1,194 research outputs found

    Primary vegetation development on the sand spit of Shallow Inlet, Wilsons Promontory, southern Victoria

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    The sand spit that separates Shallow Inlet from Waratah Bay (38º52ʹ S, 146º13ʹ E), near Wilsons Promontory in southern Victoria, has developed since the previous spit was washed out in 1901. Initially without vegetation, the spit was colonised in the 1960s by the exotic grasses *Thinopyrum junceiforme and to a lesser extent *Ammophila arenaria. These species are native to the coast of western Europe, where they fulfil a key role in dune establishment. Being able to grow through sand accumulating among the culms, these grasses formed mounds where seeds or rhizome fragments were washed up during king tides. Where somewhat sheltered from the strongest impact of the westerlies, mounds gradually coalesced and formed short ridges at the landward side of the spit, and ‘dune fields’ towards its distal end. Circumstances favourable for dune field formation were enhanced by episodic processes in spit growth due to channel shifting in the tidal delta and the gradual lengthening of the main outlet channel. Austrofestuca littoralis and Spinifex sericeus joined the two foreign grasses in their pioneering role. The herbaceous Actites megalocarpa and the shrub Ozothamnus turbinatus established in the lee of the grasses, but conditions on mounds, dune crests and windward slopes are too severe for other species. Only at more sheltered sites is further development of vegetation possible. In the lee of the dune fields it has progressed into an open shrubland, initially of Ozothamnus turbinatus, Olearia axillaris and Olearia glutinosa, later enriched by Acacia longifolia var. sophorae, Leptospermum laevigatum and Leucopogon parviflorus. Wind-dispersed taxa form the dominant component of the vegetation, but several animal-dispersed species became established as well. The complement of woody species begins to resemble that of the dune scrub found elsewhere along this part of the Victorian coast, but several wind-dispersed species, notably Banksia integrifolia, are still lacking and it would appear that dispersal is still a limiting factor in vegetation development. It is pointed out that dune development on the sand spit was initiated by exotic grasses and that without their presence, it is doubtful whether any vegetation would have established there. Many photos support the text- the narrative will say what words can say but words can never say it all (Love 1999)

    The role of currents in the dispersal of introduced seashore plants around Australia

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    The aim of this study was to assess the role of currents in the dispersal of seashore species with buoyant propagules. Four introduced species which have now attained a wide distribution in southern and eastern Australia were used as indicators: Cakile edentula, Cakile maritima (Brassicaceae), Euphorbia paralias (Euphorbiaceae) and Arctotheca populifolia (Asteraceae). None arrived in Australia unaided, as all early collection localities are near ports and early long-distance dispersal within Australia was often due to shipping. Buoyancy and viability of propagules were tested to assess dispersal and colonisation potential. Propagule spread was analysed using information from herbarium specimens and fieldwork. A progression of herbarium specimen collection dates could often be explained by regional current regimes, as revealed by stranding locations of drift bottles and drift cards. The eastward spread of Euphorbia paralias from King George Sound, Western Australia, correlated well with stranding patterns of drift bottles released south of the Sound. The colonisation by Arctotheca populifolia of the southern extremity of the Eyre Peninsula and the south-east of South Australia was achieved through fruits carried from Western Australia by the Leeuwin Current. These and other congruencies between patterns of spread and the results of drifter releases are analysed and discussed

    Flora of the Stockton and Port Hunter sandy foreshores with comments on fifteen notable introduced species

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    Between 1993 and 2005 I investigated the introduced plant species on the Newcastle foreshores at Stockton and Macquaries Pier (lat 32º 56’ S, long 151º 47’ E). At North Stockton in a rehabilitated area, cleared of *Chrysanthemoides monilifera subsp. rotundata, and planted with *Ammophila arenaria interspersed with native shrubs, mainly Acacia longifolia subsp. sophorae and Leptospermum laevigatum, is a rich flora of introduced species of which *Panicum racemosum and *Cyperus conglomeratus have gradually become dominant in the groundcover. Notwithstanding continuing maintenance, *Chrysanthemoides monilifera subsp. rotundata has re-established among the native shrubs, and together with Acacia longifolia subsp. sophorae, is important in sand stabilisation along the seaward edge of the dune terrace. The foredune of Little Park Beach, just inside the Northern Breakwater, is dominated by Spinifex sericeus and backed by Acacia longifolia subsp. sophorae-*Chrysanthemoides monilifera subsp. rotundata shrubbery. In places the shrubbery has given way to introduced species such as *Oenothera drummondii, *Tetragonia decumbens and especially *Heterotheca grandiflora. At Macquaries Pier *Chrysanthemoides monilifera subsp. rotundata forms an almost continuous fringe between the rocks that protect the pier against heavy southerlies. However, its presence on adjacent Nobbys Beach is localised and the general aspect of this beach is no different from any other along the coast as it is dominated by Spinifex sericeus. Many foreign plant species occur around the sandy foreshores at Port Hunter. Since the first coal exports in the 1850s the Newcastle wharves and ballast-ground at Stockton became points of entry for foreign species, either directly, or via stopovers at other Australian ports. Some of these, *Panicum racemosum, *Tetragonia decumbens, *Ursinia speciosa, *Hebenstretia dentata and until recently, *Heterotheca grandiflora, remained restricted to the Newcastle region, while others, e.g. *Chrysanthemum monilifera subsp. rotundata, *Hydrocotyle bonariensis, *Gladiolus gueinzii and *Oenothera drummondii, spread further afield, but only colonised their preferred coastal habitat. Many more species spread far and wide, their port of introduction no longer recognisable. Other species were introduced as garden plants, escaped and became naturalised. However, for most foreign, generally widespread, species their mode of entry can no longer be determined. 99 species were recorded in the six areas regularly visited, about 25% native to Australia, and 75% about evenly divided between species from Africa, Asia and Europe. More detailed information on 15 of the more notable introduced species is provided in an appendix. On the dune terrace vegetation of North Stockton, only about 20% of the 50 species are native to Australia, the only one of any prominence being Acacia longifolia subsp. sophorae. Nevertheless, on first impression this ‘multinational’ assemblage looks quite normal, and when one compares the ecological functioning of the 1930s vegetation with that of the present vegetation, it appears that, due to presence of more graminoids, and the fact that *Panicum racemosum produces a denser sward than Spinifex sericeus, the present vegetation is more effective in sand-catching and dune stabilisation than the vegetation in the 1930s would have been. However in view of the increasing influence of climate change, e.g. a rise in sea level and more extreme weather events, there is no indication that the present terrace, notwithstanding the increased density of the rhizomatous species and a sprawling shrubby vegetation along the crest, will endure such attacks any better than in the 1990s

