168 research outputs found

    Relationships between population traits, nonstructural carbohydrates, and elevation in alpine stands of Vaccinium myrtillus

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    Premise: Despite great attention given to the relationship between plant growth and carbon balance in alpine tree species, little is known about shrubs at the treeline. We hypothesized that the pattern of main nonstructural carbohydrates (NSCs) across elevations depends on the interplay between phenotypic trait plasticity, plant\u2013plant interaction, and elevation. Methods: We studied the pattern of NSCs (i.e., glucose, fructose, sucrose, and starch) in alpine stands of Vaccinium myrtillus (above treeline) across an elevational gradient. In the same plots, we measured key growth traits (i.e., anatomical stem features) and shrub cover, evaluating putative relationships with NSCs. Results: Glucose content was positively related with altitude, but negatively related with shrub cover. Sucrose decreased at high altitude and in older populations and increased with higher percentage of vascular tissue. Starch content increased at middle and high elevations and in stands with high shrub cover. Moreover, starch content was negatively related with the number of xylem rings and the percentage of phloem tissue, but positively correlated with the percentage of xylem tissue. Conclusions: We found that the increase in carbon reserves across elevations was uncoupled from plant growth, supporting the growth limitation hypothesis, which postulates NSCs accumulate at high elevation as a consequence of low temperature. Moreover, the response of NSC content to the environmental stress caused by elevation was buffered by phenotypic plasticity of plant traits, suggesting that, under climate warming conditions, shrub expansion due to enhanced plant growth would be pronounced in old but sparse stands

    Bioactive Polyphenols Modulate Enzymes Involved in Grapevine Pathogenesis and Chitinase Activity at Increasing Complexity Levels

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    The reduction of synthetic chemistry use in modern viticulture relies on either the biological control of microorganisms or the induction of pathogenesis-related proteins. In the present study, the effects of hydro-alcoholic plant extracts (PEs) (i.e., by-products of Vitis vinifera L., leaves of Olea europaea L. and Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle) were tested on purified enzymes activity involved in plant-pathogen interactions. The polyphenolic composition was assayed and analyzed to characterize the extract profiles. In addition, suspension cell cultures of grapevine were treated with PEs to study their modulation of chitinase activity. Application of grape marc\u2019s PE enhanced chitinase activity at 4 g L 121. Additionally, foliar treatment of grape marc\u2019s PE at two doses (4 g L 121 and 800 g L 121 ) on grapevine cuttings induced a concentration-dependent stimulation of chitinase activity. The obtained results showed that the application of bioactive compounds based on PEs, rich in phenolic compounds, was effective both at in vitro and ex/in vivo level. The overall effects of PEs on plant-pathogen interaction were further discussed by applying a multi-criteria decision analysis, showing that grape marc was the most effective extrac

    Identification and localization of the bilitranslocase homologue in white grape berries (Vitis vinifera L.) during ripening

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    A homologue of the mammalian bilirubin transporter bilitranslocase (BTL) (TCDB 2.A.65.1.1), able to perform an apparent secondary active transport of flavonoids, has previously been found in carnation petals and red grape berries. In the present work, a BTL homologue was also shown in white berries from Vitis vinifera L. cv. Tocai/Friulano, using anti-sequence antibodies specific for rat liver BTL. This transporter, similarly to what found in red grape, was localized in the first layers of the epidermal tissue and in the vascular bundle cells of the mesocarp. In addition, a strong immunochemical reaction was detected in the placental tissue and particularly in peripheral integuments of the seed. The protein was expressed during the last maturation stages in both skin and pulp tissues and exhibited an apparent molecular mass of c. 31 kDa. Furthermore, the transport activity of such a carrier, measured as bromosulphophthalein (BSP) uptake, was detected in berry pulp microsomes, where it was inhibited by specific anti-BTL antibodies. The BTL homologue activity exhibited higher values, for both Km and Vmax, than those found in the red cultivar. Moreover, two non-pigmented flavonoids, such as quercetin (a flavonol) and eriodictyol (a flavanone), inhibited the uptake of BSP in an uncompetitive manner. Such results strengthen the hypothesis that this BTL homologue acts as a carrier involved also in the membrane transport of colourless flavonoids and demonstrate the presence of such a carrier in different organs and tissues

    Germination performance of alien and native species could shape community assembly of temperate grasslands under different temperature scenarios

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    Rising temperatures due to climate change are expected to interplay with biological invasions, and may enhance the spread and growth of some alien species upon arrival in new areas. To successfully invade, a plant species needs to overcome multiple biological barriers. Among the crucial life stages, seed germination greatly contributes to the final species assembly of a plant community. Several studies have suggested that alien plant success is related to their high seed germination and longevity in the soil. Hence, our aim is to test if the germination potential of alien seeds present in the seed bank will be further enhanced by future warming in temperate dry grasslands, an ecosystem that is among those most prone to biological invasions. We designed a laboratory germination experiment at two temperatures (20 and 28 °C), to simulate an early or late heat wave in the growing season, using seeds from nine common grassland Asteraceae species, including native, archaeophyte and neophyte species. The test was performed on both single and mixed pools of these categories of species, using a full-factorial orthogonal design. The warmer germination temperature promoted neophyte success by increasing germination probability and germination speed, while negatively impacting these parameters in seeds of native species. The co-occurrence of native and archaeophyte seeds at the lower temperature limited the invasiveness of neophytes. These results provide important information on future management actions aimed at containing alien plant invasions, by improving our knowledge on the possible seed-bank response and interaction mechanisms of common species occurring in disturbed natural areas or restored sites. Graphical abstract: Summary of the experimental results. The colour of the flowers represent the status, divided as native (blue), neophyte (red) and archaeophyte (green). Each flower symbol represents the species pool for each plant category (i.e. NA = Buphthalmum salicifolium, Carlina vulgaris, Centaurea scabiosa; NE = Artemisia annua, Symphyotrichum novi-belgii, Senecio inaequidens; AR = Centaurea cyanus, Cichorium intybus, Tripleurospermum inodorum). The number of flowers represent the germination percentage of the various category assembly. In the columns are divided the various combination. From up to bottom the trend of germination percentage at 20 and 28 °C are shown. [Figure not available: see fulltext.]

    Vernalization affects the germination performance of the wetland endangered species Eleocharis carniolica

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    Eleocharis carniolica W.D.J. Koch (Cyperaceae) is an endangered wetland spike rush mainly threatened by habitat loss and fragmentation. Understanding the germination ecology of this species is essential to perform successful conservation and restoration actions. In this study, we investigated the effect of vernalization (i.e. cold stratification), gibberellic acid (GA3) and chemical scarification on seed germination of E. carniolica from wild populations in northern Italy. The results showed that vernalization (i.e. 8-weeks at 4 °C) significantly improved germination probability, speed, and uniformity compared to non-stratified seeds. Gibberellic acid treatment alone or in combination with vernalization did not show a significant improvement in germination. Chemical scarification using sodium hypochlorite increased germination probability, with 8 h of scarification showing the highest success rate. However, 24-h scarification had a negative impact on germination. Overall, vernalization was found to be the most effective method to enhance germination in E. carniolica. These findings provide valuable insights into the seed germination ecology of this endangered species, aiding in its exsitu conservation, propagation, and in-situ restoration efforts. Moreover, they have important implications on future germination dynamics of this endangered species, especially with predicted climate change scenarios

    The placenta: phenotypic and epigenetic modifications induced by Assisted Reproductive Technologies throughout pregnancy

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