324 research outputs found

    Ammonia transport accident exposure analysis

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    Anhydrous ammonia proved its efficiency and has been used extensively in the food and processing industry as a refrigerant. Between production and utilization locations it is necessary to organize transport of this substance. Due to its physicochemical properties, there is a possibility for the endangering population and environment in urban areas if the tank traffic accident occurs during the transport. Therefore, this research analyses exposure to ammonia transport accidents through the use of two software applications

    Rural Families and Households in Post-Socialist Transition: Serbian Experience

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    Rural families and households make a basic framework for understanding the rural way of life. This relation is especially interesting under the recent and difficult post-socialist transition in places such as Serbia. Previous research has shown that the transition and its benefits are not distributed equally. This has induced social and economic disparities, at the expense of the social attractiveness of rural areas. These disparities have influenced characteristics of Serbian rural families and households, their survival strategies and their roles in the reproduction of the rural way of life. We started research with three assumptions: a) depopulation of Serbian rural areas continues under the post-socialist transition, b) transitional risks produce partial retraditionalization of Serbian rural family relationships, and c) characteristics of Serbian regions affect characteristics of rural families and households. The analysis confirmed rural depopulation. In the decade 2002–2011, there was the most significant decline ever in the number of Serbian rural families. This signified the negative impact of transition on rural areas. Besides this, the research confirmed that contemporary Serbian rural families and households still have some traditional features (multiple generations, relics of the role of head of the traditional rural family) which enable them to cope with transitional risks. A third finding proved that characteristics of Serbian rural families and households depend on regional characteristics

    Agency, Biography, and Temporality: (Un)making Women’s Biographies in the Wake of the Loss of the Socialist Project in Yugoslavia

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    This essay seeks to deepen our understanding of women’s agency in socialist societies. Focusing on socialist and post-socialist Slovenia, it explores the ways agency reveals itself in interviews with and biographical portraits of the socio-politically active women – or “political workers” (politične delavke), as they were called during Yugoslav socialism – Mara Rupena Osolnik and Aleksandra Kornhauser Frazer. In these texts, agency unfolds as a mosaic of multiple, naturally intertwined activities and engagements aimed at the common good and at improving the position of women and other socially marginalized groups. This kind of agency – understood as the ability to act and the meaningfulness of acting on several fronts – vanished in the wake of the loss of the state socialist project, together with the term politična delavka that designated it. Furthermore, in the post-socialist refashioning of biographies of these women, the socialist state has increasingly been depicted as restricting rather than encouraging their activities in multiple fields. In addition, their biographies became fragmented by stressing only certain parts of their agency during socialism while omitting, marginalizing, or questioning others. This narrowing down of what counts as meaningful political work, the essay argues, contributes to delegitimizing, forgetting, and disabling modes of political and social engagement that were possible in the context of state socialism

    Valorization of the nutritional profile of cookies produced with the addition of food industry by-products

