20 research outputs found
First record of North American ambrosia beetle Gnathotrichus materiarius (Fitch) (Coleoptera, Scolytidae) in Finland - a new potential forest pest?
The North American ambrosia beetle Gnathotrichus materiarius is reported for the first time in Finland. One specimen was caught by a Ips typographus pheromone trap in Vantaa in 1996. The species was introduced to Europe from North Americain 1933, and since then it has spread to many Middle European countries. It is possible that this species has already become established in Fennoscandia, because of repeated introductions
Phosphorus and Nitrogen Yield Response Models for Dynamic Bio-Economic Optimization: An Empirical Approach
Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) are both essential plant nutrients. However, their joint response to plant growth is seldom described by models. This study provides an approach for modeling the joint impact of inorganic N and P fertilization on crop production, considering the P supplied by the soil, which was approximated using the soil test P (STP). We developed yield response models for Finnish spring barley crops (Hordeum vulgare L.) for clay and coarse-textured soils by using existing extensive experimental datasets and nonlinear estimation techniques. Model selection was based on iterative elimination from a wide diversity of plausible model formulations. The Cobb-Douglas type model specification, consisting of multiplicative elements, performed well against independent validation data, suggesting that the key relationships that determine crop responses are captured by the models. The estimated models were extended to dynamic economic optimization of fertilization inputs. According to the results, a fair STP level should be maintained on both coarse-textured soils (9.9 mg L-1 a(-1)) and clay soils (3.9 mg L-1 a(-1)). For coarse soils, a higher steady-state P fertilization rate is required (21.7 kg ha(-1) a(-1)) compared with clay soils (6.75 kg ha(-1) a(-1)). The steady-state N fertilization rate was slightly higher for clay soils (102.4 kg ha(-1) a(-1)) than for coarse soils (95.8 kg ha(-1) a(-1)). This study shows that the iterative elimination of plausible functional forms is a suitable method for reducing the effects of structural uncertainty on model output and optimal fertilization decisions.Peer reviewe
Dynamic phosphorus and nitrogen yield response model for economic optimisation
This paper provides an approach for modelling joint impact of two main nutrients in crop production for situations where there are available separate datasets for nitrogen and phosphorus fertiliser field experiments. Developing yield response models for Finnish spring barley crops (Hordeum vulgare L.) for clay and coarse soils and applying the models for dynamic economic analysis demonstrate the modelling approach. Model selection is based on iterative elimination from a wide diversity of plausible model formulations. Nonlinear weighted least squares method was utilised in estimation of the yield response models and dynamic programming was utilised in economic analysis. Our results suggest that fertiliser recommendations can be insufficient if soil phosphorus dynamics are ignored. Further, the optimal fertilisation rates for nitrogen and phosphorus, as well as the economic alternative costs of agri-environmental programmes depend on the soil texture of production area. Therefore, the efficiency of such programmes could be improved by targeting different fertilisation limits for different soil textures. In addition, uncertainty analysis revealed that the parameter uncertainty had a greater effect on the model output than the structural uncertainty. Further, the interaction of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilisers appeared to be a factor of relatively minor importance. The modelling approach and the model structure can be extended to other geographical areas, given that adequate datasets are available.This paper provides an approach for modelling joint impact of two main nutrients in crop production for situations where there are available separate datasets for nitrogen and phosphorus fertiliser field experiments. Developing yield response models for Finnish spring barley crops (Hordeum vulgare L.) for clay and coarse soils and applying the models for dynamic economic analysis demonstrate the modelling approach. Model selection is based on iterative elimination from a wide diversity of plausible model formulations. Nonlinear weighted least squares method was utilised in estimation of the yield response models and dynamic programming was utilised in economic analysis. Our results suggest that fertiliser recommendations can be insufficient if soil phosphorus dynamics are ignored. Further, the optimal fertilisation rates for nitrogen and phosphorus, as well as the economic alternative costs of agri-environmental programmes depend on the soil texture of production area. Therefore, the efficiency of such programmes could be improved by targeting different fertilisation limits for different soil textures. In addition, uncertainty analysis revealed that the parameter uncertainty had a greater effect on the model output than the structural uncertainty. Further, the interaction of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilisers appeared to be a factor of relatively minor importance. The modelling approach and the model structure can be extended to other geographical areas, given that adequate datasets are available
The effect of gypsum on phosphorus losses at the catchment scale
The ability of novel measures to reduce the loss of phosphorus from fields to surface waters is seeing increasing testing. Gypsum, by elevating the ionic strength in soil solution, has been shown to reduce phosphorus losses from Finnish soils under laboratory conditions. This report presents the results of a catchment-scale gypsum experiment. In a 2.45 km2 catchment in southern Finland, 91% of the field area (93 out of 101 hectares, mostly on clayey soils) was amended with gypsum after the harvest in 2008. Runoff volume and quality (e.g., turbidity, nutrients, cations, and anions) were monitored for six high-flow periods in February 2008 to November 2010 – i.e., before, during, and after the amendment – by means of on-line sensors and manual sampling. Additional data were collected by a local water protection association at the site and in a nearby ‘reference’ catchment where gypsum was not used. Moreover, the effect of gypsum was simulated with the ICECREAM model and scaled for the clay fields in the catchment of the Archipelago Sea via the assessment tool VIHMA. Potential changes in soil chemistry were monitored with soil analyses. Finally, the impact on lakes caused by sulphate lost from gypsum was studied by means of laboratory soil and sediment incubations.
