9 research outputs found

    Shake‑table testing of a stone masonry building aggregate: overview of blind prediction study

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    City centres of Europe are often composed of unreinforced masonry structural aggregates, whose seismic response is challenging to predict. To advance the state of the art on the seismic response of these aggregates, the Adjacent Interacting Masonry Structures (AIMS) subproject from Horizon 2020 project Seismology and Earthquake Engineering Research Infrastructure Alliance for Europe (SERA) provides shake-table test data of a two-unit, double-leaf stone masonry aggregate subjected to two horizontal components of dynamic excitation. A blind prediction was organized with participants from academia and industry to test modelling approaches and assumptions and to learn about the extent of uncertainty in modelling for such masonry aggregates. The participants were provided with the full set of material and geometrical data, construction details and original seismic input and asked to predict prior to the test the expected seismic response in terms of damage mechanisms, base-shear forces, and roof displacements. The modelling approaches used differ significantly in the level of detail and the modelling assumptions. This paper provides an overview of the adopted modelling approaches and their subsequent predictions. It further discusses the range of assumptions made when modelling masonry walls, floors and connections, and aims at discovering how the common solutions regarding modelling masonry in general, and masonry aggregates in particular, affect the results. The results are evaluated both in terms of damage mechanisms, base shear forces, displacements and interface openings in both directions, and then compared with the experimental results. The modelling approaches featuring Discrete Element Method (DEM) led to the best predictions in terms of displacements, while a submission using rigid block limit analysis led to the best prediction in terms of damage mechanisms. Large coefficients of variation of predicted displacements and general underestimation of displacements in comparison with experimental results, except for DEM models, highlight the need for further consensus building on suitable modelling assumptions for such masonry aggregates

    Validation of Simulated Ground Motions based on Demands Imposed on Complex Sturctural Systems

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    Motivation Ground motion simulations offer the potential to significantly improve seismic hazard characterization, however their continued improvement requires extensive validation. While validation is often undertaken based on ground motion intensity measures (spectral accelerations, duration, etc.), it is also critical to examine the consistency of simulated ground motions when compared in terms of the seismic demands imposed on complex structural and geotechnical systems

    Guidance on the utilisation of ground motion simulations in engineering practice

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    This poster presents ongoing work to develop guidance on the utilization of ground motion simulations for engineering practice. The two central ideas in the guidance are, firstly, the indended use of the simulations: For hazard analysis and/or providing ground motion records for use in seismic response analysis of engineered structures. Secondly, a heriarichal validation matrix to systematically develop predictive confidence in the simulated motions in generic regions through to site-specific applications. There are two principal manners in which simulated ground motions can be utilized: In determination of the seismic hazard: Most rigorously, the seismic hazard would be directly obtained from ground motion simulation-based PSHA (e.g. CyberShake). Alternatively, simulations can inform the functional form in empirical ground motion models. Ground motions for seismic response analysis: Simulated ground motions can supplement existing empirical (as-recorded) ground motion databases (e.g. for large Mwsmall Rrup cases which are poorly represented). Target amplitudes can be defined from traditional or simulation-based PSHA, or a code-based response spectrum

    Effectiveness of simple approaches in mitigating residual deformations in buildings

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    Developments in performance-based seismic design and assessment approaches have emphasized the importance of considering residual deformations. Recent investigations have also led to a proposed direct displacement-based design (DDBD) approach which includes an explicit consideration of the expected residual deformations as an integral part of the design process. Having estimated the expected residual deformations in a structure, engineers are faced with the problem of reducing them to meet the targeted performance levels under pre-defined seismic hazard levels. Previous studies have identified the post-yield stiffness as a primary factor influencing the magnitude of residual deformations in single degree of freedom and multiple degree of freedom structures. In this paper, a series of simple approaches to increase the post-yield stiffness of traditional framed and braced systems for the purpose of reducing residual deformations are investigated. These methods do not utilize recentring post-tensioned technology. This contribution addresses the feasibility of altering the lateral post-yield stiffness of structural systems by: (i) using different reinforcement materials with beneficial features in their stress-strain behaviour; (ii) re-designing the section geometry and properties of primary seismic-resisting elements; and (iii) introducing a secondary elastic frame to act in parallel with the primary system. The efficiency of each of these techniques is investigated through monotonic and cyclic moment-curvature and non-linear time-history analyses. Of these approaches the design and introduction of an elastic secondary system was found to be most effective and consistent in reducing residual deformations. A simplilfied design approach for achieving the desired increase of a system's post-yield stiffness is also presented. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    The role of inelastic torsion in the determination of residual deformations

