25 research outputs found

    Appreciative semiotic and hermeneutic practices in the analysis of ethnic minorities

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    Socio-cultural research of ethnic minorities, is a hermeneutical process involving simultaneously the analysis of discursive strategies available to communities (ethnic),and the meta-narrative material. The type of discourse research dominant in the community, produces changes in the social pragmatics of that community. Action research study presents the discursive strategy of socio-cultural action. It emphasizes on quality characteristics of the method, which can be interpreted as a semiotic analysis of communication practices in the community, with effects in changing behavior patterns. Community development resulting from changes to the rhetoric used by the community. Understood in the manner proposed by Gergen constructionism, community is the space where there is a process of constant renegotiation of the meaning of social reality. A specific way of social pragmatics which can be used in transforming the social rhetoric of ethnic and multi-ethnic communities is the appreciative inquiry, transformative method aimed at harnessing the resources within the community by exploring the discourse level of positive experiences.Cultural minorities, ethnic communities, socio-cultural action, con- structionism, social pragmatic, appreciative inquiry, social rhetoric, meta-naratives

    Assessment of Professional Competences. Constructive Dimension of Human Resources Management

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    The present article proposes a model of how to develop a plan for evaluate professional skills, applicable to people who want to certify skills acquired in non-formal ways and also in human resource departments, that want to evaluate professional skills of its own members, with the purpose to achieve a more efficient use of human resources, and also to derulate organizational development programs that includes professional training.training, evaluation, competences

    The need for philosophical education in contemporary society

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    Place of philosophy in the contemporary world seems condemned to be an ongoing archeology of the mind, which can produce something new only epigonic reliving the great moments of its own history. The study of Philosophy is generally condemned to the status of auxiliary discipline introduced in school curricula and university, mainly to strengthen the general culture of graduates. Reformulation of philosophical issues from a specific kaleidoscopic thinking of the contemporary world that is denying the great structural approaches can be developed through the convergence of sequences fractals completely disparate. The methodology of this study intends to overcome phenomenological structuralism with deconstruction of the reality, understood as a negotiation of interpretations. Scientism of the twentieth century, the focus shifted on the fields of philosophical discourse as: epistemology and philosophy of science, philosophy of language, and philosophy of mind, emerging as meta-theoretical discourses on knowledge and thus saving philosophy from uselessness. As science has gradually rebuilt its instruments in the second part of the twentieth century, Philosophy gradually falling back to Actuality as analysis and interpretation of human meanings offered by the new fields of research opened by science.Philosophy, teaching philosophy, hermeneutics of reality, the crisis of philosophy

    Freedom as a hermeneutical pretext

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    Reformulation of the problem of freedom comes from a kaleidoscopic specifics of the contemporary world that is denying the great structural approaches. This can be developed through the convergence of sequences fractals completely disparate. The method of this research is to overcome the phenomenological structuralism with deconstruction of the real meaning, understood as a negotiation of the interpretations. Problem of freedom is „a pretext” of the hermeneutical process of opening building the semnificatory act.freedom, hermeneutical process, semnificatory act, contemporary philosophy

    Teme recurente in istoria filosofiei sociale si politice - Recurring Themes in the History of Social and Political Philosophy

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    Philosophy, from its origins in ancient Greece was concerned about social order and statutory rules of social coexistence. Although autonomous in contemporary sciences, legal and social policy are still deeply linked to the major philosophical ideas, which continued certain impact. Change of paradigms in the sphere of knowledge, is usually followed by a new model of social action. Not all philosophical views have proved efficient on social practice, on the contrary some of them have gone when they are applied in the political conflict or social movement particularly those with serious implications for humanity. The case made by Nietzsche doctrine which was adopted as the ideological basis for Nazi propaganda, and in whose name millions were murdered by ethnic criteria just for beeing Hebrews or Romma population from considerations of belonging to an inferior race. Socialist and communist ideals of Karl Marx can be considerate as origin of the totalitarian communist ideology. We present below some of the thinkers who have influenced the evolution of society in the social-political and legal, philosophers who were concerned about the evolution of society, the state and the ideas about democracy, rule of law, equality before the law, human dignity and human rights, with no pretense of completeness.social philosophy, philosophy of law, theory of freedom

