13,694 research outputs found

    Patient access to complex chronic disease records on the internet

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    Background: Access to medical records on the Internet has been reported to be acceptable and popular with patients, although most published evaluations have been of primary care or office-based practice. We tested the feasibility and acceptability of making unscreened results and data from a complex chronic disease pathway (renal medicine) available to patients over the Internet in a project involving more than half of renal units in the UK. Methods: Content and presentation of the Renal PatientView (RPV) system was developed with patient groups. It was designed to receive information from multiple local information systems and to require minimal extra work in units. After piloting in 4 centres in 2005 it was made available more widely. Opinions were sought from both patients who enrolled and from those who did not in a paper survey, and from staff in an electronic survey. Anonymous data on enrolments and usage were extracted from the webserver. Results: By mid 2011 over 17,000 patients from 47 of the 75 renal units in the UK had registered. Users had a wide age range (<10 to >90 yrs) but were younger and had more years of education than non-users. They were enthusiastic about the concept, found it easy to use, and 80% felt it gave them a better understanding of their disease. The most common reason for not enrolling was being unaware of the system. A minority of patients had security concerns, and these were reduced after enrolling. Staff responses were also strongly positive. They reported that it aided patient concordance and disease management, and increased the quality of consultations with a neutral effect on consultation length. Neither patient nor staff responses suggested that RPV led to an overall increase in patient anxiety or to an increased burden on renal units beyond the time required to enrol each patient. Conclusions: Patient Internet access to secondary care records concerning a complex chronic disease is feasible and popular, providing an increased sense of empowerment and understanding, with no serious identified negative consequences. Security concerns were present but rarely prevented participation. These are powerful reasons to make this type of access more widely available

    America's Online Pursuits: The Changing Picture of Who's Online and What They Do

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    Provides a broad analysis of survey data collected between March 2000 and August 2003, to illustrate shifting trends in Internet use. Looks at participation by age, gender, race, income, and education level

    Online Shopping

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    Examines trends in online shopping and the use of online services, comparing survey data by gender, age, race/ethnicity, education, income, and region. Analyzes attitudes toward online shopping and services, with a focus on low-income Internet users

    The Future of the Internet

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    Presents findings from a survey of technology leaders, scholars, industry officials, and analysts. Evaluates the network infrastructure's vulnerability to attack, and the Internet's impact on various institutions and activities in the coming decade

    Rural Areas and the Internet

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    Presents findings from surveys conducted between 2000 and 2003. Looks at the growth of Internet distribution in rural communities, and the gap between rural and suburban or urban communities

    The Internet and the 2008 Election

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    Presents results of a survey on the use of the Internet to get news about or engage in the campaign, the use of email and text messaging to discuss it, the role of online video and social networking sites, and the Internet's impact on politics

    Latinos Online

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    Presents findings from a telephone survey conducted in 2006, and demonstrates that Hispanics with lower levels of education and English proficiency remain largely disconnected from the Internet

    Networked Families

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    Presents survey results on the use of the Internet and ownership of cell phones and computers, by household type. Examines how technology ownership affects the frequency, form, purpose, and quality of communications among family members and friends

    Bloggers: A Portrait of the Internet's New Storytellers

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    Presents findings from a survey that explores how a group of mostly youthful writers and creators are using the new medium of blogging to express their creativity by documenting and sharing their personal experiences

    The Ever-Shifting Internet Population

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    Presents findings from surveys conducted between March and May 2002. Takes a new look at Internet access and the digital divide. Explores factors of cost, lack of technology skills, and physical access (particularly for persons with disabilities)
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