478 research outputs found


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    Plenty of space in psychological literature was dedicated to professional orientation of students, where the role of school, peers, parents, material and social factors was more studied while the role of personality traits, goals, expectations, personal and social values was studied less. This paper is focused on preference of personal and social values that we have defined as certain goals which are important within the context of choice of faculty, and thus, the future profession. We used two lists of goals - 18 personal and 18 social, which were applied to the sample of 497 high school graduates, where the sample consisted of 37,4% boys and 62,6%Ā  girls. The study was conducted in the field, at the end of 2014/2015 school year, within standard school conditions. Preference and level of goal importance the respondents expressed by giving only one answer for each personal and social value at the 5-point Likert- type scale, which enabled application of descriptive statistics methods, correlation and discriminant analysis in statistical data processing. The study results show that there are significant differences in preference of certain goals, as well as relation between importance of goals with expectations for achieving them through choice of faculty and future profession. Also, there is relation between the level of desire for doing the preferred profession and level of expectations that one may achieve his/her goals through the profession.Ā  In addition, it is shown that there are significant differences in the level of accepting certain goals as values, where more importance is given to personal than to social values, which is verified by validity of the authorā€™s initial attitude that personal and social values should be separately studied, as they have different importance for professional orientation of young people.Ā  Article visualizations

    Antibiotic Susceptibility of Probiotic Bacteria

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    Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are a heterogeneous group of bacteria widely distributed in nature. These bacteria are found in gastrointestinal (GI) and urogenital tract of humans and animals; they are present on plant material, in milk and meat, and numerous fermented foods. Lactic acid bacteria have been associated with traditional dairy products, cereals, vegetable and meat fermented foods, due to their natural presence leading to spontaneous fermentation. They are also used as starter cultures in industrial food production, as well as in the production of probiotic products due to their potential health benefits to consumer. Milk and dairy products are the most examined food system for the delivery of probiotic bacteria to the human gut. The probiotic concept has progressed and is now in the focus of different research. Significant improvements have been made in selection and characterization of new cultures and their application in food production. The food products, which are produced by traditional methods, exhibit a rich biodiversity with the respect to bacterial contents. From these products, new probiotic strains with the potential functional properties can been isolated and selected. The selected strains have to be further characterized in order to be used in the food industry. Before the probiotics can benefit human health, they must fulfill several criteria including: a) scientifically validated health properties; b) good technological properties meaning that they can be manufactured and incorporated into food products without loosing viability, functionality and technological performance; c) high survival through the upper gastrointestinal tract and high viability at its site of action; d) antagonistic activity to pathogens; e) antibiotic susceptibility; and f) to be able to function in the gut environment. Bearing in mind importance of antibiotic resistance of LAB in food chain, antibiotic susceptibility of potential probiotic strains is a very important criteria for their selection. In the recent decade, releasing of antibiotics in biosphere seriously increased, leading to a strong selective pressure for the emergence and persistence of resistant LAB strains. Since LAB are naturally present in traditionally made fermented food and GI tract and are also added as starter culture or probiotic bacteria in industrial food production, concerns have been raised about the antibiotic resistance of these beneficial bacteria strains. Probiotic bacteria can help maintaining balance in gastrointestinal tract in cases of diarrhea caused by antibiotic treatment. However, there is high risk associated with the ability of these resistant strains to transmit the resistance gene to pathogenic bacteria in gut microbiota. This can complicate the treatment of a patient with an antibiotic resistant bacterial infection or disease. The circulation of genes coding for antibiotic resistance from beneficial LAB in the food chain via animals to humans is a complex problem. Therefore, there is a need to evaluate the safety of potential probitic strains regarding their ability to acquire and disseminate antibiotic resistance determinants in selection of LAB. In this study, importance of LAB in the food chain will be reviewed. Morphological and biochemical characteristics of lactobacilli, bifidobactera and enterococci, as well as criteria for probiotic selection and role of probiotics in health benefit will be discussed. Antibiotic susceptibility as criteria for potential probiotic bacteria selection and mechanisms of gene transfers will be considered

