25 research outputs found

    LiNbO3_{\bf 3}-based ferroelectric heterostructures

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    We report the growth of LiNbO3_{3} thin films onto In2_{2}O3_{3}:Sn-coated \langle111\rangle-Si substrates by standard radio-frequency sputtering. Multi-layer procedures, up to 4 successive deposits, have been developed that can subsequently improve the structural and macroscopic ferroelectric properties of such as-grown composite structures. The enhancement of polarization, as high as 40 μ\mu C.cm-2^{\hbox{-}2} in 4 stacked layers, is attributed to cc-oriented seed-layer-induced crystallization (self-polarization) and interfacial (migratory) polarizatio

    ITO-based electrode: A promising candidate for the growth of piezoelectric thin films

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    In many ways, interfaces and surfaces dominate the behavior of thin films and multilayered devices. The critical nature that the interfaces play on numerous physical properties has stimulated significant effort to both understand such behavior and develop novel and potentially useful nanoscale systems. In particular, the use of suitable buffer layers has been shown to allow the control of nucleation and growth processes and, thus, the fabrication of a very wide range of nanostructured materials. This paper briefly overviews the relevant experimental work performed at the LPMC and related to piezoelectric thin films. Particular emphasis is given to In2_{2}O3_{3}:Sn oxide as an interesting conductive electrode / buffer layer for the growth of various piezoelectric compounds including LiNbO3_{3} (LN), Pb(Zr0,52_{0,52}Ti0,48)_{0,48})O3_{3} (PZT), ZnO

    Influence des paramètres de dépôt sur la morphologie de films minces de tétraborate de lithium obtenus par le procédé “PYROSOL"

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    Li2_2B4_4O7_7 piezo-electric thin films were prepared by “PYROSOL" process which is a useful method for the elaboration of thin films. Morphological development and crystallization of thin films are very dependent on the experimental parameters like the substrate temperature, the concentration and the relative proportion of the precursors in methyl alcohol. The effect of these various parameters were studied in order to obtain homogeneous, crystallized and oriented thin films.La réalisation de couches minces de matériaux piézo-électriques de Li2_2B4_4O7_7 par le procédé “PYROSOL" révèle une grande diversité de conditions de dépôt. La température du substrat, la composition des solutions de précurseurs et leur concentration conditionnent la morphologie et l'état de cristallisation des films. En particulier, l'obtention de couches minces denses, homogènes et présentant une orientation préférentielle nécessite des températures de substrat supérieures à 620 ^{\circ}C. L'influence de ces divers paramètres expérimentaux a été étudiée dans le but d'obtenir des dépôts homogènes, cristallisés et orientés

    Dielectric investigations of PZT under high pressures and low temperatures

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    Piezoelectric properties of SixGe1-xO2 crystalsG

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