1 research outputs found

    Model Development, Field Section Characterization and Model Comparison for Excess Vehicle Fuel Use Due to Pavement Structural Response

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    In this study, consumption of energy due to pavement structural response through viscoelastic 3 deformation of asphalt pavement materials under vehicle loading was predicted for 17 field 4 sections in California by using three different models. Calculated dissipated energy values were 5 converted to excess fuel consumption (EFC) to facilitate comparisons under different traffic 6 loads (car, SUV, and truck) and speeds and different temperature conditions. The goal of the 7 study was to compare the different modeling approaches and provide first level estimates of EFC 8 in preparation for simulations of annual EFC for different traffic and climate scenarios as well as 9 different types of pavement structures on the California state highway network. Comparison of 10 the predicted EFC for all test sections showed that all three models produced different results 11 which can be attributed to the differences in the three modeling approaches. However, 12 predictions from the three models are generally of same order of magnitude or an order of 13 magnitude different indicating that overall these models can be calibrated using data from field 14 measurements, which is the next step in the research program