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    Zadatak ove teze je da se ispita uticaj zamene dela pšeničnog brašna ekstrudiranim snek proizvodima obogaćenim dodatkom pšenične klice, pivskog tropa i tropa jabuke na svojstva testa (boja, fizička, reološka) kao i na karakteristike čajnog peciva (fizičke, senzorske, nutritivne, trajnost, mikrobiološke). U toku preliminarnih ispitivanja (prva faza eksperimentalnog rada) ispitan je uticaj obezmašćene pšenične klice na kvalitet testa i čajnog peciva u cilju definisanja optimalnog nivoa zamene pšeničnog brašna ekstrudatima kukuruzne krupice sa dodatkom sporednih proizvoda prehrambene industrije i optimalnog sadržaja vlage testa. Pšenično brašno je u količini od 5, 10 i 15 % zamenjeno obezmašćenom pšeničnom klicom. Pored uticaja nivoa zamene pšeničnog brašna pšeničnom klicom, ispitan je i uticaj veličine čestica pšenične klice (<150 μm, 150-1000 μm i 800-2000 μm), kao i vlage testa pri zamesu (20, 22 i 24 %). U toku druge faze eksperimentalnog rada ove doktorske disertacije, pripremljeni su ekstrudati kukuruzne krupice sa dodatkom sporednih proizvoda prehrambene industrije i to: pšenične klice, pivskog tropa i tropa jabuke u udelima 15, 30 i 45 % (odnos kukuruzna krupica:sporedni proizvod bio je 85:15, 70:30 i 55:45). Dobijeni ekstrudati su samleveni i prosejani na sitima u cilju dobijanja tri frakcije sa različitim veličinama čestica (< 250 μm, 250 - 1000 μm i 1000 - 2000 μm). Izvršena je karakterizacija ekstrudata u smislu određivanja hemijskog sastava, raspodele veličine čestica, boje i mikrobiološke analize. Ovako dobijeni ekstrudati su zatim korišćeni u proizvodnji čajnog peciva kao zamena pšeničnog brašna u količinama od 5, 10 i 15 % računato na masu brašna. Za procenu uticaja veličine čestica ekstrudata, udela sporednog proizvoda u ekstrudatu i udela ekstrudata u čajnom pecivu na osobine testa i čajnog peciva takođe je korišćen Box-Behnken eksperimentalni dizajn. Rezultati su pokazali da je moguća proizvodnja funkcionalnog čajnog peciva sa dodatkom ekstrudata kukuruzne krupice obogaćene sporednim proizvodima prehrambene industrije, pri čemu se poboljšava nutritivni profil čajnog peciva, bez negativnih efekata na fizičke i senzorske karakteristike gotovog proizvoda.The aim of this study is to examine the effect of replacing a portion of wheat flour with extruded snack products enriched with the addition of wheat germ, brewer's spent grain and apple pomace on the rheological and textural properties of dough and on characteristics of cookies (physical, sensory, nutritive, microbiological). During the preliminary analysis (the first phase of the experimental work), the influence of defatted wheat germ particle size, wheat germ content and dough moisture content on the quality of the dough and the cookies was investigated using the Box-Behnken experimental design. During the second phase of the experimental work, the extruded corn meal with the addition of by-products of the food industry (wheat germ, brewer's spent grain and apple pomace) were prepared (the ratio of corn meal: by-product was 85:15, 70:30 and 55:45). The obtained snack products are milled and sieved to obtain 3 fractions with different particle sizes (<250 μm, 250-1000 μm and 1000-2000 μm). Characterization of the extrudates in terms of determining the chemical composition, particle size distribution, color and microbiological analysis was performed. The obtained extrudates were then used in the production of cookies for the replacement of wheat flour in quantities of 5, 10 and 15%. The Box-Behnken experimental design was used to evaluate the influence of the extrudate particle size, the share of the by-product in the extrudate, and the share of extrudates in the cookies, on the dough properties and cookies characteristics. The results showed that the corn snack products enriched with food industry by-products (brewer's spent grain, wheat germ and apple pomace) can be used for production of functional cookies. These additives in an amount up to 15% improving the nutritional profile of the cookies, without adverse effects on the physical and sensory characteristics of the final product

    Valorization of the nutritional profile of cookies produced with the addition of food industry by-products

