33 research outputs found

    LANGUAGE IN INDIA Strength for Today and Bright Hope for Tomorrow Acoustic Correlates of Stress in Konkani Language Acoustic Correlates of Stress in Konkani Language

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    Abstract Stress is an extra effort put on a word or a syllable or a phrase to emphasize special meaning. The acoustic cues for stress include fundamental frequency, increased amplitude, lengthened duration and increased vowel quality. Thus cues vary depending on the languages. The acoustic correlates of stress in Konkani language is not well understood. Hence the present study attempted to investigate the acoustic correlates of stress in Konkani language. A total of 10 subjects in the age range of 18-40 years participated in the study. Ten naïve speakers of Konkani language were asked to speak two word phrases (adjective + noun) with and without stress on the adjectives. Praat software was used to extract peak f0, peak intensity and duration of the first word (adjective) in both the conditions. Independentt test was employed to compare the significance of differences of means between the stressed and unstressed conditions. The results revealed significant increase in word duration in stressed conditions when comparison to unstressed condition in all the speakers at p<0.001. The increase in duration in stressed conditions may be attributing towards the differences between long and short vowels in Konkani language

    LANGUAGE IN INDIA Strength for Today and Bright Hope for Tomorrow Insight through Body Language and Non-verbal Communication References In Tirukkural

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    Abstract Nonverbal Communication may be defined as transfer of messages without words. It comprises visible expressions like touching, eye contacts and gazes, facial expressions and intonations, as well as less noticeable messages like dress, posture and space between human beings. There are clear distinctions between the meanings we offer in words and the meanings we give off in nonverbal signs. Senders and receivers simultaneously encode and decode the meanings of the messages in non-verbal communication and it can be considered as an interactive medium in human communication. Around sixty five percent of the social meanings of the messages are exchanged with others non-verbally. Human emotions can effectively be transformed through nonverbal communication and are likely to influence others' perceptions


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    Abstract َ This study examines motivational and attitudinal factors involved in medical students' retention of English courses together with some suggestions of how the teachers of EAP can encourage their students to continue their English study in to advanced levels. To gather the data concerning motivational factors on one hand and attitudes of the students of English language .we distributed a questionnaire to university students of Zanjan. Then we used SPSS to analyze the data. The results Proved the results of the previous studies on the positive role of motivation and attitude on learning of medical students

    LANGUAGE IN INDIA Strength for Today and Bright Hope for Tomorrow Attitude and Motivation in English Language Learning A Study of Female Learners of Southern Punjab Attitude and Motivation in English Language Learning: A Study of Female Learners of Southe

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    Abstract The present study explores the attitude and motivation of the female English language learners towards English language learning. The participants comprised 9 female English Language Learners in Southern Punjab which is considered the primitive area of Punjab and the females are not provided many chances to carry their education at further or higher level. On the one hand, the present study explores the attitude and motivation of these learners and on the other their desire to learn foreign languages

    LANGUAGE IN INDIA Strength for Today and Bright Hope for Tomorrow Novel as Contemporary Indian History - A Glimpse of Works by Manohar Malgonkar, His Contemporaries, and Precursors

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    Abstract Contemporary politics, religion, philosophy and sociology contribute primarily to the conceptual content of literature. In Indian literature also, Contemporary history has been used as an important theme explicitly or implicitly by almost all the Indian writers in their works. It has been as an important plot ingredient in their novels. Likewise, most of the novels written in India have been influenced by contemporary history. This paper analyzes influence of history on the works of Manohar Malgonkar in particular, his contemporaries, and precursors. Literature, especially novel as a literary form is inextricably linked up with the environment in which it is written. It is a social activity. Novel has its foundations in economic, political, social, philosophic and religious patterns of time. The whole environment as such has a vital role to play in the making of literature especially novel. Shamota comments

    LANGUAGE IN INDIA Strength for Today and Bright Hope for Tomorrow Honorifics and Speech Levels in Meiteiron

