125 research outputs found

    La modificación de conducta como herramienta de aprendizaje de habilidades sociales para mejorar el clima del aula

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    Treball de Final de Grau en Mestre o Mestra d'Educació Infantil. codi: MI1040. Curs acadèmic 2014-2015En este estudio vamos a investigar si el clima del aula puede mejorar enseñando a los niños una técnica de modelaje de su conducta y ciertas habilidades sociales. Para conseguir esto, hemos realizado previamente una observación directa del aula sin ningún tipo de influencia externa durante el juego libre del alumnado, y hemos podido recoger los aspectos negativos de su conducta. Después de esto, hemos realizado un sociograma en el que ellos mismos serán quienes respondan con quien les gusta jugar y con quien no, para así determinar quiénes son los líderes o estrellas de la clase, quienes los rechazados y quienes los aislados. Cuando tenemos estos datos, pasamos a crear un cuento en el que se demuestre la realidad del aula y los niños puedan sentirse identificados con lo que ocurre y su comportamiento. El siguiente paso es enseñarles una técnica de modificación de conducta mediante algunas actividades y finalmente, veremos los resultados obtenidos mediante otro sociograma. Los resultados han resultado muy satisfactorios. El alumnado ha cambiado su comportamiento y ahora hay menos que estén rechazados en el aula, y están todos más unidos. También ha habido resultados no tan positivos, como es el tiempo, o que este trabajo debería continuarse durante más tiempo para obtener mejores resultadosIn this study, we investigated if classroom atmosphere can be improved by teaching children to modulate their CONDUCTA and learning some social abilities. To get to this, we have started by a direct observation of the classroom without external influencies to see children behaviour and investigate which are the deficits and what we have to improve of them. After that, we have made a sociogram where they had to answer with who they like and don’t like to play, so we can structure the classroom by their opinions to know who children are leaders, who rejected and who lonely. When we have this knowledge, we are going to create a story which represents the classroom and what happens on it, to make children realize of their behaviour. The next step is to teach them a way to improve their behaviour by some activities. Finally we are going to see if it has worked by another sociogram. The results have been very satisfactory. Children have changed their behaviour and now, there are less rejected children in classroom, and they are more unified. Also, there are not satisfactory results, as the time, or that this method will have to be continued on time to have really good results

    Bases conceptuales para investigación sobre construcción de cohesion social a través de de actividades culturales en el espacio público

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    El proyecto pretende establecer las bases conceptuales para indagar en la hipótesis de que la realización de actividades culturales que implican uso compartido del espacio público influye de forma directa y medible en los factores subjetivos de la cohesión social. Su objetivo último es contribuir a justificar la inversión de la cooperación internacional en la línea de cohesión social y cultura, convertida en eje prioritario por organismos como la Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo, la UNESCO, y especialmente las Cumbres Iberoamericanas de Jefes de Estado y de Gobierno y su Secretaría General Iberoamerica (SEGIB). El estudio se centra en relacionar tres conceptos de distinta naturaleza: la cohesión social como fenómeno / concepto sociológico, las políticas culturales públicas entendidas como estrategias de gobernabilidad y el espacio público como dimensión de la vida urbana donde ambos se realizan y se entrelazan. Para ello, se establecen como objetivos específicos la identificación: de las relaciones posibles entre cultura y cohesión social (nivel conceptual); de las relaciones entre el uso compartido del espacio público y la cohesión social (nivel de las políticas culturales) y del tipo de estrategias culturales realizadas en el espacio público favorecen la cohesión social (nivel de las prácticas culturales). Como metodología se realiza una revisión de la bibliografía de cada marco teórico y se concluye con un epígrafe de relaciones de autoría personal, a completar posteriormente con un estudio caso que examine empíricamente la relación entre las tres variables: el de la ciudad de Bogotá y su proyecto de Cultura Ciudadana, ejemplo modélico y del que la documentación cuantitativa y cualitativa, si bien ha sido utilizada a lo largo del trabajo teórico del texto, no ha sido incluida por la limitación de extensión y profundidad que se exige a este trabajo de posgrado no doctoral

    Learning-Based Adaptation for Personalized Mobility Assistance

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    Mobility assistance is of key importance for people with disabilities to remain autonomous in their preferred environments. In severe cases, assistance can be provided by robotized wheelchairs that can perform complex maneuvers and/or correct the user’s commands. User’s acceptance is of key importance, as some users do not like their commands to be modified. This work presents a solution to improve acceptance. It consists of making the robot learn how the user drives so corrections will not be so noticeable to the user. Case Based Reasoning (CBR) is used to acquire a user’s driving model reactive level. Experiments with volunteers at Fondazione Santa Lucia (FSL) have proven that, indeed, this customized approach at assistance increases acceptance by the user.This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia (MEC), Project TEC2011-29106-C02-01. The authors would like to thank Santa Lucia Hospedale and all volunteers for their kind cooperation and Sauer Medica for providing the power wheelchair

