44 research outputs found

    Interoperability Framework for Assessment Authoring - Assessment Interoperability Bus (AIB)

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    Current paper presents a research in the area of e-learning interoperability, and more concrete in assessment area. As first there is reviewed state-of-the-art in specifications, managed by IMS consortium. Next there are discussed relations between these specifications and rationale behind assessment specifications evolution. Next is presented Assessment Interoperability Bus (AIB), as a skeleton for further facilitation of presentation in assessments interoperability. As result there are present one attempt for describing objects participating in assessment authoring and sequencing interactions among them and assessment author. Some words of conclusion and further works are prescribed for developing a tool based on such defined concepts


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    Enormous efforts are put in both directions of the area of e-learning technologies– information and learning aspects. On one hand, there are new challenges in learning technologies, which tends to be in focus of research of the community of practise. On the other hand, there are learning specifications developments, which are technology oriented. And last, but not least new exciting technologies appear on the web. In order to achieve the primary goal in technology-enhanced learning – better learning - we need to take in account these changes. Development of new models, frameworks, systems and tools in order to satisfy these needs is required. The proposed event-driven interoperability framework is an attempt to fill up the gap between different aspects behind the rationale of learning systems evolution. The presented framework takes advantages of the eventdriven paradigm, applying it on loosely coupled or completely decoupled technology standards and specification used in learning systems and tools. There are given definitions of four basic collaborating parts of the framework (client, repository, monitored repository, and conformance validators). Collaboration mechanism of the framework is described using event-driven paradigm. Expected benefits of applying the framework are pointed out. Relation to and subtle distinction with Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Event-Driven Architecture (EDA) are presented as a conclusion

    Developing a Software Tools for Nontraditional Methods of Assessment

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    In this paper we present the main components of the first version of TENCompetence Assessment Specification, and give examples how the model can be used in practice. For this reason several proofofconcept software tools were designed and developed, aiming to show how we can apply the TENCompetence Assessment Model for the implementation of different assessment methods like 360 degree feedback, portfolio assessment and peer assessment

    Question and test interoperability – organization, reuse and

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    One of the modern trends in nowadays e-learning technologies and system development is toward creation of standards-based distributed computing applications. The presented paper examines ways of creation, organization, packaging, storage management and usage of e-learning courseware, regarding these modern elearning standards and technologies. It puts a special accent towards development and management of assessment contents. After a short overview and comparison of the standards and ways of their application, the article classifies LMS and platforms regarding their interoperability facilities, namely exchange of shareable and packaged learning contents, especially for testing. Here, we analyze as well important characters of system interoperability and propose a detailed classification and notation. Finally, as a case study, we describe our framework based on the recent IMS standards and developed within the ARCADE (Architecture for Reusable Courseware Authoring and DElivery) e-learning platform, and show directions for improving its interoperability abilities with other standard-based LMS. Special attention is put onto creation of an authoring tool for creating packaged and sharable assessments contents

    Three view model of e-portfolio assessment system

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    In this paper, we describe the software architecture for system which supports non traditional form of assessment named e-portfolio. The architecture model is described through three views: use case view, logical view and implementation view. Based on these three views software system was designed and developed. Some implementation issues are discussed

    Service Oriented Architecture of Assessment Model

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    This paper presents the service-oriented architecture for tools that supports assessment activities in learning process and learning outcomes, suitable for lifelong competence development. To address this more general objective the following goal was established: to develop a new integral assessment service-oriented architecture that includes modern assessment approaches along with the classical tests. In the first part of the paper was described the assessment process which was divided into the following stages: Assessment design, Item construction, Assessment construction, Assessment run and Response rating. Then it was presented some more general architecture of the assessment process conform to the SOA specification and provide the functional and non-functional requirements as a base for developing of that architecture

    Remote or close control of students’ knowledge in ARCADE

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    Assessment of students’ knowledge and instructors’ feedback are among the most important elements of education. This paper describes the Arcade Test System that is used to check and assess students’ knowledge. The Arcade Test System is a dual-purpose online testing environment that gives the instructor an opportunity to control the level of knowledge the students have acquired during taking a particular course delivered by the system. On the one hand, it gives students a way to check their knowledge. On the other hand, it gives the instructor a feedback on how well he/she has managed to teach the learning material. The second purpose of the Arcade Test System is to enable instructors to prepare the final grades on the basis of evaluating students’ knowledge. The paper considers two aspects of students’ knowledge control: remote and close

    Managing complexity of e-learning administration in ARCADE

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    ARCADE (Architecture for Reusable Courseware Authoring and DElivery) is a Webbased e-learning platform specially targeted to the needs of distant education in universities and schools. This paper presents ARCADE in two aspects: as a system for distance learning and as a virtual university. The authors put accent on the way of organization of the education process as a whole while showing the power of the ARCADE platform. Moreover, there is discussed in details the administration of courses and students groups within a university curriculum

    Learning Content and Interoperability

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    In the era of Internet and new information and communication technologies one of the most important things is appropriate use of technologies in order to achieve desired results. In present paper, they are compared two case studies – on one hand there they are presented research results about interoperability in two open-source learning environments developed in Sofia University, Bulgaria and, on other hand, there are given results from “South West Wales Interoperability Project”, sponsored by Project Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC). JISC is funded by all the UK post-16 and higher education funding councils. They are reported results of comparisons between the studies, and, as well, some points related to interoperability are marked

    Assessing Students’ Performance in Distance Education Courses

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    ARCADE is a project aimed to develop an integrated software platform for authoring and delivery of Internet-based distance courses covering the university needs. Unified Modeling Language (UML) and Unified Software Development Process were applied as a basis for the project development. The Assessments and Assignments package provides computer supported instructional feedback (tests, projects, essays, problems). The IMS Question and Test Interoperability specification (QTI) defines the basic structures (Assessment, Section, Item – ASI) for the Assessments module development. This module includes three main subsystems – ASI Structures Management, Tests Management, and Test Performance