37 research outputs found

    Dealing with Semantic Underspecification in Multimodal NLP

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    Intelligent systems that aim at mastering language as humans do must deal with its semantic underspecification, namely, the possibility for a linguistic signal to convey only part of the information needed for communication to succeed. Consider the usages of the pronoun they, which can leave the gender and number of its referent(s) underspecified. Semantic underspecification is not a bug but a crucial language feature that boosts its storage and processing efficiency. Indeed, human speakers can quickly and effortlessly integrate semantically-underspecified linguistic signals with a wide range of non-linguistic information, e.g., the multimodal context, social or cultural conventions, and shared knowledge. Standard NLP models have, in principle, no or limited access to such extra information, while multimodal systems grounding language into other modalities, such as vision, are naturally equipped to account for this phenomenon. However, we show that they struggle with it, which could negatively affect their performance and lead to harmful consequences when used for applications. In this position paper, we argue that our community should be aware of semantic underspecification if it aims to develop language technology that can successfully interact with human users. We discuss some applications where mastering it is crucial and outline a few directions toward achieving this goal.Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of ACL 2023 (main conference). 13 pages, 3 figure

    A Psycholinguistic Analysis of BERT's Representations of Compounds

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    This work studies the semantic representations learned by BERT for compounds, that is, expressions such as sunlight or bodyguard. We build on recent studies that explore semantic information in Transformers at the word level and test whether BERT aligns with human semantic intuitions when dealing with expressions (e.g., sunlight) whose overall meaning depends -- to a various extent -- on the semantics of the constituent words (sun, light). We leverage a dataset that includes human judgments on two psycholinguistic measures of compound semantic analysis: lexeme meaning dominance (LMD; quantifying the weight of each constituent toward the compound meaning) and semantic transparency (ST; evaluating the extent to which the compound meaning is recoverable from the constituents' semantics). We show that BERT-based measures moderately align with human intuitions, especially when using contextualized representations, and that LMD is overall more predictable than ST. Contrary to the results reported for 'standard' words, higher, more contextualized layers are the best at representing compound meaning. These findings shed new light on the abilities of BERT in dealing with fine-grained semantic phenomena. Moreover, they can provide insights into how speakers represent compounds.Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of EACL 2023 (main conference

    Is the Red Square Big? MALeViC: Modeling Adjectives Leveraging Visual Contexts

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    This work aims at modeling how the meaning of gradable adjectives of size (`big', `small') can be learned from visually-grounded contexts. Inspired by cognitive and linguistic evidence showing that the use of these expressions relies on setting a threshold that is dependent on a specific context, we investigate the ability of multi-modal models in assessing whether an object is `big' or `small' in a given visual scene. In contrast with the standard computational approach that simplistically treats gradable adjectives as `fixed' attributes, we pose the problem as relational: to be successful, a model has to consider the full visual context. By means of four main tasks, we show that state-of-the-art models (but not a relatively strong baseline) can learn the function subtending the meaning of size adjectives, though their performance is found to decrease while moving from simple to more complex tasks. Crucially, models fail in developing abstract representations of gradable adjectives that can be used compositionally.Comment: Accepted at EMNLP-IJCNLP 201

    When Language Models Fall in Love: Animacy Processing in Transformer Language Models

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    Animacy - whether an entity is alive and sentient - is fundamental to cognitive processing, impacting areas such as memory, vision, and language. However, animacy is not always expressed directly in language: in English it often manifests indirectly, in the form of selectional constraints on verbs and adjectives. This poses a potential issue for transformer language models (LMs): they often train only on text, and thus lack access to extralinguistic information from which humans learn about animacy. We ask: how does this impact LMs' animacy processing - do they still behave as humans do? We answer this question using open-source LMs. Like previous studies, we find that LMs behave much like humans when presented with entities whose animacy is typical. However, we also show that even when presented with stories about atypically animate entities, such as a peanut in love, LMs adapt: they treat these entities as animate, though they do not adapt as well as humans. Even when the context indicating atypical animacy is very short, LMs pick up on subtle clues and change their behavior. We conclude that despite the limited signal through which LMs can learn about animacy, they are indeed sensitive to the relevant lexical semantic nuances available in English.Comment: To appear at EMNLP 202

