech community, it is also desirable to understand how patterns of variation and change develop in a ‘prestige’ standard language which may function as a model for normative language. In order to study on-going sound change in standard spoken Danish and their socio-linguistic consequences, the paper investigates the production of a series of front vowels in the news broadcasts of the national Danish radio, DR, arguably the model for the ‘best’ language to the majority of speakers of Danish. The study focuses on changes in the production of two vowel variables, the short (a) and long (æ:), by studying their position in the vowel space relative to neighboring vowels as well as relating these results to the realization of (a) and (æ:) as observed in sociolinguistic interviews. These variables are of particular interest because they have been discussed as emblematic of substandard pronunciation for generations, and because the social evaluation of the raised variants may be changing considerably in the present

    Sprogholdninger i center og periferi

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    Artiklen præsenterer resultaterne af en undersøgelse af underbevidste sprogholdninger til lokale, regionale og københavnske stemmeprøver i en mindre by og et lokalt center i Sønderjylland og Nordjylland. Resultaterne er vidt forskellige. I Nordjylland er der ikke store forskelle mellem vurderingerne i center og periferi, her er sprogbrugen ikke vigtig for vurderingerne, til gengæld vurderes drengestemmer konsekvent mere positivt end pigestemmer. I Sønderjylland vurderes de lokale, dialekttalende stemmer positivt i den mindre by, imens de københavnske stemmer opvurderes i det lokale center. Resultaterne tolkes inden for rammerne af sociolinguistic change (Coupland 2009) og ses som en afspejling af forskelligartede samfundsudviklinger, der har medført forskellige grundlag for sproglig opmærksomhed og for brugen af lokal sprogbrug. Resultaterne gør det muligt at fremsætte hypoteser om, at regionale nordjyske træk formentlig vil blive brugt også i fremtiden, hvorimod sønderjysk dialekt brugt som umarkeret hverdagssprog formentlig ikke har nogen fremtid

    Introduction: Tracing the origin of /s/ variation

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    This paper provides an introduction to the papers in this special issue on the sociophonetics of /s/. We begin by reviewing some of the principal findings on variation in the production and perception of /s/, summarizing studies in sociolinguistics, experimental phonetics, and laboratory phonology. We go on to identify similarities in the meanings associated with /s/ variation cross-linguistically, and briefly describe how theories of sound symbolism may help us to account for these patterns. We conclude this introductory article with a summary of the contributions to the special issue and a discussion of how together these articles help us to better understand that origin and trajectory of socially meaningful sociophonetic variation

    Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass in super obese Göttingen minipigs

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    Background: The specific mechanisms behind weight loss and comorbidity improvements in obese patients after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGBP) are still poorly understood. The aim of this study was to establish and evaluate the feasibility of a long-term survival RYGBP model in super obese Göttingen minipigs in order to improve the translational potential relative to current animal models. Methods: Eleven Göttingen minipigs with diet-induced obesity underwent laparoscopic RYGBP and were followed up to 9 months after surgery. Intra- and post-operative complications, body weight (BW), food intake and necropsy data were recorded. Results: Five minipigs survived without complications to the end of the study. Four minipigs developed surgical related complications and were euthanized while two minipigs died due to central venous catheter related complications. BW and food intake is reported for the six minipigs surviving longer than 4.5 months post-surgery. Weight loss and reduced food intake was seen in all minipigs. After 2-3 months of weight loss, weight regain was evident in all but two minipigs which seemed to continue losing weight. Necropsy revealed some variation in the length of the alimentary, biliary and common limb between minipigs. Conclusion: The use of obese Göttingen minipigs as a translational RYGBP model is feasible and has potential for the study of RYGBP-related changes in gut function, type-2 diabetes and appetite regulation. Still, the surgical procedure is technically highly demanding in obese Göttingen minipigs and the peri-operative animal care and follow up requires close monitoring

    Angiogenesis PET Tracer Uptake (<sup>68</sup>Ga-NODAGA-E[(cRGDyK)]<sub>2</sub>) in Induced Myocardial Infarction and Stromal Cell Treatment in Minipigs

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    Angiogenesis is considered integral to the reparative process after ischemic injury. The αvβ3 integrin is a critical modulator of angiogenesis and highly expressed in activated endothelial cells. 68Ga-NODAGA-E[(cRGDyK)]2 (RGD) is a positron-emission-tomography (PET) ligand targeted towards αvβ3 integrin. The aim was to present data for the uptake of RGD and correlate it with histology and to further illustrate the differences in angiogenesis due to porcine adipose-derived mesenchymal stromal cell (pASC) or saline treatment in minipigs after induction of myocardial infarction (MI). Three minipigs were treated with direct intra-myocardial injection of pASCs and two minipigs with saline. MI was confirmed by 82Rubidium (82Rb) dipyridamole stress PET. Mean Standardized Uptake Values (SUVmean) of RGD were higher in the infarct compared to non-infarct area one week and one month after MI in both pASC-treated (SUVmean: 1.23 vs. 0.88 and 1.02 vs. 0.86, p &lt; 0.05 for both) and non-pASC-treated minipigs (SUVmean: 1.44 vs. 1.07 and 1.26 vs. 1.04, p &lt; 0.05 for both). However, there was no difference in RGD uptake, ejection fractions, coronary flow reserves or capillary density in histology between the two groups. In summary, indications of angiogenesis were present in the infarcted myocardium. However, no differences between pASC-treated and non-pASC-treated minipigs could be demonstrated