15 research outputs found

    Subsurface ice as a microbial habitat

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    We determine the physicochemical habitat for microorganisms in subsurface terrestrial ice by quantitatively constraining the partitioning of bacteria and fluorescent beads (1–10 m) between the solid ice crystals and the water-filled veins and boundaries around individual ice crystals. We demonstrate experimentally that the partitioning of spherical particles within subsurface ice depends strongly on size but is largely independent of source particle concentration. Although bacteria are shown consistently to partition to the veins, larger particles, which would include eukaryotic cells, become trapped in the crystals with little potential for continued metabolism. We also calculate the expected concentrations of soluble impurities in the veins for typical bulk concentrations found in natural ice. These calculations and scanning electron microscope observations demonstrate a concentrated chemical environment (3.5 M total ions at 10 C) in the veins, where bacteria were found to reside, with a mixture of impurities that could sustain metabolism. Our calculations show that typical bacterial cells in glacial ice would fit within the narrow veins, which are a few micrometers across. These calculations are confirmed by microscopic images of spherical, 1.9-m-diameter, fluorescent beads and stained bacteria in subsurface veins. Typical bacterial concentrations in clean ice (102–103 cells/mL) would result in concentrations of 106–108 cells/mL of vein fluid, but occupy only a small fraction of the total available vein volume (0.2%). Hence, bacterial populations are not limited by vein volume, with the bulk of the vein being unoccupied and available to supply energy sources and nutrients

    Nanostructured Films of Amphiphilic Fluorinated Block Copolymers for Fouling Release Application

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    New amphiphilic block copolymers SnSzm consisting of blocks with varied degrees of polymerization, n and m, of polystyrene, S, and polystyrene carrying an amphiphilic polyoxyethylene–polytetrafluoroethylene chain side-group, Sz, were prepared by controlled atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP). The block copolymers, either alone or in a blend with commercial SEBS (10 wt% SEBS), were spin-coated in thinner films (200–400 nm) on glass and spray-coated in thicker films (~ 500 nm) on a SEBS underlayer (150–200 μm). Angle-resolved X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) measurements proved that at any photoemission angle, φ, the atomic ratio F/C was larger than that expected from the known stoichiometry. Consistent with the enrichment of the outer film surface (3–10 nm) in F content, the measured contact angles, θ, with water (θw ≥ 107°) and n-hexadecane (θh ≥ 64°) pointed to the simultaneous hydrophobic and lipophobic character of the films. The film surface tension γS calculated from the θ values was in the range of 13–15 mN/m. However, the XPS measurements on the ‘wet’ films after immersion in water demonstrated that the film surface underwent reconstruction owing to its amphiphilic nature, thereby giving rise to a more chemically heterogeneous structure. The atomic force microscopy (AFM) images (tapping mode/AC mode) revealed well defined morphological features of the nanostructured films. Depending on the chemical composition of the block copolymers, spherical (ca. 20 nm diameter) and lying cylindrical (24–29 nm periodicity) nanodomains of the S discrete phase were segregated from the Sz continuous matrix (root mean square, RMS, roughness ≈ 1 nm). After immersion in water, the underwater AFM patterns evidenced a transformation to a mixed surface structure, in which the nanoscale heterogeneity and topography (RMS = 1–6 nm) were increased. The coatings were subjected to laboratory bioassays to explore their intrinsic ability to resist the settlement and reduce the adhesion strength of two marine algae viz. the macroalga (seaweed) Ulva linza, and the unicellular diatom Navicula perminuta. The amphiphilic nature of the copolymer coatings resulted in distinctly different performances against these two organisms. Ulva adhered less strongly to the coatings richer in the amphiphilic polystyrene component, percentage removal being maximal at intermediate weight contents. In contrast, Navicula cells adhered less strongly to coatings with a lower weight percentage of the amphiphilic side chains. The results are discussed in terms of the changes in surface structure caused by immersion and the effects such changes may have on the adhesion of the test organisms

    Poly(ethylene glycol)-Containing Hydrogel Surfaces for Antifouling Applications in Marine and Freshwater Environments

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    This work describes the fabrication, characterization, and biological evaluation of a thin protein-resistant poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG)-based hydrogel coating for antifouling applications. The coating was fabricated by free-radical polymerization on silanized glass and silicon and on polystyrene-covered silicon and gold. The physicochemical properties of the coating were characterized by infrared spectroscopy, ellipsometry, and contact angle measurements. In particular, the chemical stability of the coating in artificial seawater was evaluated over a six-month period. These measurements indicated that the degradation process was slow under the test conditions chosen, with the coating thickness and composition changing only marginally over the period. The settlement behavior of a broad and diverse group of marine and freshwater fouling organisms was evaluated. The tested organisms were barnacle larvae (Balanus amphitrite), algal zoospores (Ulva linza), diatoms (Navicula perminuta), and three bacteria species (Cobetia marina, Marinobacter hydrocarbonoclasticus, and Pseudomonas fluorescens). The biological results showed that the hydrogel coating exhibited excellent antifouling properties with respect to settlement and removal. © 2008 American Chemical Society

    The potential of nano-structured silicon oxide type coatings deposited by PACVD for control of aquatic biofouling

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    SiOx-like coatings were deposited on glass slides from a hexamethylsiloxane precursor by plasma-assisted CVD (PACVD). Surface energies (23.1-45.7 mJ m-1) were correlated with the degree of surface oxidation and hydrocarbon contents. Tapping mode AFM revealed a range of surface topologies with Ra values 1.55-3.16 nm and RMS roughness 1.96-4.11 nm. Settlement of spores of the green alga Ulva was significantly less, and detachment under shear significantly more on the lowest surface energy coatings. Removal of young plants (sporelings) of Ulva under shear was positively correlated with reducing the surface energy of the coatings. The most hydrophobic coatings also showed good performance against a freshwater bacterium, Pseudomonas fluorescens, significantly reducing initial attachment and biofilm formation, and reducing the adhesion strength of attached bacterial cells under shear. Taken together the results indicate potential for further investigation of these coatings for applications such as heat exchangers and optical instruments