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    Zadatak ove teze je da se ispita uticaj zamene dela pšeničnog brašna ekstrudiranim snek proizvodima obogaćenim dodatkom pšenične klice, pivskog tropa i tropa jabuke na svojstva testa (boja, fizička, reološka) kao i na karakteristike čajnog peciva (fizičke, senzorske, nutritivne, trajnost, mikrobiološke). U toku preliminarnih ispitivanja (prva faza eksperimentalnog rada) ispitan je uticaj obezmašćene pšenične klice na kvalitet testa i čajnog peciva u cilju definisanja optimalnog nivoa zamene pšeničnog brašna ekstrudatima kukuruzne krupice sa dodatkom sporednih proizvoda prehrambene industrije i optimalnog sadržaja vlage testa. Pšenično brašno je u količini od 5, 10 i 15 % zamenjeno obezmašćenom pšeničnom klicom. Pored uticaja nivoa zamene pšeničnog brašna pšeničnom klicom, ispitan je i uticaj veličine čestica pšenične klice (<150 μm, 150-1000 μm i 800-2000 μm), kao i vlage testa pri zamesu (20, 22 i 24 %). U toku druge faze eksperimentalnog rada ove doktorske disertacije, pripremljeni su ekstrudati kukuruzne krupice sa dodatkom sporednih proizvoda prehrambene industrije i to: pšenične klice, pivskog tropa i tropa jabuke u udelima 15, 30 i 45 % (odnos kukuruzna krupica:sporedni proizvod bio je 85:15, 70:30 i 55:45). Dobijeni ekstrudati su samleveni i prosejani na sitima u cilju dobijanja tri frakcije sa različitim veličinama čestica (< 250 μm, 250 - 1000 μm i 1000 - 2000 μm). Izvršena je karakterizacija ekstrudata u smislu određivanja hemijskog sastava, raspodele veličine čestica, boje i mikrobiološke analize. Ovako dobijeni ekstrudati su zatim korišćeni u proizvodnji čajnog peciva kao zamena pšeničnog brašna u količinama od 5, 10 i 15 % računato na masu brašna. Za procenu uticaja veličine čestica ekstrudata, udela sporednog proizvoda u ekstrudatu i udela ekstrudata u čajnom pecivu na osobine testa i čajnog peciva takođe je korišćen Box-Behnken eksperimentalni dizajn. Rezultati su pokazali da je moguća proizvodnja funkcionalnog čajnog peciva sa dodatkom ekstrudata kukuruzne krupice obogaćene sporednim proizvodima prehrambene industrije, pri čemu se poboljšava nutritivni profil čajnog peciva, bez negativnih efekata na fizičke i senzorske karakteristike gotovog proizvoda.The aim of this study is to examine the effect of replacing a portion of wheat flour with extruded snack products enriched with the addition of wheat germ, brewer's spent grain and apple pomace on the rheological and textural properties of dough and on characteristics of cookies (physical, sensory, nutritive, microbiological). During the preliminary analysis (the first phase of the experimental work), the influence of defatted wheat germ particle size, wheat germ content and dough moisture content on the quality of the dough and the cookies was investigated using the Box-Behnken experimental design. During the second phase of the experimental work, the extruded corn meal with the addition of by-products of the food industry (wheat germ, brewer's spent grain and apple pomace) were prepared (the ratio of corn meal: by-product was 85:15, 70:30 and 55:45). The obtained snack products are milled and sieved to obtain 3 fractions with different particle sizes (<250 μm, 250-1000 μm and 1000-2000 μm). Characterization of the extrudates in terms of determining the chemical composition, particle size distribution, color and microbiological analysis was performed. The obtained extrudates were then used in the production of cookies for the replacement of wheat flour in quantities of 5, 10 and 15%. The Box-Behnken experimental design was used to evaluate the influence of the extrudate particle size, the share of the by-product in the extrudate, and the share of extrudates in the cookies, on the dough properties and cookies characteristics. The results showed that the corn snack products enriched with food industry by-products (brewer's spent grain, wheat germ and apple pomace) can be used for production of functional cookies. These additives in an amount up to 15% improving the nutritional profile of the cookies, without adverse effects on the physical and sensory characteristics of the final product

    Specifics of the employment position of civil servants in the Republic of Serbia and EU countries