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    Abstract Meiteiron has a complex and sophisticated honorific system with its lexical and morphological variants. This study attempts to demonstrate the use of honorifics and different speech levels in different contexts. These levels are marked by the use of various lexical and morphological variants. From the functional point of view it will be shown that at least there are five levels of speech in Meiteiron, namely ultrahigh, high, high plain, plain and low, which are clearly marked by the use of different suffixes and lexical items

    LANGUAGE IN INDIA Strength for Today and Bright Hope for Tomorrow The Effect of Reading Strategy Training on University ESL Learners' Reading Comprehension The Effect of Reading Strategy Training on University ESL Learners' Reading Comprehension

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    Abstract The current research examined the effects of note-taking instruction on reading comprehension of college students at undergraduate level. A sample of 63 students majoring English, aged 17-25 (32 males, 31 females), were selected from among students of four classes in three different colleges in Mysore, India. They received 9 weeks of instruction and practice by Cornell method of note-taking. The effects of the note-taking instruction were measured by their performance on two multiple-choice reading comprehension texts. Students' performance on a proficiency test was used to group students into two levels (high vs. low) and functioned as another independent variable in analysis in addition to gender as another variable in this study. Results indicated significant treatment effect in favor of the strategy of note-taking instruction on both high and low groups. There was no statistically significant difference between low and high groups after instruction, although such a difference existed between two groups before instruction. The results suggest that students at college can be instructed to develop note-taking ability that promotes their learning without taking gender factor into account because there was no significant difference between males and females in this study

    LANGUAGE IN INDIA Strength for Today and Bright Hope for Tomorrow Teaching Composition to Adult Learners of ESL: Strategically Bridging Learner Deficiency and Metacognitive Proficiency through Emotional Intelligence A Case Study of Indian and Libyan Situa

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    Abstract This paper reflects on the experience and success of the writer in teaching composition to the adult learners of ESL in the rural and tribal areas of India and remote areas of Libya. The writer focuses on the problems of the learners associated with formal composition both in speech and writing. The paper gives an account of how after conducting a series of experiments, it is observed that learner deficiency in ESL composition can be improved substantially to arouse metacognitive proficiency by applying the delicate strategies of ESL learning associated with the broad term called Emotional Intelligence. Then, it gives information about how the writer diagnosed the problems specifically related to society, culture, environment, individual background, linguistic range and exposure, attitude and performance of the learners and adopted methods of proper motivation, design special syllabus and task, suitable teaching-learning methods and materials to help learners to learn better. The paper also discusses how we can create learners" interest and make them participate in classroom activities; improve th

    LANGUAGE IN INDIA Strength for Today and Bright Hope for Tomorrow Normative and Clinical Data on the Kannada Version of Western Aphasia Battery (WAB-K) Normative & Clinical Data on the Kannada Version of Western Aphasia Battery (WAB-K)

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    Abstract The present study aimed to standardize the Kannada version of Western Aphasia Battery (hereinafter K-WAB) and to present the normative data of normal individuals and patients with aphasia. The K-WAB contains the same test contents and structure as the original WAB (Kertesz and Poole, 1974) which is a commonly used assessment tool by Speech Language Pathologists (SLP) for aphasia. The test is modified with the cultural and linguistic adaptations and the general test administration method was maintained. The K-WAB was administered on 22 normal (16 males and 6 females) and 90 aphasics in the age range of 30 -70 years. The Aphasia Quotient (AQ) was evaluated for different ages and gender groups. Based on the AQ., cut-off scores to optimally differentiate between the normal and aphasic individuals were provided. The present study revealed that there was no significant effect with respect to age and gender .But significant variation was found in normal and different categories of aphasics within themselves in all parameters of WAB (AQ, Spont.speech, repetition, comprehension, and naming). It is proved beyond doubt that WAB differentiates normal and aphasic performance, finding support from the well established trend in literature. Finer details however need to be studied in depth with larger data from our sample