2,255 research outputs found
Who can (still) afford to retire early? Cross-country comparison of incomes of senior workers and young retirees using LIS data for 2007 & 2010
The aim of this paper is to compare the economic situation of young retirees with their peers who decided to continue their working life before and during the recent economic crisis using the micro-data from the Luxembourg Income Study Database (LIS) for four countries (Greece, Spain, the UK and the US) for the years 2007 and 2010. In order to have comparable samples across countries with different institutional settings, we delimit our sample to the age group up to ten years prior to the statutory retirement age. In a first section we look at the income mix of early retirees and senior workers from a gender perspective taking into account the disposable household income. In a second section, we apply multinominal logistic regression models to explain the labour market status of seniors, focusing on the income predictors, distinguishing between personal income derived from the labour market participation, other personal income and other household income. We consider as well the alternative exit pathways from the labour market such as unemployment, disability and other types of inactivity. Our results show changes over time in the impact of incomes from different sources on the labour market status of seniors as well as gendered life courses. The paper contributes to the literature by a comparative analysis of the labour market behaviour in conjunction with income from different sources before and after the crisis
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The influence of parents versus peers on Generation Y internet ethical attitudes
We examine the role of parental style versus peer influence on Generation Y's attitudes towards online unethical activities using a survey of a matched parent-child sample. Results suggest that a protective parental style has the greatest impact on Generation Y's online ethical attitudes, while a strict discipline style has no significant influence. Peers are more influential, but not as influential as when there is agreement between parents and their children on a specific activity. Methodologically, the research highlights the necessity to measure family dyads and assess whether or not parents and their children's perceptions are the same
Гистопатологические изменения в расхождении анастомоза после пластики атрезии пищевода с нижнем трахеопищеводным свищём
Anastomotic dehiscence after repair of esophageal atresia with tracheoesophageal fistula continues to encounter
difficulties and challenges in management, being characterized by significant morbidity and mortality. The treatment
options for anastomotic dehiscences vary from conservative treatment to surgical reintervention, the success of both
methods being quite variable.
The aim of this study is to evaluate the histopathological changes produced in the area of anastomotic dehiscence after
repair of esophageal atresia with inferior tracheoesophageal fistula, including the analysis of the peculiarities of the
potential of the local regenerative process in this complication.
The authors present the evaluation of a study analyzing the microstructural and morpho-functional features of
anastomosis dehiscence in 4 cases of anastomotic dehiscence with unfavorable evolution after primary repair of
esophageal atresia with inferior tracheoesophageal fistula, 1 case - after delayed application of anastomosis, and 1 case
after resolving the anastomotic dehiscence, the child dying due to concomitant malformations.
The results of the study allow to conclude that anastomotic dehiscences in cases of repair of congenital esophageal atresia
are characterized by a succession of alterative-exudative and regenerative processes with activation of fibrillogenesis
and epithelialization. Regenerative and healing processes of esophageal anastomosis largely depend on the degree of
tissue maturation, the severity of tissue dysplastic changes, the presence of concomitant esophageal malformations
(such as segmental intramural duplications), the presence or association of infectious pathology and immune status,
, persistence and progression of inflammatory-septic processes in cases of anastomotic dehiscence in children with
esophageal atresia.Расхождение анастомоза после пластики при атрезии пищевода с трахеопищеводным свищём, попрежнему сталкивается с трудностями и проблемами в лечении, поскольку характеризуется значительной
заболеваемостью и смертностью. Варианты лечения расхождения анастомоза варьируются от консервативного
лечения до хирургического вмешательства, причем эффективность обоих методов весьма различается.
Целью данного исследования является оценка гистопатологических изменений, возникающих в области
расхождения анастомоза после пластики при атрезии пищевода с нижним трахеопищеводным свищём, в том
числе анализ особенностей потенциала местного регенеративного процесса при этом осложнении.
Авторы представляют оценку исследования, в котором анализируются микроструктурные и
морфофункциональные особенности расхождения анастомоза в 4 случаях расхождения анастомоза с
неблагоприятным исходом после первичной пластики атрезии пищевода с нижним трахеопищеводным свищем, в 1 случае - после отсроченного наложения анастомоза и в 1 случае, случай, когда после устранения
расхождения анастомоза ребенок умирает из-за сопутствующих пороков развития.
