15 research outputs found

    Design of Robust Drag-Free Controllers with Given Structure

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    GALACSI system design and analysis

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    GALACSI is one of the Adaptive Optics (AO) systems part of the ESO Adaptive Optics Facility (AOF). It will use the VLT 4-Laser Guide Stars system, high speed and low noise WaveFront Sensor cameras (<1e-, 1000Hz) the Deformable Secondary Mirror (DSM) and the SPARTA Real Time Computer to sharpen images and enhance faint object detectability of the MUSE Instrument. MUSE is an Integral Field Spectrograph working at wavelengths from 465nm to 930nm. GALACSI implements 2 different AO modes; in Wide Field Mode (WFM) it will perform Ground Layer AO correction and enhance the collected energy in a 0.2” by 0.2” pixel by a factor 2 at 750nm over a Field of View (FoV) of 1’ by 1’. The 4 LGSs and one tip tilt reference star (R-mag <17.5) are located outside the MUSE FoV. Key requirements are to provide this performance and a very good image stability for a 1hour long integration time. In Narrow Field Mode (NFM) Laser Tomography AO will be used to reconstruct and correct the turbulence for the center field using the 4 LGSs at 15” off axis and the Near Infra Red (NIR) light of one reference star on axis for tip tilt and focus sensing. In NFM GALACSI will provide a moderate Strehl Ratio of 5% (goal 10%) at 650nm. The NFM hosts several challenges and many subsystems will be pushed to their limits. The opto mechanical design and error budgets of GALACSI is described her

    Vibrations in AO control: A short analysis of on-sky data around the world

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    We present in this paper an analysis of several tip-tilt on-sky data registered on adaptive optics systems installed on different telescopes (Gemini South, William Herschel Telescope, Large Binocular Telescope, Very Large Telescope, Subaru). Vibration peaks can be detected, and it is shown that their presence and location may vary, and that their origin is not always easy to determine. Mechanical solution that have been realized to mitigate vibrations are presented. Nevertheless, residual vibrations may still affect the instruments' performance, ranging from narrow high frequency vibration peaks to wide low frequency windshake-type perturbations. Power Spectral Densities (PSDs) of on-sky data are presented to evidence these features. When possible, indications are given regarding the gain in performance that could be achieved with adequate controllers accounting for vibration mitigation. Two examples of controller identification and design illustrate their ability to compensate for various types of disturbances (turbulence, windshake, vibration peaks, ...), showing a significant gain in performance. \ua9 2012 SPIE.Peer reviewed: YesNRC publication: Ye