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    Recent developments in performance-based seismic design and assessment approaches have emphasized the importance of properly assessing and limiting the residual (permanent) deformations typically sustained by a structure after a seismic event, even when designed according to current code provisions. The performance-based design framework for residual deformations, previously developed by the authors for 2-D regular structures, is further extended to the behavior of 3-D irregular (asymmetric in-plan) buildings. The seismic response of a set of single-story systems, comprising of seismic resisting frames, and modeled to represent alternative materials (concrete or steel), is investigated under uni-directional earthquake loading excitations. Different layouts in plan, leading to either torsionally unrestrained or restrained systems, are considered. The influence of varying torsional restraint is investigated to define how residual diaphragm rotations and center-of-mass displacements are affected by changing levels of stiffness and strength, or mass eccentricity. From these findings additions to the previously proposed estimation procedure are made, with a specific example used to validate the suggested changes. Finally, a general example is developed based on currently available methods of evaluating maximum torsion response. It is suggested that such approaches are likely to be insufficient as they do not explicitly define how seismic-resisting elements are influenced by inelastic torsional response

    Seismic Response of Complex Structure Systems using Code-Compatible as-Recorded and Simulated Ground Motions

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    This research investigates the validation of simulated ground motions on complex structural systems. In this study, the seismic responses of two buildings are compared when they are subjected to as-recorded ground motions and simulated ones. The buildings have been designed based on New Zealand codes and physically constructed in Christchurch, New Zealand. The recorded ground motions are selected from 40 stations database of the historical 22 Feb. 2011 Christchurch earthquake. The Graves and Pitarka (2015) methodology is used to generate the simulated ground motions. The geometric mean of maximum inter-story drift and peak floor acceleration are selected as the main seismic responses. Also, the variation of these parameters due to record to record variability are investigated. Moreover, statistical hypothesis testing is used to investigate the similarity of results between observed and simulated ground motions. The results indicate a general agreement between the peak floor acceleration calculated by simulated and recorded ground motions for two buildings. While according to the hypothesis tests result, the difference in drift can be significant for the building with a shorter period. The results will help engineers and researchers to use or revise the procedure by using simulated ground motions for obtaining seismic responses

    Seismic testing of adjacent interacting masonry structures – shake table test and blind prediction competition

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    Across historical centres in Europe, stone masonry buildings form building aggregates that developed as the layout of the city or village was densified. In these aggregates, adjacent buildings can share structural walls with an older and a newer unit connected either by interlocking stones or by a layer of mortar. Observations after for example the recent Central Italy earthquakes showed that joints between the buildings were often the first elements to be damaged, leading to a complex interaction between the units. The analysis of such building aggregates is difficult due to the lack of guidelines, as the advances were impeded by the scarce experimental data. Therefore, the objective of the project AIMS (Seismic Testing of Adjacent Interacting Masonry Structures), included in the H2020 project SERA, was to provide such data by testing an aggregate of two double-leaf stone masonry buildings under two horizontal components of dynamic excitation. The test units were constructed at half-scale, with a two-storey building and a one-storey building. The buildings shared one common wall, while only a layer of mortar connected the façade walls. The floors were at different heights and had different beam orientations. Prior to the test, a blind prediction competition was organized with twelve participants from academia and industry that were provided with all the geometrical and material data, construction details, and the seismic input. The participants were asked to report results in terms of damage mechanisms, recorded displacements and base shear values. Results of the shake-table campaign are reported, together with a comparison with the blind predictions. Large scatter in terms of reported predictions highlights the impact of modelling uncertainties and the need for further tests