739 research outputs found

    Nonlinear optical thresholding in a 4-Channel OCDMA system via two-photon absorption

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    We demonstrate the use of a Two-Photon Absorption based detector in an OCDMA system. This detector provides a significant performance improvement over standard linear detection

    Phase sensitive amplifiers for regeneration of phase encoded optical signal formats

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    We discuss the application of phase sensitive fiber optical parametric devices for the regenerative processing of high baud rate optical signals. We present recent advances in phase-sensitive amplification technology and its application to the regeneration of phase-encoded signals. By combining four wave mixing based parametric effects in highly nonlinear optical fibers and injection locking assisted synchronisation of multiple coherent lasers, we demonstrate how it possible to derive phase regeneration in signals with more than two levels of phase encoding

    Ricci flows and expansion in axion-dilaton cosmology

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    We study renormalization-group flows by deforming a class of conformal sigma-models. We consider overall scale factor perturbation of Einstein spaces as well as more general anisotropic deformations of three-spheres. At leading order in alpha, renormalization-group equations turn out to be Ricci flows. In the three-sphere background, the latter is the Halphen system, which is exactly solvable in terms of modular forms. We also analyze time-dependent deformations of these systems supplemented with an extra time coordinate and time-dependent dilaton. In some regimes time evolution is identified with renormalization-group flow and time coordinate can appear as Liouville field. The resulting space-time interpretation is that of a homogeneous isotropic Friedmann-Robertson-Walker universe in axion-dilaton cosmology. We find as general behaviour the superposition of a big-bang (polynomial) expansion with a finite number of oscillations at early times. Any initial anisotropy disappears during the evolution.Comment: 22 page

    G3-homogeneous gravitational instantons

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    We provide an exhaustive classification of self-dual four-dimensional gravitational instantons foliated with three-dimensional homogeneous spaces, i.e. homogeneous self-dual metrics on four-dimensional Euclidean spaces admitting a Bianchi simply transitive isometry group. The classification pattern is based on the algebra homomorphisms relating the Bianchi group and the duality group SO(3). New and general solutions are found for Bianchi III.Comment: 24 pages, few correction

    Time domain add-drop multiplexing scheme enhanced using a saw-tooth pulse shaper

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    We experimentally demonstrate the use of saw-tooth optical pulses, which are shaped using a fiber Bragg grating, to achieve robust and high performance time-domain add-drop multiplexing in a scheme based on cross-phase (XPM) modulation in an optical fiber, with subsequent offset filtering. As compared to the use of more conventional pulse shapes, such as Gaussian pulses of a similar pulse width, the purpose-shaped saw-tooth pulses allow higher extinction ratios for the add and drop windows and significant improvements in the receiver sensitivity for the dropped and added channels

    Phase-sensitive wavelength conversion based on cascaded quadratic processes in periodically poled lithium niobate waveguides

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    We propose and experimentally demonstrate a novel scheme of phase-sensitive wavelength conversion, based on a combination of cascaded second-order nonlinear effects in two cascaded periodically poled lithium niobate waveguides

    Fluxes, Gaugings and Gaugino Condensates

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    Based on the correspondence between the N = 1 superstring compactifications with fluxes and the N = 4 gauged supergravities, we study effective N = 1 four-dimensional supergravity potentials arising from fluxes and gaugino condensates in the framework of orbifold limits of (generalized) Calabi-Yau compactifications. We give examples in heterotic and type II orientifolds in which combined fluxes and condensates lead to vacua with small supersymmetry breaking scale. We clarify the respective roles of fluxes and condensates in supersymmetry breaking, and analyze the scaling properties of the gravitino mass.Comment: 17 pages, C

    String Threshold corrections in models with spondaneously broken supersymmetry

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    We analyse a class of four-dimensional heterotic ground states with N=2 space-time supersymmetry. From the ten-dimensional perspective, such models can be viewed as compactifications on a six-dimensional manifold with SU(2) holonomy, which is locally but not globally K3 x T^2. The maximal N=4 supersymmetry is spontaneously broken to N=2. The masses of the two massive gravitinos depend on the (T,U) moduli of T^2. We evaluate the one-loop threshold corrections of gauge and R^2 couplings and we show that they fall in several universality classes, in contrast to what happens in usual K3 x T^2 compactifications, where the N=4 supersymmetry is explicitly broken to N=2, and where a single universality class appears. These universality properties follow from the structure of the elliptic genus. The behaviour of the threshold corrections as functions of the moduli is analysed in detail: it is singular across several rational lines of the T^2 moduli because of the appearance of extra massless states, and suffers only from logarithmic singularities at large radii. These features differ substantially from the ordinary K3 x T^2 compactifications, thereby reflecting the existence of spontaneously-broken N=4 supersymmetry. Although our results are valid in the general framework defined above, we also point out several properties, specific to orbifold constructions, which might be of phenomenological relevance

    All-optical phase-regenerative multicasting of 40 Gbit/s DPSK signal in a degenerate phase sensitive amplifier

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    We demonstrate all-optical 1-to-5 differential phase-shift keyed (DPSK) wavelength multicasting at 40 Gbit/s using a degenerate four-wave mixing (FWM) based phase sensitive amplifier (PSA). Phase regenerative properties are reported with a sensitivity improvement of more that 10 dB
