403 research outputs found

    Validation and Verification of Aircraft Control Software for Control Improvement

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    Validation and Verification are important processes used to ensure software safety and reliability. The Cooper-Harper Aircraft Handling Qualities Rating is one of the techniques developed and used by NASA researchers to verify and validate control systems for aircrafts. Using the Validation and Verification result of controller software to improve controller\u27s performance will be one of the main objectives of this process. Real user feedback will be used to tune PI controller in order for it to perform better. The Cooper-Harper Aircraft Handling Qualities Rating can be used to justify the performance of the improved system

    Trematodes obtained from snails in giant gourami ponds supplied by well water in Tien Giang province, Vietnam

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    A study on trematode obtained from freshwater snails in 30 grow-out giant gourami ponds supplied by well water was conducted in Chau Thanh district, Tien Giang province, Vietnam. The snails were sampled in the flooding season (October 2020), the intermediary season (January 2021) and the non-flooding season (April 2021). Eight snail species belonging to 8 genera, 4 families were found including Sermyla tornatella (48.6%), Sinotaia lithophaga (19.3%), Filopaludina sumatrensis (15.4%), Melanoides tuberculata (6.4%), Pomacea sp. (4.7%), Bithynia siamensis (4.2%), Thiara scabra (0.8%) and Tarebia granifera (0.6%). Cercariae were recovered from only two snail species of Melanoides tuberculata with Xiphidio cercariae and Furcocercous cercariae with a prevalence of 7.4%, and Bithynia siamensis with Xiphidio cercariae and Pleurolophocercous cercariae with the infection rate of 6.9%. The trematodes were found in 8 ponds (26.7%), 7 ponds (23.3%), and 3 ponds (10.0%) in the intermediary season, the non-flooding season, and the flooding season, respectively (P>0.05). More research on the epidemiology of trematodes in snails in fishponds should be done to contribute to food safety and sustainable aquaculture

    Distributed Learning of Mixtures of Experts

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    In modern machine learning problems we deal with datasets that are either distributed by nature or potentially large for which distributing the computations is usually a standard way to proceed, since centralized algorithms are in general ineffective. We propose a distributed learning approach for mixtures of experts (MoE) models with an aggregation strategy to construct a reduction estimator from local estimators fitted parallelly to distributed subsets of the data. The aggregation is based on an optimal minimization of an expected transportation divergence between the large MoE composed of local estimators and the unknown desired MoE model. We show that the provided reduction estimator is consistent as soon as the local estimators to be aggregated are consistent, and its construction is performed by a proposed majorization-minimization (MM) algorithm that is computationally effective. We study the statistical and numerical properties for the proposed reduction estimator on experiments that demonstrate its performance compared to namely the global estimator constructed in a centralized way from the full dataset. For some situations, the computation time is more than ten times faster, for a comparable performance. Our source codes are publicly available on Github

    Exploring the ACIS Community through the Analysis of Co-authorship across Institutions

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    Population-focused care is gaining importance due to an increase in the number of people with long-term conditions. A population-focused care addresses the care needs of a group of patients who share a common trait. Primary health care (PHC) being the first point of contact with a health system, our work aims to predict and analyse this population-level workload at a PHC centre. We followed a design science research (DSR) to develop a workload prediction model. As a part of this work, we identified that current patient information models lack the ability to support population-level analysis. In this paper, we discuss an extended ontology of patient information models to support population-level workload analysis. We describe the three cycles of DSR applied to develop our ontology. Then, we discuss the existing health data models. Thus, this paper makes a domain-specific application of DSR to develop a patient information model that supports population-level analysis

    The effects of national and international tourism on income inequality:evidence from Asia-Pacific economies

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    Purpose: This paper explores the effect of tourism (national and international) indicators on income inequality in a sample of 21 Asia Pacific economies. Design/methodology/approach: This study uses panel data set from 1995 to 2020 and employs panel autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) method for the empirical investigation. Findings: The empirical findings from the panel ARDL models suggest that all of the considered tourism indicators have significant negative impacts on income inequalities. The results remain consistent with alternative indicators and methods. Social implications: The findings of this study will be critical for the policymakers to take effective measures to reduce the income inequality. Such measures could include promoting tourism in general, focusing on attracting international tourists or domestic tourists, and putting more weight on developing leisure or business tourism, which will boost the overall economic performance and alleviates inequalities in the society. Originality/value: This is the first study to consider various forms of tourism indicators to see their impact on income inequality in the Asia–Pacific region, and offers important implications for the policy actions

    The Meaning Of The Lotus’s Symbol In Bubbhist Philosophy For VietNam Now

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    Among the great civilizations in the world, it is impossible not to mention India, one of the cradles of Eastern civilization, the paradise land of many religious philosophyschools. This is the place where a transcendent human being, a great spiritual leader of mankind, was born Siddhattha Gotama - Shakyamuni Buddha, the founder of the Buddhist philosophical. The humanistic ideas of Buddhism have always had a positive value on human life until now. The symbol “Lotus” is not only an auspicious image but also represents the moral and human philosophies of Buddhism and the meaning of the Lotus which is valuable to Vietnamese society in contributing to building the solidarity, mutual love - the beauty of modern Vietnamese people and moral education for people according to the motto of living a good life and promoting social progress

    Contextual Difference and Intention to Perform Information Security Behaviours Against Malware in a BYOD Environment: a Protection Motivation Theory Approach

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    The research domain of end-user’s information security behaviours has been gaining much attention over the recent years. While the nature of intention to perform information security behaviours are being revealed, there are still gaps in this area. In particular, few studies have addressed whether such intention remains across contexts, especially from home to public places. Secondly, the amount of the cyber-threats swells with the increase of personal devices with the rapid adoption of the BYOD trend. This research employed MSEM methods to develop a conceptual model based on Protection Motivation Theory by using data collected from 252 higher education students in a BYOD Australian university. Our findings confirmed and explored in details how intention to perform information security behaviours varied due to the change of context. Academics and practitioners could mitigate the security gap by focusing on the intention’s differences discussed in our findings
