21 research outputs found

    Modulated Field Synchronous Generator for Wind Turbines

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    This paper presents a modern electromechanical conversion systemsolution as the modulated field synchronous generator, offering on theone hand, an output voltage with constant frequency in terms of speedvariation of the wind turbine and on the other hand an advantagepower / weight ratio due to the high frequency for which the magneticcircuit of the electric machine is sized. The mathematical model of the modulated field synchronous generator is implemented in MatLABmodeling language, highlighting the command structure on thetransistors bases of the inverter transistors, through which thefunctioning of the electric machine can be studied, especially in terms of the frequency of the delivered voltage

    Complex Technical Solution for Renewable Energy

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    This paper presents a complex technical solution for implementing renewable energy, namely: wind, solar photovoltaic and hydraulics. Because wind and solar photovoltaic energy habe a highly random character, it is required to find solution to store the product energy for unfavorable periods, without wind or solar radiations. This could be achieved using the third type of renewable energy, the hydraulic one, obtained from an hydroelectric pumped storage plant (HPSP), located in the imediate vicinity of the wind and solar photovoltaic plant

    PID Controller with Operational Amplifier

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    The paper presents a PID controller made with LM741 operational amplifier that implement the PID controllers laws and allow for a widerange of applications of in the field of automatic control of technicalprocesses and systems

    Exploitation Solution of the Wind Potential in the Danube Gorge

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    This paper proposes a solution to exploit the wind potential of the Danube cluster by storing it in the Iron Gates I reservoir lake, through pumping the water downstream of the hydroelectric power plant. Storing energy by pumping water, i.e. turning the plant into a pumped storage hydroelectric plant, will chancel the unstable character of wind energy, also achieving peak load coverage under conditions of investment much be-lower to those of building a hydroelectric power plant with accumulation by pumping the Danub

    Performance of a Grid Connected Photovoltaic Plant

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    The paper presents an overwiev of the performances of the grid connectedphotovoltaik plant at the University ”Eftimie Murgu��� Resita, Romaniarealised on the monitoriesed wheather and installations datastored in a on-line data base during one year

    Method’s and Test Stand for Electronic PID Controller

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    The paper presents method’s and a testing stand for electronic controller using for this a signal generator and a digital oscilloscope respectively the virtual instrumentation and the signal acquisitions from the controllers input and output through an data acquisition board and an PC on that Lab View program runs

    Wigner Ville Distribution in Signal Processing, using Scilab Environment

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    The Wigner Ville distribution offers a visual display of quantitative information about the way a signal’s energy is distributed in both, time and frequency. Through that, this distribution embodies the fundamentally concepts of the Fourier and time-domain analysis. The energy of the signal is distributed so that specific frequencies are localized in time by the group delay time and at specifics instants in time the frequency is given by the instantaneous frequency. The net positive volum of the Wigner distribution is numerically equal to the signal’s total energy. The paper shows the application of the Wigner Ville distribution, in the field of signal processing, using Scilab environment

    Solar Photovoltaic Plant for the 'Eftimie Murgu' University of Resita

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    The paper presents an application of a solar photovoltaic plant for the 'Eftimie Murgu' University, with an estimation of the yearly medium energy production. The substantiation of the plant designed is based on the many years measurements obtained in the laboratory for monitoring the solar photovoltaic energy of the university and the favorable conditions of promoting the energy production from renewable sources, assured in the new legislation

    Study of the Photovoltaic Potential from the Location Resita

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    The present paper wants to be a first contact in analyzing and knowing the solar photovoltaic potential from Resita, this, in fact means, the 45 parallel in our country. This issue will be obtained through monitoring the produced electric energy and injected in the public grip. The research studies are extended over a period of two years to have a more exact evolution of the monitories parameters. These researches results will be then directly used in planning of photovoltaic plants in our country

    Implementation of the Kalman Filter Algorithm on a Stand with Microcontroller

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    The experimental stand represents an application to adjust and controlthe rotation speed of a DC motor with permanent magnet realized withan 80C51 family microcontroller that commands a PWM (Pulse WideModulation) source. The user interface is realized in Visual Basic 6. Itcontains different adjustment modes and posts the state estimation ofthe process (rotor speed and current of the DC motor). It can beobserved good conformity between the estimate values (calculated),and the measured once