61 research outputs found

    Renaissance and Reformation of ELT in India through Multiple Intelligences Renaissance and Reformation of ELT in India through Multiple Intelligences

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    Abstract Human being has his own individuality and his own sphere of intelligence. But the teachers who train the human mind may be unaware of the fact that all the learners are not of the same cadre of intelligence and capability. Many creative geniuses like Hollywood director Spielberg were mislabeled by traditional teachers as "lazy" and "underachievers". These individuals with dyslexia tend to have strengths in other areas like creativity and imagination though they lack linguistic and logical intelligences. Dr. Howard Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences (1983, 1999) challenged the traditional teaching methods which is limited to the sphere of mathematical and linguistic abilities. This paper argues how far the MI theory can pave way for the language teachers to recognize the holistic nature of learners and adopt constructive pedagogy to suit the student diversity with different learning profiles. It also highlights the mode of enlightenment with entertainment by adopting music, sports, storytelling, mass media and language games as pedagogical tools to enhance constructive learning framework for ESL/EFL tutoring

    Rural Health Planning in India 455

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    Abstract Rural Health is an important commodity not only at the individual level but also in terms of the micro-and macroeconomic scale of a country. Improvement of health status is therefore on the political agenda of every government. Health planning in India is an integral part of national socio-economic planning. The guide-lines for national health planning were provided by a number of committees dating back to the Bhore committee in 1946. These committees were appointed by the Government in India from time to time to review the existing health situation and recommend measures for further action. Establishing health care planning in India is a key to improving the health of the Indian Population. The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has been facilitating Health needs in India by establishing various schemes and organizations. The Government is conscious of th

    Nitrogen at raised pressure interacts with the GABAA receptor to produce its narcotic pharmacological effect in the rat

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    Background: Strong evidence supports the concept that conventional anesthetics, including inhalational agents and inert gases, such as xenon and nitrous oxide, interact directly with ion channel neurotransmitter receptors. However, there is no evidence that nitrogen, which only exhibits narcotic potency at increased pressure, may act by a similar mechanism. Methods: We compared the inhibitory and sedative effects of ␥-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and nitrogen pressure on locomotor activity and striatal dopamine release in freely moving rats and investigated the pharmacologic properties of the GABAinduced and nitrogen pressure-induced narcotic action using the highly selective competitive GABA A receptor antagonist bicuculline. Results: Intracerebroventricular GABA infusion up to 60 mol or exposure to nitrogen pressure up to 3 MPa decreased to a similar extent striatal dopamine release (

    Expressive Language Comparisons between Nigerian Children with Sli and those with Features of Asd

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    Abstract Controversy surrounds a suggestion of overlap between specific language impairment (SLI) and a subgroup of people with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) plus language impairments. This study examines syntactic complexity in 56 Nigerian SLI children matched for age, sex and socio economic status with 56 children with features of autism (FASD). They had a mean age of 4 years old. The ratio of boys to girls was 4:1 in favour of boys. The two groups were compared on their mean length of utterance (MLU) a standard measure of syntactic complexity in child language. The results adduced a significantly higher MLU in children with SLI than for the FASD group. There were 3 times as many non-verbal children in the FASD than in the SLI group. More SLI than FASD children had emerging grammars. The indication that syntactically, these were too mutually exclusive groups was discussed. Also observed was that language development in both groups appeared to be poorer than that documented in the West. Further research was suggested to explore the linguistic challenges inherent in each group

    Cricketing Language in the Political Discourse of Pakistan 1

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    Abstract Cricket is the most widely followed sport in Pakistan. It has, with the passage of time, become a vital part of the Pakistani society. Influencing not merely some limited social aspects, Cricket has also penetrated through much complex social phenomena like politics and diplomacy. Impetus to this is the extensive usage of cricketing language by the politicians of Pakistan in their political discourse. This not only indicates that cricket holds a greater-than-sport status in Pakistan but also posits that the political discourse, much like other discourses, is socially determined. This paper analyses selective news items, articles and political statements etc., to indicate and tabulate a number of cricketing terminologies, metaphors and phrases being frequently used in political sense


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    Acknowledgements The authors wish to extend special thanks to Dr. Michael Sheridan of Virginia Commonwealth University for her pioneering work in developing surveys on social worker=s views about spirituality in social work. She generously permitted us to build on her work in developing our own survey instruments. As we modified her original survey instrument for use in national and international studies, any limitations in design should be attributed to us. We would also like to thank Professor John Hoover of Saint Cloud State University for his expertise and his contributions to our revised survey and questionnaire design

    Comparative Account of Jatropha curcas on Brass (Cu-40Zn) in Acid and Sea Water Environment

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    ABSTRACT The inhibition efficacy of alcoholic leaf extract of Jatropha curcas on Brass (Cu-40Zn) in 1N Hydrochloric Acid and natural sea water environment are carried out using mass loss measurements. Experiments are performed by varying immersion period, concentration of the inhibitor and temperature. The inhibition efficiency is markedly higher in addition of Jatropha curcas leaves extract in both media and compared with those in the inhibitor free solution. The inhibition efficiency increased with an increase of inhibitor concentration but decreased with rise in temperature and exposure time. Corrosion inhibition may be due to the spontaneous physical adsorption of the plant constituents on the surface of Brass. Experimental data fitted with the Langmuir and Frumkin adsorption isotherms. Comparing the corrosion product on the surface of Brass in the presence of inhibitor at both environments is studied by UV and IR spectra

    Role of Rote Learning as an ESL Learning Strategy

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    Abstract Hundreds of thousands of graduates of both professional and non-professional courses are churned out every year by the universities and colleges in India. Unfortunately, a majority of them often find themselves in the status of perennial jobseekers running from one establishment to another. Ultimately, most of them reconcile themselves to the fate of being rejected by the job market as "unemployable", in spite of their score cards bearing the stamp of a 'first-class' or 'super-first class' . What causes this anomaly? This article attempts to probe some of the reasons behind the malady, from the perspective of ESL (English as Second Language) proficiency. The investigation is done with the help of a random survey carried out among a group of ESL learners at the point of their entry into various undergraduate courses in South India. Nevertheless, the findings of this study would be representative of the status of the ESL proficiency of a vast majority of the Indian student community


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    ABSTRACT Teaching is regarding as the noblest profession. It is therefore important that those individuals who join the teaching profession should be dedicated and competent in their work. A teacher can perform to the maximum of his capacity; if he/she is satisfied with his/her job. Every profession has certain aspects responsible for job satisfaction along with attitude and teaching is not an exception unless and until a teacher derives satisfaction on job performance and develops a positive attitude towards education, he cannot initiate desirable outcomes to cater to the needs of the society. Only satisfied and well-adjusted teacher can think of the well-being of the pupils. In the light of this background, the aim of this study is to analyze the job satisfaction level among the male and female teachers of Degree Colleges. This paper is an endeavor towards to analyze the attitude of the male and female teachers of Degree Colleges towards education