2 research outputs found

    Time-lapse cross-hole electrical resistivity tomography (CHERT) for monitoring seawater intrusion dynamics in a Mediterranean aquifer

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    Surface electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) is a widely used tool to study seawater intrusion (SWI). It is noninvasive and offers a high spatial coverage at a low cost, but its imaging capabilities are strongly affected by decreasing resolution with depth. We conjecture that the use of CHERT (cross-hole ERT) can partly overcome these resolution limitations since the electrodes are placed at depth, which implies that the model resolution does not decrease at the depths of interest. The objective of this study is to test the CHERT for imaging the SWI and monitoring its dynamics at the Argentona site, a well-instrumented field site of a coastal alluvial aquifer located 40Âżkm NE of Barcelona. To do so, we installed permanent electrodes around boreholes attached to the PVC pipes to perform time-lapse monitoring of the SWI on a transect perpendicular to the coastline. After 2 years of monitoring, we observe variability of SWI at different timescales: (1) natural seasonal variations and aquifer salinization that we attribute to long-term drought and (2) short-term fluctuations due to sea storms or flooding in the nearby stream during heavy rain events. The spatial imaging of bulk electrical conductivity allows us to explain non-monotonic salinity profiles in open boreholes (step-wise profiles really reflect the presence of freshwater at depth). By comparing CHERT results with traditional in situ measurements such as electrical conductivity of water samples and bulk electrical conductivity from induction logs, we conclude that CHERT is a reliable and cost-effective imaging tool for monitoring SWI dynamics.This work was funded by the project CGL2016-77122-C2-1-R/2-R of the Spanish Government. This project also received funding from the European Commission, Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Marie Sklodowska-Curie (grant no. 722028)). The author Albert Folch is a Serra HĂșnter Fellow.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Combining fiber optic DTS, cross-hole ERT and time-lapse induction logging to characterize and monitor a coastal aquifer

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    The characterization of saline water intrusion (SWI) and its hydrodynamics is a key issue to understand submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) and manage groundwater resources in coastal areas. To test and compare different methods of characterization and monitoring, a new experimental site has been constructed in a coastal alluvial aquifer north of Barcelona city (Catalonia, Spain). The site is located between 30 and 90 m from the seashore and comprises 16 shallow piezometers organized in nests of three with depths ranging between 15 and 25 m and 4 solitary piezometers. The objective of this paper is to combine different recently developed monitoring techniques to evaluate temporal variations in the aquifer hydrodynamics of the site at different spatial scales before and after the dry season of 2015. At the site scale, fibre optic distributed temperature sensing (FO-DTS), for the first time applied to study SWI, and cross-hole electrical resistivity tomography (CHERT) has been applied. At the meter/borehole scale, electrical conductivity of the formation has been applied not only in a repeated manner (“time lapse”), but also for the first time at relatively high frequency (1 sample every 10 min). CHERT has provided a better characterization of the seawater intrusion than electrical conductivity data obtained from piezometers. The combination of techniques has allowed improving the understanding of the system by: 1) characterizing the extent and shape of SWI; 2) differentiating two different dynamics in the aquifer; and 3) identifying preferential flow paths over different time and spatial intervals. Future challenges and the application of these techniques in other areas are also discussed.This work was funded by the projects CGL2013-48869-C2-1-R/2-R and CGL2016-77122-C2-1-R/2-R of the Spanish Government. We would like to thank SIMMAR (Serveis Integrals de Manteniment del Maresme) and the Consell Comarcal del Maresme in the construction of the research site. The authors want to thank the support of the Generalitat de Catalunya to MERS (2018 SGR-1588). This work is contributing to the ICTA ‘Unit of Excellence’ (MinECo, MDM2015- 0552). Part of the funding was provided by the French network of hydrogeological observatories H+ (hplus/ore/fr/en) and the ANR project EQUIPEX CRITEX (grant ANR-11-EQPX-0011). V Rodellas acknowledges financial support from the Beatriu de Pinós postdoctoral program of the Generalitat de Catalunya (2017-BP-00334). M. Diego‐Feliu acknowledges the economic support from the FI‐2017 fellowships of the Generalitat de Catalunya autonomous government (2017FI_B_00365). This project also received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No 722028.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft