10 research outputs found
Primarni mukoepidermoidni karcinom Å”titne žlijezde s agresivnim ponaÅ”anjem - prikaz sluÄaja
This report describes a primary high-grade mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the thyroid in a 33-year-old male. The patient presented with a rapidly enlarging mass in the left thyroid lobe. Cytologic analysis suggested a poorly differentiated thyroid carcinoma. Total thyroidectomy was performed. On gross examination, a poorly circumscribed, gray-white tumor measuring up to 5.5 cm in the largest diameter was found. Light microscopy showed atypical, large epithelial cells forming solid islands and nests with variable, focal production of mucin and up to 5 mitotic figures per 10 high-power fields. Squamous cell foci without keratinization were also observed. Tumor cells were immunohistochemically negative for thyroglobulin and calcitonin, and positive for cytokeratin. Electron microscopy showed squamous cells with intracytoplasmic aggregates of tonofilaments, well-developed desmosomal attachments and mucous cells characterized by numerous mucin granules. Six months after the initial treatment, ipsilateral radical neck dissection revealed 25 positive out of 44 lymph nodes. Computed tomography performed a month later revealed a large tumor located behind the larynx, compressing the trachea, with retrosternal spread into the mediastinum. The patient underwent radiotherapy for a widespread metastatic disease. We think that primary thyroid mucoepidermoid carcinoma may show an aggressive clinical course.Prikazan je 33-godiÅ”nji bolesnik s primarnim mukoepidermoidnim karcinomom Å”titne žlijezde vrlo agresivnog ponaÅ”anja. Bolesnik se javlja lijeÄniku poradi brzorastuÄeg tumora lijevog režnja Å”titne žlijezde. CitoloÅ”ka analiza je upuÄivala na slabo diferencirani karcinom Å”titnjaÄe. UÄinjena je totalna tiroidektomija. Makroskopski je naÄen slabo ograniÄeni, sivo bijeli tumor promjera do 5,5 cm. HistoloÅ”ki je tumor graÄen od atipiÄnih, krupnih epitelnih stanica koje tvore otoÄiÄe i gnijezda. Tumorske stanice mjestimice pokazuju stvaranje sluzi. Usto se nalaze žariÅ”ta ploÄastih stanica bez izraženog orožnjavanja. Imunohistokemijski tumorske stanice pokazuju pozitivnu reakciju na citokeratin i negativnu na tiroglobulin i kalcitonin. Elektronsko mikroskopska analiza pokazala je ploÄaste stanice s intracitoplazmatskim nakupinama tonofilamenata, dobro razvijenim dezmosomima i mucinozne stanice s brojnim mucinskim granulama. Å est mjeseci nakon prvog zahvata uÄinjena je istostrana disekcija vratnih limfnih Ävorova, pri Äemu je patohistoloÅ”ki veÄina Ävorova bila zauzeta metastatskim tumorom. Kompjutoriziranom tomografijom uÄinjenom mjesec dana kasnije utvrÄene su tumorske mase iza grkljana i traheje, koje se Å”ire iza prsne kosti u medijastinum. Bolesnik je lijeÄen zraÄenjem zbog raÅ”irenih metastaza. Ovakav tijek bolesti upuÄuje na to da primarni mukoepidermoidni karcinom Å”titnjaÄe može pokazivati vrlo agresivan tijek
Patogeneza bronhijalne hiperreaktivnosti u bolesnika s alergijskim rinitisom
Bronchial hyperreactivity denotes an enhanced bronchial response to usual physiological stimuli, and can manifest with cough or paroxysmal cough through tussive syncope and bronchospasm. Bronchial hyperreactivity can be transient or permanent. Transient bronchial hyperreactivity occurs in acute inflammation of the upper and lower airways, and manifests with dry irritation cough that may persist for up to two months. Permanent bronchial hyperreactivity is found in 10% - 50% of patients with allergic rhinitis, 50% of patients with chronic bronchitis, and 100% of patients with asthma. The pathophysiological