61 research outputs found
The Earth's Gamma-ray Albedo as observed by EGRET
The Earth's high energy gamma-ray emission is caused by cosmic ray
interactions with the atmosphere. The EGRET detector on-board the CGRO
satellite is only the second experiment (after SAS-2) to provide a suitable
dataset for the comprehensive study of this emission. Approximately 60% of the
EGRET dataset consist of gamma photons from the Earth. This conference
contribution presents the first results from the first analysis project to
tackle this large dataset. Ultimate purpose is to develop an analytical model
of the Earth's emission for use in the GLAST project. The results obtained so
far confirm the earlier results from SAS-2 and extend them in terms of
statistical precision and angular resolution.Comment: To be published in the proceedings of the Gamma 2004 Symposium on
High-Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy, Heidelberg, July, 2004 (AIP Proceedings
Faster Background Determination - a method for gaining time coverage and flux measurement accuracy with Cherenkov telescopes
An improved way of taking off-source data for background determination in
Cherenkov telescope observations is proposed. Generalizing the traditional
concept of taking on-source/off-source observations of equal duration (e.g. 30
minutes ON followed by 30 minutes OFF), Faster Background Determination (FBD)
permits an off-source observation with the same zenith angle distribution as
the on-source observation to be obtained within less time. The method permits
the on-source observation time to be maximized without compromising the quality
of the background determination. It also increases the signal significance for
strong sources. The only modification necessary in the data acquisition is a
small change to the tracking algorithm. The only modification necessary in the
data analysis is to introduce a time normalization which does not increase the
systematic errors. The method could become the normal observing mode for
Cherenkov telescopes when observing strong sources.Comment: LaTeX, 13 pages, 4 figures, Astropart. Phys., in pres
A Relativistic Quark Model for Mesons with an Instanton-Induced Interaction
We present new results of a relativistic quark model based on the
Bethe-Salpeter equation in its instantaneous approximation. Assuming a linearly
rising confinement potential with an appropriate spinorial structure in Dirac
space and adopting a residual interaction based on instanton effects, we can
compute masses of the light mesons up to highest observed angular momenta with
a natural solution of the problem. The calculated ground states masses
and the radial excitations describe the experimental results well. In this
paper, we will also discuss our results concerning numerous meson decay
properties. For processes like and
at various photon virtualities, we find a good agreement
with experimental data. We will also comment on the form factors of the
decay and on the decay constants of the , and
mesons. For the sake of completeness, we will furthermore present the
electromagnetic form factors of the charged and mesons as well as a
comparison of the radiative meson decay widths with the most recent
experimental data.Comment: 30 pages including 10 tables and 16 figures; submitted to Eur. Phys.
J. A; misprints correcte
Weak Decays Of Heavy Mesons In A Covariant Quark Model
In this paper we investigate weak decays of heavy mesons in the framework of
a covariant quark model, which is based on the Bethe-Salpeter equation in
instantaneous approximation. Apart from a phenomenological confinement
potential, a residual interaction induced by instantons is adopted. Masses and
many decay observables of light mesons have already been described successfully
in this model. An appropiate extension allows a unified description of light
and heavy systems.
Using a set of parameters which are fixed by the mass spectra, we evaluate
the form factors of semileptonic decays of charmed and bottom mesons. In the
heavy quark limit these can be reduced to the Isgur-Wise function, which is
calculated. Finally the form factors are used to determine the non-leptonic
decay rates of B mesons in the factorization approximation.Comment: 20 pages including 13 tables and 6 figures; Corrected typo
The Meson Spectrum in a Covariant Quark Model
Within the framework of the instantaneous Bethe-Salpeter equation, we present
a detailed analysis of light meson spectra with respect to various
parameterizations of confinement in Dirac space. Assuming a linearly rising
quark-antiquark potential, we investigate two different spinorial forms (Dirac
structures), namely {1/2}(\Id\otimes\Id - \gamma^0\otimes\gamma^0) as well as
the -invariant combination {1/2}(\Id\otimes\Id -
\gamma^5\otimes\gamma^5 - \gamma^\mu\otimes\gamma_\mu), both providing a good
description of the ground state Regge trajectories up to highest observed
angular momenta. Whereas the first structure is slightly prefered concerning
numerous meson decay properties (see \cite{pap41}), we find the
-invariant force to be much more appropriate for the description of a
multitude of higher mass resonances discovered in the data of the {\sc Crystal
Barrel} collaboration during the last few years. Furthermore, this confinement
structure has the remarkable feature to yield a linear dependence of masses on
their radial excitation number. For many experimental resonances such a
trajectory-like behaviour was observed by Anisovich {\it et al.} We can confirm
that almost the same slope occurs for all trajectories. Adding the
-breaking instanton induced 't Hooft interaction we can compute the
pseudoscalar mass splittings with both Dirac structures and for the scalar
mesons a natural mechanism of flavour mixing is achieved. [...]Comment: 32 pages including 19 figures and 3 tables; submitted to Eur. Phys.
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