41 research outputs found

    SOX2 expression levels distinguish between neural progenitor populations of the developing dorsal telencephalon

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    The HMG-Box transcription factor SOX2 is expressed in neural progenitor populations throughout the developing and adult central nervous system and is necessary to maintain their progenitor identity. However, it is unclear whether SOX2 levels are uniformly expressed across all neural progenitor populations. In the developing dorsal telencephalon, two distinct populations of neural progenitors, radial glia and intermediate progenitor cells, are responsible for generating a majority of excitatory neurons found in the adult neocortex. Here we demonstrate, using both cellular and molecular analyses, that SOX2 is differentially expressed between radial glial and intermediate progenitor populations. Moreover, utilizing a SOX2 mouse line, we show that this differential expression can be used to prospectively isolate distinct, viable populations of radial glia and intermediate cells for analysis. Given the limited repertoire of cell-surface markers currently available for neural progenitor cells, this provides an invaluable tool for prospectively identifying and isolating distinct classes of neural progenitor cells from the central nervous system.â–ş SOX2 is differentially expressed between radial glia and intermediate progenitors. â–ş Distinct progenitor populations can be isolated based upon SOX2 expression levels. â–ş SOX2-High cells generate larger neurospheres . â–ş SOX2-High cells have increased capacity to generate secondary neurospheres

    Cleft Palate in a Mouse Model of SOX2 Haploinsufficiency

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    Objective—While SEX-determining region Y-Box 2 (SOX2) mutations are typically recognized as yielding ocular and central nervous system abnormalities, they have also been associated with other craniofacial defects. To elucidate the genesis of the latter, Sox2 hypomorphic (Sox2HYP) mice were examined, with particular attention to secondary palatal development. Results—Clefts of the secondary palate were found to be highly penetrant in Sox2HYP mice. The palatal clefting occurred in the absence of mandibular hypoplasia and resulted from delayed or failed shelf elevation. Conclusions—Sox2 hypomorphism can result in clefting of the secondary palate, an effect that appears to be independent of mandibular hypoplasia and is thus expected to result from an abnormality that is inherent to the palatal shelves and/or their progenitor tissues. Further clinical attention relative to SOX2 mutations as a basis for secondary palatal clefts appears warranted

    “Runx”ing towards Sensory Differentiation

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    Somatosensory stimuli are encoded by molecularly and anatomically diverse classes of dorsal root ganglia (DRG) neurons. In this issue of Neuron, three papers demonstrate that the Runx transcription factors, Runx1 and Runx3, respectively regulate the molecular identities and spinal terminations of TrkA+ nociceptive neurons and TrkC+ proprioceptive neurons. These findings emphasize the importance of intrinsic genetic programs in generating the diversity of DRG neurons and specifying the circuits into which they incorporate

    Eye Development and Retinogenesis

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    Three embryonic tissue sources—the neural ectoderm, the surface ectoderm, and the periocular mesenchyme—contribute to the formation of the mammalian eye. For this reason, the developing eye has presented an invaluable system for studying the interactions among cells and, more recently, genes, in specifying cell fate. This article describes how the eye primordium is specified in the anterior neural plate by four eye field transcription factors and how the optic vesicle becomes regionalized into three distinct tissue types. Specific attention is given to how cross talk between the optic vesicle and surface ectoderm contributes to lens and optic cup formation. This article also describes how signaling networks and cell movements set up axes in the optic cup and establish the multiple cell fates important for vision. How multipotent retinal progenitor cells give rise to the six neuronal and one glial cell type in the mature retina is also explained. Finally, the history and progress of cellular therapeutics for the treatment of degenerative eye disease is outlined. Throughout this article, special attention is given to how disruption of gene function causes ocular malformation in humans. Indeed, the accessibility of the eye has contributed much to our understanding of the basic processes involved in mammalian development

    SOX2 Functions to Maintain Neural Progenitor Identity

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    Neural progenitors of the vertebrate CNS are defined by generic cellular characteristics, including their pseudoepithelial morphology and their ability to divide and differentiate. SOXB1 transcription factors, including the three closely related genes Sox1, Sox2, and Sox3, universally mark neural progenitor and stem cells throughout the vertebrate CNS. We show here that constitutive expression of SOX2 inhibits neuronal differentiation and results in the maintenance of progenitor characteristics. Conversely, inhibition of SOX2 signaling results in the delamination of neural progenitor cells from the ventricular zone and exit from cell cycle, which is associated with a loss of progenitor markers and the onset of early neuronal differentiation markers. The phenotype elicited by inhibition of SOX2 signaling can be rescued by coexpression of SOX1, providing evidence for redundant SOXB1 function in CNS progenitors. Taken together, these data indicate that SOXB1 signaling is both necessary and sufficient to maintain panneural properties of neural progenitor cells

    Sox2 -Deficient MĂĽller Glia Disrupt the Structural and Functional Maturation of the Mammalian Retina

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    MĂĽller glia (MG), the principal glial cells of the vertebrate retina, display quiescent progenitor cell characteristics. They express key progenitor markers, including the high mobility group box transcription factor SOX2 and maintain a progenitor-like morphology. In the embryonic and mature central nervous system, SOX2 maintains neural stem cell identity. However, its function in committed MĂĽller glia has yet to be determined

