13 research outputs found

    The Schizosaccharomyces pombe Aurora–related Kinase Ark1 Interacts with the Inner Centromere Protein Pic1 and Mediates Chromosome Segregation and Cytokinesis

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    The chromosomal passenger proteins aurora-B, survivin, and inner centromere protein (INCENP) have been implicated in coordinating chromosome segregation with cell division. This work describes the interplay between aurora, survivin, and INCENP orthologs in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe and defines their roles in regulating chromosome segregation and cytokinesis. We describe the cloning and characterization of the aurora-related kinase gene ark1(+), demonstrating that it is an essential gene required for sister chromatid segregation. Cells lacking Ark1p exhibit the cut phenotype, DNA fragmentation, and other defects in chromosome segregation. Overexpression of a kinase-defective version of Ark1, Ark1-K147R, inhibits cytokinesis, with cells exhibiting an elongated, multiseptate phenotype. Ark1p interacts physically and/or genetically with the survivin and INCENP orthologs Bir1p and Pic1p. We identified Pic1p in a two-hybrid screen for Ark1-K147R interacting partners and went on to map domains in both proteins that mediate their binding. Pic1p residues 925–972 are necessary and sufficient for Ark1p binding, which occurs through the kinase domain. As with Ark1-K147R, overexpression of Ark1p-binding fragments of Pic1p leads to multiseptate phenotypes. We also provide evidence that the dominant-negative effect of Ark1-K147R requires Pic1p binding, indicating that the formation of Ark1p-Pic1p complexes is required for the execution of cytokinesis

    Checkpoint Protein BubR1 Acts Synergistically with Mad2 to Inhibit Anaphase-promoting Complex

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    The spindle assembly checkpoint monitors the attachment of kinetochores to the mitotic spindle and the tension exerted on kinetochores by microtubules and delays the onset of anaphase until all the chromosomes are aligned at the metaphase plate. The target of the checkpoint control is the anaphase-promoting complex (APC)/cyclosome, a ubiquitin ligase whose activation by Cdc20 is required for separation of sister chromatids. In response to activation of the checkpoint, Mad2 binds to and inhibits Cdc20-APC. I show herein that in checkpoint-arrested cells, human Cdc20 forms two separate, inactive complexes, a lower affinity complex with Mad2 and a higher affinity complex with BubR1. Purified BubR1 binds to recombinant Cdc20 and this interaction is direct. Binding of BubR1 to Cdc20 inhibits activation of APC and this inhibition is independent of its kinase activity. Quantitative analysis indicates that BubR1 is 12-fold more potent than Mad2 as an inhibitor of Cdc20. Although at high protein concentrations BubR1 and Mad2 each is sufficient to inhibit Cdc20, BubR1 and Mad2 mutually promote each other's binding to Cdc20 and function synergistically at physiological concentrations to quantitatively inhibit Cdc20-APC. Thus, BubR1 and Mad2 act cooperatively to prevent premature separation of sister chromatids by directly inhibiting APC

    Activation of p42 Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase (MAPK), but not c-Jun NH(2)-Terminal Kinase, Induces Phosphorylation and Stabilization of MAPK Phosphatase XCL100 in Xenopus Oocytes

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    Dual-specificity protein phosphatases are implicated in the direct down-regulation of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) activity in vivo. Accumulating evidence suggests that these phosphatases are components of negative feedback loops that restore MAPK activity to low levels after diverse physiological responses. Limited information exists, however, regarding their posttranscriptional regulation. We cloned two Xenopus homologs of the mammalian dual-specificity MAPK phosphatases MKP-1/CL100 and found that overexpression of XCL100 in G2-arrested oocytes delayed or prevented progesterone-induced meiotic maturation. Epitope-tagged XCL100 was phosphorylated on serine during G2 phase, and on serine and threonine in a p42 MAPK-dependent manner during M phase. Threonine phosphorylation mapped to a single residue, threonine 168. Phosphorylation of XCL100 had no measurable effect on its ability to dephosphorylate p42 MAPK. Similarly, mutation of threonine 168 to either valine or glutamate did not significantly alter the binding affinity of a catalytically inactive XCL100 protein for active p42 MAPK in vivo. XCL100 was a labile protein in G2-arrested and progesterone-stimulated oocytes; surprisingly, its degradation rate was increased more than twofold after exposure to hyperosmolar sorbitol. In sorbitol-treated oocytes expressing a conditionally active ΔRaf-DD:ER chimera, activation of the p42 MAPK cascade led to phosphorylation of XCL100 and a pronounced decrease in the rate of its degradation. Our results provide mechanistic insight into the regulation of a dual-specificity MAPK phosphatase during meiotic maturation and the adaptation to cellular stress