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    Rezime: Društveni položaj državnih službenika oduvek se razlikovao od položaja zaposlenih u privatnom sektoru. Posao koji obavljaju u privatnoj organizaciji tiče se samo određene organizacije, a rad državnih službenika ima snažan uticaj, jer javna uprava odlučuje o stvarima koje se tiču cele zajednice. Svaka država u okviru svog pravnog sistema svrstava državne službenike u različite kategorije, a one su rezultat razdvajanja privatne i javne sfere. Kao deo opšteg sistema radnih odnosa, službenički sistem karakteriše niz osobina koje su posledica specifičnog položaja zaposlenih u državnim organima, koji u ime države vrše javne poslove i samim tim imaju specifične obaveze i odgovornosti. Predmet ove disertacije predstavljaju najvažnija pitanja, ali i problemi radnih odnosa u državnim organima s posebnim akcentom na specifičnosti tih odnosa u odnosu na zaposlene u opštem režimu radnih odnosa. Predmet interesovanja jeste sagledavanje i bliže objašnjenje pojma, prirode i osnovnih obeležja radnopravnog položaja državnih službenika, kako sa teorijsko-naučnog i praktičnog aspekta, tako i s normativnopravnog i uporednog gledišta, kao i da se uz pomoć odgovarajućih metoda utvrdi trenutan radno-pravni položaj državnih službenika u našoj zemlji i pojedinim zemljama EU (Nemačka, Slovenija i Hrvatska) koje će biti predmet komparativne analize. Rezultati sprovedenog empirijskog istraživanja na uzorku od N=322 ispitanika, odnosno državnih službenika daju kvalitetnu osnovu za zaključivanje o karakteristikama postojećeg stanja, problemima, prednostima i nedostacima zapošljavanja u državnoj službi, kao i mogućnostima unapređenja statusa državnih službenika i to: 1) Postoje značajni problemi u praksi napredovanja, koja nije u dovoljnoj meri zasnovana na rezultatima, sposobnostima i zaslugama, uz naznaku prevelikog značaja neformalnih mreža i slučajnih momenata. 2) Glavne prepreke dobroj motivaciji za rad su organizacija rada, formalizam i papirologija, politizacija i nedozvoljeni uticaji, loša atmosfera na poslu, demotivišuće plate, nedostatak dobrih uslova za rad, nedovoljan kvalitet i profesionalnost rukovođenja, problemi sa objektivnošću u ocenjivanju. 3) Kao pozitivne reformske mere poželjne su veće plate, fleksibilnije radno vreme, bolji odmori, smanjenje ograničenja u napredovanju, obuke u inostranstvu i sl.Abstract: The social position of civil servants has always differed from the position of employees in the private sector. The work they do in a private organization concerns only a certain organization, and the work of civil servants has a strong influence, because the public administration decides on matters that concern the whole community. Each state, within its legal system, classifies civil servants into different categories, and they are the result of the separation of the private and public spheres. As part of the general system of labor relations, the civil service system is characterized by characteristics that are a consequence of the specific position of employees in state bodies, who perform public affairs on behalf of the state and thus have specific obligations and responsibilities. The subject of this dissertation is the most important issues, but also the problems of labor relations in state bodies with special emphasis on the specifics of these relations in relation to employees in the general regime of labor relations. The subject of interest is to consider and explain the concept, nature and basic features of the employment status of civil servants, both from the theoretical-scientific and practical aspects, as well as from the normative-legal and comparative point of view, as well as to determine the current employment status of civil servants. our country and some EU countries (Germany, Slovenia and Croatia) which will be the subject of comparative analysis. The results of the conducted empirical research on a sample of N = 322 respondents, ie civil servants provide a quality basis for concluding on the characteristics of the current situation, problems, advantages and disadvantages of employment in the civil service, as well as opportunities to improve the status of civil servants: 1) in the practice of advancement, which is not sufficiently based on results, abilities and merits, with an indication of the excessive importance of informal networks and random moments. 2) The main obstacles to good work motivation are work organization, formalism and paperwork, politicization and illicit influences, bad atmosphere at work, demotivating salaries, lack of good working conditions, insufficient quality and professionalism of management, problems with objectivity in assessment. 3) Higher salaries, more flexible working hours, better vacations, reduction of restrictions on advancement, trainings abroad, etc. are desirable as positive reform measures

    Durability of the refractive index change induced by a single femtosecond laser pulse in glass