    Constructive – Postmodern Approaches on the Philosophy of Law (English version)

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    The characteristic of postmodernism as a cultural paradigm is deconstruction. The fact that “deconstruction” allows a hermeneutical adrift, centrifuge and without poles, shows the difficulty of understanding the ways of thinking, supreme tolerance, which accepts any text. No interpretation of Deconstruction, in Derrida’s way as the sense of universality of language, it is not possible, because any interpretation goes in same direction as deconstruction. From the deconstructive-reconstructive hermeneutic methodology we can analyze the existential meaning of historical or social phenomena in terms of understanding the socio-historical reality as a construct that was generated by a “reframed” interpretation. Philosophical issue is “a pretext” of the hermeneutical process of creating the significance. Constructionist epistemology is a structure close to postmodernism perspective in manner of the vision of Lyotard, under which our image of reality is a narrative one, a consensus of speech. The legal discourse is a particular form of speech and can be analyzed in constructionist manner as a textual analysis. The analysis of the legal system must take into account the collective character of interpretive construction. Radically changing the interpretation or the context we modify the interpretation of the representation of reality which consciousness substitute for reality itself. In Foucault’s view, Power is internal and constitutive to the discourse.Postmodernism, Deconstruction, Social Constructionism, Epistemology, Legal Discourse, Foucoult

    Asistenta si interventie sociala/ Assistance and Social Intervention (Romanian Version)

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    The volume presents a series of theories and models of social assistance, focusing on methodological elements. Seen as an intervention on a social system (individual-family-community) in dysfunction, the social assistance model proposed by the author favors change theory, the client individually or collectively is himself an agent of change, the social worker having role in highlighting the failures and facilitate customer access to various resources in the social environment. No. pg. 136social assistance, child and family protection, training programs, methodological elements

    Dimensiuni etice ale comunicarii in postmodernitate/ Ethical Dimensions of Communication in Postmodernity (Romanian Version)

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    This volume constitutes an attempt to identify the ethical dimensions of a cultural paradigm which is increasingly becoming more dynamic and far-reaching: the holistic paradigm or transmodern paradigm after Theodor Codreanu (2005). Transmodernity currently coexist with postmodernity and that is why so many authors identify the two paradigms, considering them a single cultural matrix. No. pg. 218ethical dimensions, cultural paradigm, Postmodernity

    Analiza institutionala prin cercetare actiune. Comunitatea Italiana din Romania/ Institutional Analysis through Action Research. The Italian Community from Romania (Romanian Version)

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    In our country there are over 23 ethnic minorities, of which 18 are recognized as traditional minorities, and are represented the Romanian Parliament, through a representative organization. The importance of studying inter-ethnic relations and social dimensions of the phenomenon of “cohabitation” lies in the possibility of prediction of possible negative developments and of the dynamics of relationships, with negative consequences for social balance and security, both the minority and the majority. No. pg. 168ethnic minorities, Romanian Parliament, traditional minorities

    Appreciative Socialization Group. A Model of Personal Development (English version)

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    In this article we want to present o new of form of group, which we consider as being important for the process of personal development. Groups are a form of gathering more people united by a common purpose. We believe that through their group, members can develop new skills and also can obtain the change in the direction they want. Socialization is the process that we “share” along with others, by communicating and also by having close views towards different things in life. Appreciative socialization involves placing emphasis on those elements that have value to us, which are positive. We consider appreciative group socialization as a model of good practice that aims the development among group members and increases empowerment process.appreciative socialization group, socialization, group practice, appreciative inquiry, Coffee morning.