mechanism of bronchial hyperreactivity in patients with allergic rhinitis has not yet been fully clarified, however, the following theories have been implicated: loss of nasal function, direct aspiration of inflammatory secretion and antigens, aerogenic transfer of antigens depending on particle size, gastroesophageal reflux, neurogenic mechanisms including the action of neuropeptides in the onset of neurogenic inflammation, and the concept of allergic reaction as a systemic response to local antigen presentation. It should be noted that bronchial hyperreactivity is not asthma; however, the clinical manifestation of asthma is just a matter of time. Therefore, allergic rhinitis should be considered a predisposing factor for the occurrence of asthma.Pod bronhijalnom hiperreaktivnoÅ”Äu podrazumijeva se pojaÄan odgovor bronha na uobiÄajene fizioloÅ”ke podražaje, koji se može oÄitovati kaÅ”ljem, paroksizmom kaÅ”lja, sve do tusigene sinkope i bronhospazma. Bronhijalna hiperreaktivnost može biti prolazna i trajna. Prolazna bronhijalna hiperreaktivnost pojavljuje se kod akutnih upala gornjih i donjih diÅ”nih putova, oÄituje se suhim podražajnim kaÅ”ljem koji može potrajati i do dva mjeseca. Trajna bronhijalna hiperreaktivnost nalazi se u 10% - 50% bolesnika s alergijskim rinitisom, 50% bolesnika s kroniÄnim bronhitisom, te u 100% bolesnika s astmom. PatofizioloÅ”ki mehanizam nastanka bronhijalne hiperreaktivnosti u bolesnika s alergijskim rinitisom nije u potpunosti jasan, a spominju se slijedeÄe teorije: gubitak funkcije nosa, izravna aspiracija upalnog sekreta i antigena, aerogeno prenoÅ”enje antigena ovisno o veliÄini cestica, gastroezofagusni refluks, neurogeni mehanizmi ukljuÄujuÄi i djelovanje neuropeptida u nastanku neurogene upale, te shvaÄanje alergijske reakcije kao sistemske reakcije na lokalno prikazivanje antigena. Valja istaknuti da bronhijalna hiperreaktivnost nije astma, ali je pitanje dana kada Äe se astma kliniÄki oÄitovati. Stoga se alergijski rinitis može smatrati predisponirajuÄim Äimbenikom u pojavi astme
NajÄeÅ”Äi uzrok hipertireoze u djece i odraslih osoba je autoimunosna Gravesova (Basedowljeva) bolest. U lijeÄenju Gravesove hipertireoze primjenjuju se viÅ”e od 60 godina tireostatici, kirurÅ”ki zahvat i radiojodna terapija. NajraÅ”irenija je primjena tireostatika. MeÄutim, remisija uz tireostatike može se oÄekivati u 20ā50% odraslih osoba i 20ā30% djece. Metode definitivnog lijeÄenja Gravesove hipertireoze su jod-131 (radiojod) ili kirurÅ”ki zahvat. Obje metode lijeÄenja imaju prednosti i nedostatke, a odabir uglavnom ovisi o dobi, osobnom izboru, popratnim bolestima i drugim individualnim osobinama bolesnika, ali i dostupnosti pojedine metode lijeÄenja. Radiojodna terapija je jednostavan, siguran, efikasan i ekonomiÄan postupak definitivnog lijeÄenja Gravesove hipertireoze. Primjenjuje se ambulantno i može se primijeniti u bolesnika u hipertireozi. Zbog toga se u odraslih osoba s Gravesovom hipertireozom veÄinom preferira lijeÄenje jodom-131, a vrlo malo bolesnika upuÄuje se na kirurÅ”ki zahvat. Radiojod je osobito metoda izbora u starijih bolesnika i kardiopata u kojih je indiciran odmah nakon postizanja eutireoze tireostaticima. KirurÅ”ki zahvat uglavnom je