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    Ultrafast-laser inscribed optical memories have been considered as a high-density low-energy-consumption alternative to the magnetization-based memories. The optical memories are based on laser-induced material modifications resulting in the refractive index change. The long-term stability of such modifications has been indicated by subjecting them to the accelerated aging by annealing at elevated temperatures. Here, the first direct evidence is provided of the durability of the type II refractive index change in BK7 glass. The investigation was performed for over 27 months at room temperature. The results show the existence of the laser pulse intensity threshold above which the magnitude of the index change does not deteriorate with time and, hence, is suitable for optical memory, photonic crystal and fibre-grating writing. © 201

    Biological potential and metabolite analysis of edible and medicinal fungi from genera Agrocybe, Laetiporus, Pleurotus i Polyporus from the territory of Serbia

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    krupna plodonosna tela, dovoljno velika da se vide golim okom i uberu rukom. U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji makromicete iz rodova: Agrocybe, Laetiporus, Pleurotus i Polyporus, sakupljene na teritoriji Srbije, detaljno su analizirane. Ispitivan je sadržaj makronutrijenata i odabranih metabolita u makromicetama i utvrđen je njihov biološki potencijal. Identifikacija i određivanje sadržaja nutrijenata (ukupnih ugljenih hidrata, proteina, masti i pepela), šećera, tokoferola, masnih, fenolnih i organskih kiselina izvedeno je putem HPLC-a sa različitim detektorima u zavisnosti od jedinjenja od interesa. Radi detaljne procene biološkog potencijala ekstrakata makromiceta, izvedeni su testovi in vitro antioksidativne, antimikrobne, anti-quorum sensing i citotoksične aktivnosti, a iz bazidiokarpa Laetiporus sulphureus 1 izolovan je i okarakterisan lektin i procenjen njegov antibakterijski potencijal. Rezultati analize makronutrijenata pokazali su da testirane makromicete imaju povoljan profil nutrijenata zbog čega se mogu preporučiti u ishrani. Karakteriše ih znatna količina ugljenih hidrata i proteina kao i nizak sadržaj masti. Analizom šećera identifikovane su: ramnoza, fruktoza, manitol, glukoza i trehaloza koja je bila i najzastupljeniji šećer sa 16,50 g/100 g suve mase kod Pleurotus ostreatus K i 32,60 g/100 g suve mase kod P. ostreatus S. U uzorcima testiranih vrsta makromiceta određen je sadržaj četiri izoforme tokoferola (α-, β-, γ- i δ- tokoferol), dok je analizom masnih kiselina potvrđeno prisustvo 27 masnih kiselina, među kojima je nutritivno poželjna linolna kiselina najviše zastupljena u uzorku Agrocybe aegerita 1 (78,40%). Među prostim organskim kiselinama utvrđeno je prisustvo: oksalne, kininske, jabučne, limunske i fumarne kiseline, dok su analizom organskih kiselina sa fenolnom grupom identifikovane protokatehinska, p-hidroksibenzoeva, p-kumarna i cinaminska kiselina. Izoloacijom i karakterizacijom lektina iz bazidiokarpa L. sulphureus 1 pokazano je da je lektin multimerne građe, pI vrednosti ~ 4,6. Rezultati antioksidativne aktivnosti (redukciona sposobnost, DPPH· aktivnost, β-karoten/linolna kiselina i TBARS test) pokazali su da su testirane makromicete moćni in vitro antioksidativni agensi više ili manje efikasni u neutralizaciji slobodnih radikala, inhibiciji lipidne peroksidacije i redukcionoj sposobnosti (EC50/ EC0.5 vrednosti su u opsegu 0,25 - 23,78 mg/mL). Etanolni i metanolni ekstrakti bazidiokarpa testiranih makromiceta pokazali su visok antimikrobni potencijal (u odnosu na vodeni ekstrakt) na testirane mikroorganizme, a utvrđeno je da pri testiranim koncentracijama lektin ne deluje na bakterije, što ide u prilog tvrdnji da supstance prirodnog porekla biološki efekat ostvaruju zahvaljujući aditivnim i sinergističkim interakcijama većeg broja prisutnih jedinjenja...Macromycetes are fungi from subdivisions Ascomycotina and Basidiomycotina that are large enough to be seen with naked eye and to be picked by hand. In this thesis, selected species from the genera: Agrocybe, Laetiporus, Pleurotus and Polyporus were harvested in Serbia and chemically characterized. Their nutrients profile and selected metabolites as well as their biological potential was evaluated. Quantification of macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, fat and ash), selected sugars, tocopherols, fatty, phenolic and organic acids was determined by means of HPLC coupled with various detectors, depending on the type of desired compound. Regarding the evaluation of biological potential, detailed assesments of antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-quorum sensing and cytotoxic activities were performed. A lectin was extracted from the fruiting body of Laetiporus sulphureus 1 as a compound of interest, and was evaluated for its antibacterial activity. Results of the macronutrient profile suggest that macromycetes are a rich source of carbohydrates and proteins, with low fat content which makes them excellent candidates for food. Sugar analysis revealed the presence of: rhamnose, fructose, mannitol, glucose and trehalose which was the most abundant sugar with 16,50 g/100 g dry weight in Pleurotus ostreatus K and 32,60 g/100 g dry weight in P. ostreatus S. Four isoforms of tocopherols (α-, β-, γ- and δ- tocopherol) were quantified in samples, while the fatty acid analysis revealed the presence of 27 fatty acids with linoleic acid as the most abundant polyunsatturated fatty acid in sample Agrocybe aegerita 1 (78,40%). Amongst simple organic acids, the following were detected in the samples: oxalic, quinic, malic, citric and fumaric acid. Phenolic group containing organic acids analysis indicated the presence of: protocatechuic, p-hydroxybenzoic, p-coumaric and cinnamic acid. Isolation and characterization of lectin from the L. sulphureus 1 basidiocarp revealed that lectin is a multimer with pI value of ~ 4,6. Results of antioxidant activity which was evaluated using four protocols (reducing power, DPPH· scavenging activity, β-caroten/linoleic acid and TBARS test) indicate that selected macromycetes are potent antioxidant agents that showed ability to neutralize free radicals, inhibit lipid peroxidation and reducing power (EC50/EC0.5 is in range of 0,25 – 23,78 mg/mL). Ethanolic and methanolic extracts of mushroom fruiting bodies revealed potent antimicrobial potential against the tested pathogenic microorganisms (compared to the aqueous extracts), while lectin didn't show antibacterial activity at the tested concentrations, which supports the claim that natural sourced substances achieve their full biological potential thanks to the additive and synergistic interactions of all the present compounds..