Результаты исследования позволяют сделать вывод о том, что расхождение анастомозов при пластике врожденной
атрезии пищевода характеризуется чередованием альтеративно-экссудативных и регенеративных процессов
с активацией фибриллогенеза и эпителизации. Регенеративные и заживляющие процессы пищеводного
анастомоза во многом зависят от степени созревания тканей, выраженности диспластических изменений
тканей, наличия сопутствующих пороков развития пищевода (таких как сегментарные внутримуральные
дупликации), наличия или связи инфекционной патологии и иммунного статуса, стойкости прогрессирования
воспалительно-септических процессов при расхождении анастомоза у детей с атрезией пищевода
Beta-decay in odd-A and even-even proton-rich Kr isotopes
Beta-decay properties of proton-rich odd-A and even-even Krypton isotopes are
studied in the framework of a deformed selfconsistent Hartree-Fock calculation
with density-dependent Skyrme forces, including pairing correlations between
like nucleons in BCS approximation. Residual spin-isospin interactions are
consistently included in the particle-hole and particle-particle channels and
treated in Quasiparticle Random Phase Approximation. The similarities and
differences in the treatment of even-even and odd-A nuclei are stressed.
Comparison to available experimental information is done for Gamow-Teller
strength distributions, summed strengths, and half-lives. The dependence of
these observables on deformation is particularly emphasized in a search for
signatures of the shape of the parent nucleus.Comment: 29 pages, 16 figure
Caracteristica histopatologică a segmentelor atretice în atrezia de esofag cu fistulă eso-traheheală distală
Analiza rezultatelor studiului efectuat privind particularitățile macro- și microanatomice ale componentelor structurale și a celor
morfologice ne demonstrează că în cadrul atreziei esofaginene cu fistulă eso-traheală inferioară concomitent cu aspectele
macroscopice, histologic sunt prezente o serie de modificări cu importanță predictivă asupra perioadei postoperatorii, care pot fi
clasate în două grupe: primare – caracterizate de tulburările histiogenerezii la etapa embrionară (displazia fibro-musculară, ectopia
cartilajului displazic la nivelul esofagian și a mucoasei gastrice, dublicaturile esofagului, membrana esofagiană incompletă,
aganglionoza) și secundare – atrofico-hipertrofice evoluate pe parcursul etapei fetale de la 12-13 săptămîni gestație care variază după
prezența lor și după localizare (hipetrofia și/sau atrofia fasciculilor musculare, ectaziile varicoase vasculare, procesele inflamatorii,
dismaturiția structurilor nervoase. Prezenţa insuliţelor de mucoasă gastrică foveolară în segmentul distal cu fistulă eso-traheală poate
servi un substrat morfologic favorabil de dezvoltare a esofagului Barett la bolnavii cu atrezie de esofag sau malignizare, fapt ce
impune necesitatea unei evaluări endoscopice de urmărire permanentă.The analysis of the results of the study of the macro- and microanatomic peculiarities of the structural and morphological components shows that in the esophageal atresia with inferior eso-tracheal fistula concurrently with the macroscopic, histological aspects
there are a number of changes with predictive importance on the postoperative period, can be classified into two groups: primary -
characterized by histiogenesis disorders at the embryonic stage (fibro-muscular dysplasia, ectopic dysplastic cartilage at esophageal
and gastric mucosa, esophagus diets, incomplete esophageal membrane, aganglionosis) and secondary - atrophic-hypertrophic evolution during the fetal stage from 12-13 weeks gestation that varies according to their presence and location (muscle hypertrophy and /
or muscle atrophy, vascular varicose ectasis, inflammatory processes, dismutation of nerve structures. The presence of the islets of
foveolar gastric mucosa in the distal segment with eso-tracheal fistula may serve as a favorable morphological substrate for the development of the Barett esophagus in patients with esophageal atresia or malignisation, which necessitates an endoscopic evaluation
of permanent follow-up
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