    Nap1-Regulated Neuronal Cytoskeletal Dynamics Is Essential for the Final Differentiation of Neurons in Cerebral Cortex

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    SummaryThe cytoskeletal regulators that mediate the change in the neuronal cytoskeletal machinery from one that promotes oriented motility to one that facilitates differentiation at the appropriate locations in the developing neocortex remain unknown. We found that Nck-associated protein 1 (Nap1), an adaptor protein thought to modulate actin nucleation, is selectively expressed in the developing cortical plate, where neurons terminate their migration and initiate laminar-specific differentiation. Loss of Nap1 function disrupts neuronal differentiation. Premature expression of Nap1 in migrating neurons retards migration and promotes postmigratory differentiation. Nap1 gene mutation in mice leads to neural tube and neuronal differentiation defects. Disruption of Nap1 retards the ability to localize key actin cytoskeletal regulators such as WAVE1 to the protrusive edges where they are needed to elaborate process outgrowth. Thus, Nap1 plays an essential role in facilitating neuronal cytoskeletal changes underlying the postmigratory differentiation of cortical neurons, a critical step in functional wiring of the cortex

    SOX2 hypomorphism disrupts development of the prechordal floor and optic cup

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    Haploinsufficiency for the HMG-box transcription factor SOX2 results in abnormalities of the human ventral forebrain and its derivative structures. These defects include anophthalmia (absence of eye), microphthalmia (small eye) and hypothalamic hamartoma (HH), an overgrowth of the ventral hypothalamus. To determine how Sox2 deficiency affects the morphogenesis of the ventral diencephalon and eye, we generated a Sox2 allelic series (Sox2IR, Sox2LP, and Sox2EGFP), allowing for the generation of mice that express germline hypomorphic levels (SOX2 haploinsufficient human phenotypes. We find that Sox2 hypomorphism significantly disrupts the development of the posterior hypothalamus, resulting in an ectopic protuberance of the prechordal floor, an upregulation of Shh signaling, and abnormal hypothalamic patterning. In the anterior diencephalon, both the optic stalks and optic cups (OC) of Sox2 hypomorphic (Sox2HYP) embryos are malformed. Furthermore, Sox2HYP eyes exhibit a loss of neural potential and coloboma, a common phenotype in SOX2 haploinsufficient humans that has not been described in a mouse model of SOX2 deficiency. These results establish for the first time that germline Sox2 hypomorphism disrupts the morphogenesis and patterning of the hypothalamus, optic stalk, and the early OC, establishing a model of the development of the abnormalities that are observed in SOX2 haploinsufficient humans

    SOX2 maintains the quiescent progenitor cell state of postnatal retinal Muller glia

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    Within discrete regions of the developing mammalian central nervous system, small subsets of glia become specialized to function as neural stem cells. As a result of their self-renewal and neurogenic capacity, these cells later serve to replenish neurons and glia during persistent or injury-induced adult neurogenesis. SOX2, an HMG box transcription factor, plays an essential role in the maintenance of both embryonic and adult neural progenitors. It is unclear, however, which biological mechanisms regulated by SOX2 are required for neural stem cell maintenance. In this study, we address this question through genetic analysis of SOX2 function in differentiating postnatal MĂĽller glia, a cell type that maintains neurogenic capacity in the adult retina. By utilizing molecular analysis and real-time imaging, we show that two progenitor characteristics of nascent MĂĽller glia - their radial morphology and cell cycle quiescence - are disrupted following conditional genetic ablation of Sox2 in the mouse postnatal retina, leading to MĂĽller cell depletion and retinal degeneration. Moreover, we demonstrate that genetic induction of the Notch signaling pathway restores MĂĽller glial cell identity to Sox2 mutant cells, but does not secure their quiescent state. Collectively, these results uncouple the roles of SOX2 and the Notch signaling pathway in the postnatal retina, and uncover a novel role for SOX2 in preventing the depletion of postnatal MĂĽller glia through terminal cell division

    SKPs Derive from Hair Follicle Precursors and Exhibit Properties of Adult Dermal Stem Cells

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    SummaryDespite the remarkable regenerative capacity of mammalian skin, an adult dermal stem cell has not yet been identified. Here, we investigated whether skin-derived precursors (SKPs) might fulfill such a role. We show that SKPs derive from Sox2+ hair follicle dermal cells and that these two cell populations are similar with regard to their transcriptome and functional properties. Both clonal SKPs and endogenous Sox2+ cells induce hair morphogenesis, differentiate into dermal cell types, and home to a hair follicle niche upon transplantation. Moreover, hair follicle-derived SKPs self-renew, maintain their multipotency, and serially reconstitute hair follicles. Finally, grafting experiments show that follicle-associated dermal cells move out of their niche to contribute cells for dermal maintenance and wound-healing. Thus, SKPs derive from Sox2+ follicle-associated dermal precursors and display functional properties predicted of a dermal stem cell, contributing to dermal maintenance, wound-healing, and hair follicle morphogenesis