    Towards a Shared Control Navigation Function:Efficiency Based Command Modulation

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    This paper presents a novel shared control algorithm for robotized wheelchairs. The proposed algorithm is a new method to extend autonomous navigation techniques into the shared control domain. It reactively combines user’s and robot’s commands into a continuous function that approximates a classic Navigation Function (NF) by weighting input commands with NF constraints. Our approach overcomes the main drawbacks of NFs -calculus complexity and limitations on environment modeling- so it can be used in dynamic unstructured environments. It also benefits from NF properties: convergence to destination, smooth paths and safe navigation. Due to the user’s contribution to control, our function is not strictly a NF, so we call it a pseudo-navigation function (PNF) instead.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Statistička analiza kineskog dioničarskog tržišta

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    U ovom radu napravljena je statistička analiza kompanija Šangajske i Shenzhen burze. Promatrana je vrijednost tržišne kapitalizacije i cijene dionica svih kompanija koje posluju na navedenim burzama i detaljno se analiziralo 10 najvećih kompanija po tržišnoj kapitalizaciji na obje burze. Također, po uzoru na SP 500 indeks definiran je index za kinesko tržište i promatrana je njegova vrijednost i međuovisnost s SP500 indeksom.In this paper was made a statistical analysis of the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges. The market capitalization and stock prices of all companies operating on these stock exchanges were analyzed and the ten largest companies by market capitalization on both exchanges were analyzed in detail. Also, on the model of the SP 500 index, an index for the Chinese market was defined and its value and interdependence with the SP500 index were observed

    Statistička analiza kineskog dioničarskog tržišta

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    U ovom radu napravljena je statistička analiza kompanija Šangajske i Shenzhen burze. Promatrana je vrijednost tržišne kapitalizacije i cijene dionica svih kompanija koje posluju na navedenim burzama i detaljno se analiziralo 10 najvećih kompanija po tržišnoj kapitalizaciji na obje burze. Također, po uzoru na SP 500 indeks definiran je index za kinesko tržište i promatrana je njegova vrijednost i međuovisnost s SP500 indeksom.In this paper was made a statistical analysis of the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges. The market capitalization and stock prices of all companies operating on these stock exchanges were analyzed and the ten largest companies by market capitalization on both exchanges were analyzed in detail. Also, on the model of the SP 500 index, an index for the Chinese market was defined and its value and interdependence with the SP500 index were observed

    Colloidal systems in bone regeneration. Is the size important

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    Poly lactic-co-glycolic acid (PLGA) is one of the most widely used synthetic polymers for development of delivery systems for drugs and therapeutic biomolecules. Its properties and versatility make it a reference polymer in the manufacturing of nano and microparticles to encapsulate and deliver a wide variety of hydrophobic and hydrophilic molecules, including biomolecules such as proteins or nucleic acids that must be released in a controlled way [1]. Delivery of growth factors such as bone morphogenetic proteins, and specially BMP-2, is an attractive therapeutic strategy for bone tissue engineering. However, their administration is problematic due to their short biological half-lives, localized action and rapid clearance. Consequently, its clinical use requires high doses far exceeding its physiological concentration which implies possible side effects and high costs. These barriers might be overcome by developing new delivery systems which allow a better control of the release rate in order to achieve the desired concentrations in specific site and time [2]. With this aim, in this preliminary study we have synthesized PLGA particles with different diameters, from nano (200 nm) to micro scale (12.5 μm) via double emulsion procedure, in order to study the influence of size in the release profile of lysozyme, which has been selected as an appropriate model for BMP2. A physico-chemical characterization of the particles was done, followed by a complete study on the encapsulation efficiency, cumulative protein release and bioactivity of the released enzyme with and without co-encapsulated bovine serum albumin, a protective biomolecule that can prevent protein instability during emulsification process. Additionally, fluorescently labeled lysozyme was used to study the protein distribution and the influence of particle size on the in vitro cellular uptake.Universidad de Málaga. Campus Internacional de Andalucía Tec

    Employing deep learning for sex estimation of adult individuals using 2D images of the humerus

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    Biological profile estimation, of which sex estimation is a fundamental first stage, is a really important task in forensic human identification. Although there are a large number of methods that address this problem from different bone structures, mainly using the pelvis and the skull, it has been shown that the humerus presents significant sexual dimorphisms that can be used to estimate sex in their absence. However, these methods are often too subjective or costly, and the development of new methods that avoid these problems is one of the priorities in forensic anthropology research. In this respect, the use of artificial intelligence may allow to automate and reduce the subjectivity of biological profile estimation methods. In fact, artificial intelligence has been successfully applied in sex estimation tasks, but most of the previous work focuses on the analysis of the pelvis and the skull. More importantly, the humerus, which can be useful in some situations due to its resistance, has never been used in the development of an automatic sex estimation method. Therefore, this paper addresses the use of machine learning techniques to the task of image classification, focusing on the use of images of the distal epiphysis of the humerus to classify whether it belongs to a male or female individual. To address this, we have used a set of humerus photographs of 417 adult individuals of Mediterranean origin to validate and compare different approaches, using both deep learning and traditional feature extraction techniques. Our best model obtains an accuracy of 91.03% in test, correctly estimating the sex of 92.68% of the males and 89.19% of the females. These results are superior to the ones obtained by the state of the art and by a human expert, who has achieved an accuracy of 83.33% using a state-ofthe- art method on the same data. In addition, the visualization of activation maps allows us to confirm not only that the neural network observes the sexual dimorphisms that have been proposed by the forensic anthropology literature, but also that it has been capable of finding a new region of interest.European Commission FORAGE (B-TIC-456-UGR20