    Studija prevalencije antitela u Vojvodini (Srbija) nakon pandemije gripa A-(H1N1)v 2009. godine

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    Introduction. The seroprevalence study was performed in Vojvodina during May and June 2010 in order to asses the effects of the 2009 pandemic influenza A(H1N1)v epidemic on herd immunity. It was a part of the Serbian Ministry of Health funded nationwide study. Objective. Prevalence of antibodies against 2009 pandemic influenza A(H1N1)v was determined in a 1% sample of the population monitored for influenza-like illness and acute respiratory infections in Vojvodina through sentinel surveillance system. Methods. The study sample involved a total of 1004 inhabitants of Vojvodina. The control group consisted of randomly selected and age-adjusted 1054 sera collected in the pre-pandemic period. Sera were tested by the reaction of hemagglutination inhibition using influenza A/California/7/2009 (H1N1) antigen in dilution from 1:8 to 1:256. Antibody titers ā‰„1:32 and ā‰„1:8 were considered protective and diagnostic, respectively. Results. The differences between control and study sera in all age groups were significant for both diagnostic ā‰„1/8 and protective titres ā‰„1/32 of hemagglutination inhibition antibodies (chi square test, p lt 0.001). The highest percentage of seropositive subjects was registered in the age group 15-19 years followed by children aged 5-14 years. Both diagnostic and protective titres were about twice higher in the vaccinated as compared to the non-vaccinated group. There were no statistically significant differences in seroprevalence between seven districts of Vojvodina. Conclusion. The 2009 pandemic influenza A(H1N1)v epidemic significantly influenced the herd immunity in our population regardless of low immunization coverage with highest immunity levels in adolescents aged 15-19 years and with similar herd immunity levels in all the regions in the province six months after the outbreak.Uvod. Studija prevalencije antitela izvedena je u Vojvodini tokom maja i juna 2010. godine, kako bi se procenili efekti epidemije izazvane pandemijskim virusom gripa AĀ­(H1N1)v iz 2009. godine na imunitet stanovniÅ”tva. Studija je bila sastavni deo nacionalne studije koju je finansiralo Ministarstvo zdravlja Republike Srbije. Cilj rada. Prevalencija antitela protiv pandemijskog virusa gripa AĀ­(H1N1)v je utvrđivana na jednoprocentnom uzorku populacije praćene sentinelnim nadzorom nad oboljenjima sličnim gripu i akutnim respiratornim infekcijama u Vojvodini radi procene imuniteta stanovniÅ”tva Vojvodine. Metode rada. Ispitivanjem su obuhvaćena 1.004 stanovnika Vojvodine čiji serum je dat na analizu (studijska grupa). Kontrolnu grupu činio je uzorak seruma iz prepandemijskog perioda 1.054 nasumično odabrane osobe sličnog uzrasta. SeroloÅ”ko ispitivanje vrÅ”eno je reakcijom inhibicije hemaglutinacije antigenom virusa gripa A/Kalifornija/7/2009 (H1N1). Serumi su testirani u razblaženju od 1:8 do 1:256. Titar antitela u razblaženju većem od 1:32 smatrao se zaÅ”titnim titrom, a u razblaženju većem od 1:8 dijagnostičkim. Rezultati. Utvrđena je visoko statistički značajna razlika (p lt 0,001) u prevalenciji antitela između studijske i kontrolne grupe, kako u dijagnostičkom (ā‰„1:8), tako i u zaÅ”titnom titru (ā‰„1:32) hemaglutinin-inhibirajućih antitela. Najveći procenat seropozitivnih ispitanika otkriven je u dobnoj grupi 15ā€“19 godina, a zatim u grupi 5ā€“14 godina. Prevalencija antitela i u dijagnostičkom i u zaÅ”titnom titru bila je dva puta veća kod vakcinisanih osoba u odnosu na nevakcinisane. Nije utvrđena statistički značajna razlika u seroprevalenciji između pojedinih okruga Vojvodine. Zaključak. Utvrđen je visok kolektivni imunitet, bez teritorijalnih razlika, prema pandemijskom virusu gripa AĀ­(H1N1)v iz 2009. godine uprkos slabom obuhvatu stanovniÅ”tva imunizacijom. Najveće vrednosti su zabeležene kod adolescenata uzrasta od 15 do 19 godina