indiciran u mla|ih bolesnika, u sluÄaju individualnog izbora ili u osebnim indikacijama. Jasne indikacije za operativno lijeÄenje Gravesove hipertireoze su: suspektni ili dokazani malignitet, koegzistiraju}a patologija koja zahtijeva kirurÅ”ki zahvat, trudnoÄa ili dojenje, velika guÅ”a (te`a od 80 grama) ili guÅ”a sa simptomima i znakovima kompresije, te{ke toksi~ne nuspojave na tireostatike, potreba brze kontrole bolesti, dob do 5 godina i aktivna oftalmopatija. Rizik od kirurÅ”kog lijeÄenja obrnuto je proporcionalan s iskustvom operatera, a danas se preferira gotovo totalna odnosno totalna tireoidektomija. KonaÄni ishod obaju oblika lijeÄenja Äesto je hipotireoza koju ne treba smatrati posljedicom lijeÄenja jer se nadomjesnom terapijom hormonima Å”titnjaÄe postiže hormonski ekvilibrij.The most common etiologic cause of thyrotoxicosis in children and adults is autoimmune Gravesā (Basedowās) disease. Anti thyroid medications, surgery and radioactive iodine have been used in the treatment of Gravesā hyperthyroidism for more than six decades. The use of antithyroid drugs is the most common therapeutic approach. However, long-term remission with antithyroid drugs can be expected in 20ā50% of adults and 20ā30% of children. The methods for definitive
treatment of Gravesā hyperthyroidism are iodine-131 (radioiodine) and surgery. Both treatment modalities have benefits and risks and the decision is made according to the age, patient preference and the presence of other co-morbidities, individual characteristics of patients and the availability of certain treatment modality. Radioiodine is simple, safe, effective and economic procedure for definitive treatment of Gravesā hyperthyroidism. It is administered ambulatory and can be given to the patient in thyrotoxicosis. Due to many benefits, radioiodine is preferred in most of the adult patients with Gravesā hyperthyroidism while only small proportion of patients is sent to surgery. Radioidine is especially the treatment of choice in elderly patients and patients with heart disease. In these patients radioiodine is indicated immediately after reaching euthyroidism with antithyroid drugs. Surgery is mainly indicated in younger patients, in the case of patient preference or in special indications. Clear indications for surgical treatment of Gravesā hyperthyroidism are: suspected or confirmed malignancy, coexisting pathology that demands surgical treatment, pregnancy and breastfeeding, large goiter (> 80 grams) or goiter with symptoms and signs of compression, severe toxic side effects of antithyroid medications, requirement for immediate control of disease, age younger than 5 years and active ophtalmopathy. The risk of surgical treatment is negatively correlated with the surgeonās experience and nowadays, total or near-total thyroidectomy is preferred surgical approach. End point of both treatment modalities is usually hypothyroidism that should not be considered as the consequence of treatment. Moreover, due to thyroid hormones replacement therapy equilibrium can be easily achieved
Small-molecule enhancers of autophagy modulate cellular disease phenotypes suggested by human genetics
Studies of human genetics and pathophysiology have implicated the regulation of autophagy in inflammation, neurodegeneration, infection, and autoimmunity. These findings have motivated the use of small-molecule probes to study how modulation of autophagy affects disease-associated phenotypes. Here, we describe the discovery of the small-molecule probe BRD5631 that is derived from diversity-oriented synthesis and enhances autophagy through an mTOR-independent pathway. We demonstrate that BRD5631 affects several cellular disease phenotypes previously linked to autophagy, including protein aggregation, cell survival, bacterial replication, and inflammatory cytokine production. BRD5631 can serve as a valuable tool for studying the role of autophagy in the context of cellular homeostasis and disease.Skoltech CenterNational Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant R01-NS088538)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant MH104610