1 research outputs found

    Acute effects of physical exercise in type 2 diabetes: A review

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    Abstract The literature has shown the efficiency of exercise in the control of type 2 diabetes (T2D), being suggested as one of the best kinds of non-pharmacological treatments for its population. Thus, the scientific production related to this phenomenon has growing exponentially. However, despite its advances, still there is a lack of studies that have carried out a review on the acute effects of physical exercise on metabolic and hemodynamic markers and possible control mechanisms of these indicators in individuals with T2D, not to mention that in a related way, these themes have been very little studied today. Therefore, the aim of this study was to organize and analyze the current scientific production about the acute effects of physical exercise on metabolic and hemodynamic markers and possible control mechanisms of these indicators in T2D individuals. For such, a research with the following keywords was performed: -exercise; diabetes and post-exercise hypotension; diabetes and excess post-exercise oxygen consumption; diabetes and acute effects in PUBMED, SCIELO and HIGHWIRE databases. From the analyzed studies, it is possible to conclude that, a single exercise session can promote an increase in the bioavailability of nitric oxide and elicit decreases in postexercise blood pressure. Furthermore, the metabolic stress from physical exercise can increase the oxidation of carbohydrate during the exercise and keep it, in high levels, the post exercise consumption of O², this phenomenon increases the rate of fat oxidation during recovery periods after exercise, improves glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity and reduces glycemia between 2-72 h, which seems to be dependent on the exercise intensity and duration of the effort. Key words: Metabolic diseases; Hypertension; Nitric oxide; Blood glucose; Oxygen consumption Core tip: Physical exercise is one of the best kinds of non-pharmacological treatments to prevent and control type 2 diabetes (T2D), being recommended by important medical associations, such as American College of Sports Medicine and the American Diabetes Association. In the literature, studies about the effects of a single exercise session on the population, its changes in blood pressure, glycemia, carbohydrate oxidation, fat oxidation, increase in nitric oxide and others are increasing exponentially. In this review, we report the most recent and important findings in the literature about the ef- REVIEW Submit