    GM uljana repica tolerantna na herbicide-uticaj na životnu sredinu i poljoprivredu

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    The introduction of genetically modified herbicide tolerant rapeseed has raised questions concerning the possible transfer of transgenes into wild relatives or neighbouring fields with similar crops. Pollen of rapeseed can be spread in the area and if a non-GM crop is fertilised by GM pollen, some percentage of the collected seed product will contain GM. Current regulation in the EU limits the allowed content. For conventional crops the critical level of GM contamination is in practice below 0.9%, which is the threshold value for labelling of GM in food and feed by the EU, although the limit for seeds is 0.1% in Serbia. In organic farming, the regulations do not allow the use of genetic engineering in the grain production system.Uvođenje genetski modifikovane uljane repice koja je otporna na herbicide nameće pitanja u vezi sa potencijalnim prenoÅ”enjem transgena sa genetski modifikovane uljane repice na njene divlje srodnike ili susedna polja sa sličnim kulturama. Polen uljane repice Å”iri se u prostoru, te ukoliko je genetski nemodifikovan usev oplođen genetski modifikovanim polenom, određeni broj biljaka biće genetski modifikovan. Važeća zakonska regulativa u Evropskoj uniji ograničava dozvoljen sadržaj genetske modifikacije u usevima. Za konvencionalne useve najviÅ”i dozvoljen nivo kontaminacije u praksi je 0,9%, Å”to je istovremeno i granična vrednost za obeležavanje GM hrane i hrane za životinje u Evropskoj uniji. U Srbiji kritična granica za semena iznosi 0,1%. U organskoj proizvodnji zakonska uredba ne dozvoljava upotrebu genetičkog inžinjeringa u sistemu proizvodnje semena

    Nerazgradiv protein - značajan faktor balansiranja obroka za jagnjad u tovu

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    Although sheep breeding in our country mainly had extensive character, there is still room for implementation of the new concept of expression of nutritional value of proteins, primarily in fattening of lambs. For the purpose of maximum use of the genetic potential of high-yielding meat/fattening sheep breeds, share of undegradable protein in diet must be taken into consideration, since high protein requirements of such animals cannot be satisfied by microbial protein synthesis from usual protein and energy sources. Therefore, in contemporary, science based systems for assessment of protein value of feeds, degradability of proteins from food in rumen plays major role. In absence of data in domestic literature related to undegradability of proteins in certain feeds, results obtained in this study should be perceived as direction for future norming of diets in fattening of lambs in the intensive rearing system.Iako ovčarska proizvodnja u naÅ”oj zemlji ima uglavnom ekstenzivan karakter, u njoj ipak ima mesta za primenu novog koncepta izražavanja hranidbene vrednosti proteina, pre svega u tovu jagnjadi. U cilju maksimalnog iskoriŔćavanja genetskog potencijala visokoproizvodnih rasa ovaca za meso, mora se voditi računa o udelu nerazgradivog proteina u obroku, s obzirom da se mikrobioloÅ”kom sintezom proteina iz uobičajenih izvora proteina i energije ne mogu zadovoljiti visoke potrebe takvih grla u proteinima. Zbog toga, u savremenim, naučno zasnovanim sistemima za ocenu proteinske vrednosti hraniva, važno mesto zauzima razgradivost proteina hrane u buragu. U nedostatku domaćih podataka o nerazgradivosti proteina pojedinih hraniva, rezultate istraživanja u ovom radu treba shvatiti kao davanje određenih reÅ”enja i putokaz za normiranje obroka za tov jagnjadi u intenzivnom sistemu gajenja