    GROOViST: A Metric for Grounding Objects in Visual Storytelling

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    A proper evaluation of stories generated for a sequence of images -- the task commonly referred to as visual storytelling -- must consider multiple aspects, such as coherence, grammatical correctness, and visual grounding. In this work, we focus on evaluating the degree of grounding, that is, the extent to which a story is about the entities shown in the images. We analyze current metrics, both designed for this purpose and for general vision-text alignment. Given their observed shortcomings, we propose a novel evaluation tool, GROOViST, that accounts for cross-modal dependencies, temporal misalignments (the fact that the order in which entities appear in the story and the image sequence may not match), and human intuitions on visual grounding. An additional advantage of GROOViST is its modular design, where the contribution of each component can be assessed and interpreted individually.Comment: In EMNLP 2023 main conference proceedings (to appear

    The BLA Benchmark: Investigating Basic Language Abilities of Pre-Trained Multimodal Models

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    Despite the impressive performance achieved by pre-trained language-and-vision models in downstream tasks, it remains an open question whether this reflects a proper understanding of image-text interaction. In this work, we explore to what extent they handle basic linguistic constructions -- active-passive voice, coordination, and relative clauses -- that even preschool children can typically master. We present BLA, a novel, automatically constructed benchmark to evaluate multimodal models on these Basic Language Abilities. We show that different types of Transformer-based systems, such as CLIP, ViLBERT, and BLIP2, generally struggle with BLA in a zero-shot setting, in line with previous findings. Our experiments, in particular, show that most of the tested models only marginally benefit when fine-tuned or prompted with construction-specific samples. Yet, the generative BLIP2 shows promising trends, especially in an in-context learning setting. This opens the door to using BLA not only as an evaluation benchmark but also to improve models' basic language abilities.Comment: This is the camera-ready version of the paper that will be published in the Proceedings of EMNLP 2023 (Singapore, 6-10 December 2023

    Generating Image Descriptions via Sequential Cross-Modal Alignment Guided by Human Gaze

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    When speakers describe an image, they tend to look at objects before mentioning them. In this paper, we investigate such sequential cross-modal alignment by modelling the image description generation process computationally. We take as our starting point a state-of-the-art image captioning system and develop several model variants that exploit information from human gaze patterns recorded during language production. In particular, we propose the first approach to image description generation where visual processing is modelled sequentially\textit{sequentially}. Our experiments and analyses confirm that better descriptions can be obtained by exploiting gaze-driven attention and shed light on human cognitive processes by comparing different ways of aligning the gaze modality with language production. We find that processing gaze data sequentially leads to descriptions that are better aligned to those produced by speakers, more diverse, and more natural−{-}particularly when gaze is encoded with a dedicated recurrent component.Comment: In Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2020

    Refer, Reuse, Reduce: Generating Subsequent References in Visual and Conversational Contexts

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    Dialogue participants often refer to entities or situations repeatedly within a conversation, which contributes to its cohesiveness. Subsequent references exploit the common ground accumulated by the interlocutors and hence have several interesting properties, namely, they tend to be shorter and reuse expressions that were effective in previous mentions. In this paper, we tackle the generation of first and subsequent references in visually grounded dialogue. We propose a generation model that produces referring utterances grounded in both the visual and the conversational context. To assess the referring effectiveness of its output, we also implement a reference resolution system. Our experiments and analyses show that the model produces better, more effective referring utterances than a model not grounded in the dialogue context, and generates subsequent references that exhibit linguistic patterns akin to humans.Comment: In Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2020