    Kratkoročno predviđanje vibracionog ponašanja Fransis turbine nakon višedecenijske eksploatacije

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    Savremeni pristupi u prognoziranju i sprečavanju havarije, smanjenju broja i dužine trajanja zastoja, otkrivanju i praćenju otkaza u stvarnim višedecenijskim pogonskim uslovima hidroagregata, zasnivaju se na vibrodijagnostici. Multidisciplinarnost takvih pristupa ogleda se u identifikaciji pojedinih vibracija u hidroagregatima, primeni različitih vibrodijagnostičkih metoda, oceni kvaliteta izmerenih podataka, analizi i predikciji zasnovanih na veštačkoj inteligenciji. U radu je prikazan jedan od mogućih pristupa rešavanja kompleksne problematike predviđanja ponašanja jedne hidraulične turbine koja je u eksploataciji više od pola veka. Za kratkoročno predviđanje apsolutnih i relativnih vibracija razvijen je odgovarajući algoritam korišćenjem veštačkih beuronskih mreža. Dobijeni rezultati su prikazani u zavisnosti od različitih eksploatacionih uslova.Зборник радова, XXXVI Међународно саветовање ЕНЕРГЕТИКА 2021, 22.-25.6.2021., Златибор, Србија, ISBN 978-86-86199-03-4, стр, 364-368, Energija, ekonomija, ekologija, 1, XXXIII, Mart 2021, (str. 32-36