13 research outputs found

    Genetske strukturne populacije brgljuna (Engraulis encrasicolus Linnaeus, 1758) (Osteichthyes: Engraulide) iz Mediterana i Atlantskog oceana

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    Muscle proteins of the European anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus L. were analyzed using starch gel electrophoresis and isoelectric focusing on thin polyacrylamide ampholine gel. Twenty-two protein loci were analyzed and polymorphism was found in six of them. Based on genetic-biochemical data, we hypothesize that there are two anchovy subspecies, European and African. The former inhabits the Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean coast of Europe, and the Aegean, Marmora, Black, and Azov Seas. The latter is found in the Cape Blank region of the Atlantic Ocean and, probably, along the northwestern part of the African coast. The Aegean anchovy consists of hybrid populations, resulting from introgressive hybridization between the European and the African populations. No evidence for subspecies differentiation between the populations from the European coast of the Mediterranean and the Atlantic Ocean was found. Genetic distances between the Azov and Black Sea populations show that the former probably entered the Black Sea during the Karangad period and the latter during the last connection of the Black Sea to the Mediterranean. The genetic distance between the Black Sea anchovy and the Azov anchovy shows that they could be specified as two different populations. Probably some earlier subspecies differences disappeared as a result of introgressive hybridization.Analizirani su mišićni proteini europskog brgljuna (Engraulis encrasicolus L.) upotrebom škrobno gelne elektroforeze i izoelektričnog fokusiranja na tankom poliakrilamidnom gelu. Analizirana su 22 proteinska položaja i kod šestorice je dobiven polimorfizam. Postavljena je hipoteza na osnovi genetsko-biokemijskih podataka da postoje 2 podvrste brgljuna: europska i afrička. Prva naseljava Mediteran, mediteranske obale Europe, te Egejsko, Mramorno, Crno i Azovsko more. Druga je nađena u području Cape Blank u Atlantskom oceanu i vjerojatno uzduž sjeverozapadnog dijela afričke obale. Egejski brgljun se sastoji od hibridnih populacija koje su rezultat introgresivne hibridizacije. Nema uvida u diferencijaciju podvrsta između populacija s europske obale Mediterana i Atlantskog oceana. Genetske udaljenosti između populacija Azovskog i Crnog mora ukazuju da je prva ušla u Crno more tijekom karangadskog razdoblja, a druga tijekom zadnje veze Crnog mora i Mediterana. Genetska udaljenost između brgljuna iz Crnog mora i brgljuna iz Azovskog mora upućuje na to da se mogu razlikovati različite populacije. Vjerojatno su neke razlike u podvrstama nastale kao rezultat introgresivne hibridizacije

    Analysis of healthy cohorts for single nucleotide polymorphisms in C1q gene cluster

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    C1q is the first component of the classical pathway of complement activation. The coding region for C1q is localized on chromosome 1p34.1–36.3. Mutations or single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in C1q gene cluster can cause developing of Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) because of C1q deficiency or other unknown reason. We selected five SNPs located in 7.121 kbp region on chromosome 1, which were previously associated with SLE and/or low C1q level, but not causing C1q deficiency and analyzed them in terms of allele frequencies and genotype distribution in comparison with Hispanic, Asian, African and other Caucasian cohorts. These SNPs were: rs587585, rs292001, rs172378, rs294179 and rs631090. One hundred eighty five healthy Bulgarian volunteers were genotyped for the selected five C1q SNPs by quantative real-time PCR methods. International HapMap Project has been used for information about genotype distribution and allele frequencies of the five SNPs in, Hispanics, Asians, Africans and others Caucasian cohorts. Bulgarian healthy volunteers and another pooled Caucasian cohort had similar frequencies of genotypes and alleles of rs587585, rs292001, rs294179 and rs631090 SNPs. Nevertheless, genotype AA of rs172378 was significantly overrepresented in Bulgarians when compared to other healthy Caucasians from USA and UK (60% vs 31%). Genotype distribution of rs172378 in Bulgarians was similar to Greek-Cyriot Caucasians. For all Caucasians the major allele of rs172378 was A. This is the first study analyzing the allele frequencies and genotype distribution of C1q gene cluster SNPs in Bulgarian healthy population

    Cultures courtoises en mouvement

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    Les études regroupées dans cet ouvrage offrent une sélection de contributions parmi les plus représentatives proposées au XIIIe congrès de la Société internationale de littérature courtoise qui s'est tenu à Montréal en 2010. Les axes de recherche reflètent les questions qui ont plus particulièrement occupé les médiévistes depuis la dernière décennie autour des problèmes de transmission et de diffusion, notamment par un retour à la spécificité de la « manuscriture » médiévale : la transmission et la réception de la courtoisie, la culture courtoise et le livre, et les langues de la courtoisie. Ces axes, qui ordonnent aussi la composition du présent livre, correspondent bien à quelques-uns des principaux mouvements critiques qui ont animé les études médiévales depuis le débat autour de la « nouvelle philologie » et de la « nouvelle codicologie ». Par ailleurs, l'étude des rapports entre la langue et la littérature du point de vue de l'histoire culturelle et non strictement de la philologie a offert l'un des points de rencontre les plus naturels pour le dialogue entre critiques littéraires, philologues et historiens

    Abstracts Of The Proceedings And The Posters From The Third Scientific Session Of The Medical College Of Varna

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    October 2-3, 201

    CoCoNet: Towards coast to coast networks of marine protected areas (From the shore to the high and deep sea), coupled with sea-based wind energy potential

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    This volume contains the main results of the EC FP7 "The Ocean of Tomorrow" Project CoCoNet, divided in two sections: 1) a set of guidelines to design networks of Marine Protected Areas in the Mediterranean and the Black Seas; 2) a smart wind chart that will allow evaluating the possibility of installing Offshore Wind Farms in both seas. The concept of Cells of Ecosystem Functioning, based on connectivity, is introduced to define natural units of management and conservation. The definition of Good Environmental Status, as defined in the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, is fully embraced to set the objectives of the project, by adopting a holistic approach that integrates a full set of disciplines, ranging from physics to bio-ecology, economics, engineering and many sub-disciplines. The CoCoNet Consortium involved scientist sfrom 22 states, based in Africa, Asia, and Europe, contributing to build a coherent scientific community