    Uticaj goveđeg loja u ishrani jagnjadi na tovne i klanične karakteristike

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    Trial was carried out on 60 suckling lambs of Mis sheep population, divided into three groups. Beside milk, lambs consumed alfalfa hay and iso-protein concentrate mixtures (15% CP) ad libitum. Forage mixture I was of standard composition, whereas mixtures II and III contained 4 and 6% of beef tallow, respectively. Energy value of used mixtures I, II and III was 7,29, 7,71 and 7,94 MJ, respectively. Fattening duration was 60 days. Statistical processing of obtained data was performed using standard mathematical-statistical methods. Lambs on treatments I:II:III realized average daily gain of: 0,280 : 0,303 : 0,277 kg. Conversion of dry matter of diet was: 2,68: 2,58: 2,93 kg; of energy: 19,08 : 18,37 : 20,71 MJ NEM; of protein: 481 : 451: 514 g. Values of the meat yield of warm carcass were: 57,89 : 58,63 : 58,46%. The best production results in regard to gain, and feed conversion were realized by lambs on treatment with 4% of beef tallow in the mixtures.Ogled je izveden na 60 neodbijene jagnjadi Mis populacije ovaca koji su bili podeljeni u tri grupe. Osim mleka, jagnjad su konzumirala seno lucerke i izoproteinske smeÅ”e koncentrata (15% SP) ad libitum. Krmna smeÅ”a I je bila standardnog sastava, dok su smeÅ”e II i III sadržavale 4, odnosno 6% goveđeg loja. Energetska vrednost koriŔćenih smeÅ”a I, II i III je bila 7,29, 7,71 i 7,94 MJ, respektivno. Trajanje tova je bilo 60 dana. Statistička obrada podataka je urađena standardnim matematičko-statističkim metodama. Jagnjad na tretmanima I:II:III su ostvarila prosečni dnevni prirast od 0,280 : 0,303 : 0,277 kg. Konverzija suve materije obroka je bila 2,68: 2,58: 2,93 kg, energije, 19,08 : 18,37 : 20,71 MJ NEM, proteina, 481 : 451: 514 g. Vrednosti za prinos mesa u toplom trupu su bile 57,89 : 58,63 : 58,46%. Najbolje proizvodne rezultate u pogledu prirasta i konverzije hrane su ostvarila jagnjad na tretmanu sa 4% goveđeg loja u smeÅ”ama

    Korelaciona povezanost telesne mase srpske bele koze prema tipu jarenja i proizvodnim osobinama

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    Main breeding objective in improvement of goat production is realization of increase of number of animals and production and creation of constant highly productive goat breeding on private farms of individual producers. For economically efficient goat production, size and number of goats in the herd are of great importance. Considering that goats of greater body mass should realize higher production, body mass of head can serve as one of the parameters in selection. Objective of this research was to determine optimal body masses of heads in population of Serbian White goat, in hilly-mountainous region of Stara Planina Mountain, in semiintensive rearing system (pasture-stable) and in relation to realized production. Based on results of research it can be concluded that optimal body mass of investigated heads in population of Serbian White goat in regard to observed parameters of production is between 40-47 kg.Osnovni odgajivački cilj u poboljÅ”anju kozarske proizvodnje je povećanje broja životinja i povećanje proizvodnje, odnosno stvaranje stalnog visokoproduktivnog kozarstva na farmama individualnih odgajivača. Za ekonomičnu kozarsku proizvodnju od velike važnosti je veličina grla i brojnost koza u stadu. Polazeći od činjenice da koze sa većom telesnom masom treba da ostvare i veću proizvodnju, to masa tela grla može da posluži i kao jedan od parametara u selekciji. Cilj ovih istraživanja je da se utvrde optimalne telesne mase grla u populaciji srpske bele koze, u brdskoplaninskom području Stare Planine, u poluintenzivnom sistemu gajenja (paÅ”no-stajski) i u odnosu na ostvarenu proizvodnju. Na osnovu rezultata sprovedenih istraživanja može se zaključiti da je optimalna telesna masa ispitivanih grla u populaciji srpske bele koze u odnosu na posmatrane parametre proizvodnje između 40-47 kg
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