    Moldova: Small country – big problem! Corruption and a mono-garchy

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    Duyne, van Petrus C. Moldova: Small country – big problem! Corruption and a mono-garchy / Petrus C. Van Duyne, Brendan Quirke // Constructing and organising crime in Europe / Petrus C. van Duyne, Alexey Serdyuk, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Jackie H. Harvey, Klaus von Lampe (Eds.); Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Northumbria University, Teesside University, Utrecht University. – Chicago-Kharkiv : Eleven International Publishing, Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, 2019. - P. 367-398. - DOI: https://doi.org/10.32631/ccc19.15.Що таке корупція? Одне з численних відповідей на це питання: «Це зловживання державними посадами в особистих цілях» (Svensson, 2005: 19). Хоча це коротке визначення широко використовується, воно неточне. Воно має намір охопити занадто широкий спектр порушень закону, від хабарництва до розтрати та шахрайства, клієнтури і таємних угод. Ми вважаємо за краще поставити всі ці способи поведінки під егідою порушення цілісності. Однак концепція цілісності вимагає додаткової точності. Як ми побачимо, саме глибоке і повсюдне руйнування цілісності процесу прийняття рішень в державному управлінні та приватному секторі позначається на добробуті народів. У нашому дослідженні це незручне становище стосується Молдови, яка не самотня в цьому відношенні. Зрозуміло, що Молдова разом з Україною знаходиться на дні цього явно корумпованого регіону. Корупція є глобальною проблемою, і Молдова заявляє про це: вона є (або стане) учасником ряду міжнародних конвенцій проти корупції. Мета цієї глави - провести рекогносцировку, зібравши воєдино все, що відомо про корупцію в цій країні. Джерела для цього дослідження не багаті: корупція в Молдові, схоже, недостатньо досліджена. Обговорювані джерела складаються в основному з відкритих англомовних джерел, в основному з молдавських установ і місцевих авторів, чиї публікації були розміщені на різних веб-сайтах. Спочатку ми розглянемо загальний знаменник, що лежить в основі корупції в цьому регіоні: радянська спадщина.What is corruption? One of the many answers to this question is: “It is a misuse of public office for private gain” (Svensson, 2005: 19). Though this short definition is widely used, it is imprecise. It intends to cover a too wide range of law breaking, from bribery to embezzlement to fraud, clientelism and secret dealings. We prefer to bring all these modes of conduct under the umbrella of breach of integrity. However, the concept of integrity needs further precision. As we will see, it is the deep and pervasive erosion of the integrity of the decision making in the public administration and private sector, which affects the welfare of the peoples. In our study this awkward predicament concerns Moldova, which does not stand alone in this regard. It is clear that Moldova together with Ukraine, is at the bottom of this apparently deeply corrupt region. Corruption is a global concern and Moldova underwrites this: it is (or will become) a signatory of a number of international conventions against corruption. This chapter aims to make a reconnaissance by bringing together what is known about corruption in this country. The sources for this study are not rich: corruption in Moldova seems to be under-researched. The consulted sources consist mainly of open English language sources, mainly from Moldovan institutions and local authors whose publications were uploaded on various websites. We will first look at the common denominator underlying the corruption in this region: the Soviet heritage.Что такое коррупция? Один из многочисленных ответов на этот вопрос: «Это злоупотребление государственными должностями в личных целях» (Svensson, 2005: 19). Хотя это краткое определение широко используется, оно неточное. Оно намеревается охватить слишком широкий спектр нарушений закона, от взяточничества до растраты и мошенничества, клиентуры и тайных сделок. Мы предпочитаем поставить все эти способы поведения под эгидой нарушения целостности. Однако концепция целостности требует дополнительной точности. Как мы увидим, именно глубокое и повсеместное разрушение целостности процесса принятия решений в государственном управлении и частном секторе сказывается на благосостоянии народов. В нашем исследовании это неловкое положение касается Молдовы, которая не одинока в этом отношении. Понятно, что Молдова вместе с Украиной находится на дне этого явно коррумпированного региона. Коррупция является глобальной проблемой, и Молдова заявляет об этом: она является (или станет) участником ряда международных конвенций против коррупции. Цель этой главы - провести рекогносцировку, собрав воедино все, что известно о коррупции в этой стране. Источники для этого исследования не богаты: коррупция в Молдове, похоже, недостаточно исследована. Обсуждаемые источники состоят в основном из открытых англоязычных источников, в основном из молдавских учреждений и местных авторов, чьи публикации были размещены на различных веб-сайтах. Сначала мы рассмотрим общий знаменатель, лежащий в основе коррупции в этом регионе: советское наследие

    Morfologi dan Sintaksis Bahasa Tawoyan

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