The turbidity recorded by the on-line sensors from the runoff correlated with the concentration of particulate phosphorus analysed in the laboratory, which enabled the evaluation of changes in particulate phosphorus loss from the on-line data. Using a covariance model with gypsum application as a qualitative and runoff volume as a quantitative variable, we approximated gypsum as having reduced the loss of particulate phosphorus by 57 %. The loss of dissolved reactive phosphorus decreased by approximately one third. The total phosphorus reduction was about 54 %. According to the ICECREAM model, the reduction in total phosphorus was 45 %. No corresponding changes were found in the reference catchment.
Gypsum did not affect soil test values for phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, or calcium but did increase the ionic strength and sulphur in soil. The proportion of gypsum lost in runoff could not be estimated precisely, because there were insufficient background data on sulphate losses. At maximum, 45 % of the gypsum was lost, as calculated from conductivity values recorded by the sensors. Since sulphate may aggravate eutrophication in sulphate-poor lakes, the sulphate lost from gypsum may restrict extensive gypsum application to only those catchments discharging directly into the Baltic Sea. Fortunately, most clayey fields in Finland with a risk of erosion are located in the coastal catchments without a great presence of lakes. As an example, the application of gypsum on all clayey fields used for cereals or high-value crops in the catchment of the Archipelago Sea could reduce the total phosphorus load by 68 t y−1, as calculated with the assessment tool VIHMA. That would be more than half of the national target (120 t y−1) for this sea area. The duration of the gypsum effect and impact of gypsum-derived sulphate on the ecology of rivers and lakes has yet to be determined
Urban wetland parks in Finland: improving water quality and creating endangered habitats
Urbanization changes water balance, degrades water quality and disrupts habitats. Wetlands offer storm water volume and flow control, water pollution mitigation, and rich land–water interphase habitats. In the present case study, urban wetlands were designed and implemented to provide multiple functions, including water quality improvement and the establishment of critically endangered clay stream habitat, along a revived urban stream within the Baltic Sea watershed in Southern Finland. The primary water quality concern in the recipient lake is algal bloom controlling and clay particle-carried phosphorus. Wetlands were monitored for functioning over five calendar years. At a wetland monitored for 5 years, herbaceous vegetation was well self-established in the second year, and reached 102 species, of which 97% were native, in the fifth growing season. Successful breeding of amphibians and water birds occurred right after construction. Continuous water quality monitoring over the fourth year at this wetland, with 0.1% area of its watershed, revealed seasonal and event-based differences: for total phosphorus, an annual 10% average with lower removal rates outside, and up to 71% event reductions during the growing season, while highest load reductions occurred during heavy rain and snowmelt events outside the growing season. The created wetlands provided critical habitat and beneficial functions and thus compensated partly for urbanization.Peer reviewe
Внесение азотных удобрений на лугах и пастбищах: урожайность и риск азотного выщелачивания
Abstract. The soil surface balance of nitrogen (N), calculated as the difference between N inputs and output, is a principal agri-environmental indicator that provides information on the potential loss of N to surface or groundwater. (Research purpose) Determination of relevant models of yield response to N fertilization could prove helpful in minimizing N balance and simultaneously maintaining high-yield production. (Materials and methods) The authors used meta-analysis to quantitatively summarize 40 N fertilization experiments on perennial grass leys in Finland and assessed the effect of inorganic N fertilization on grass yields and N balances, and further estimated potential to reduce N input and N balances. The relationship was estimated by using the COUP model (a coupled heat and mass transfer model for ‘soilplant-atmosphere’ systems) and by reviewing the 12 Nordic studies on N leaching experiments involving lysimeters and drained field plots. (Results and discussion) It was found that the optimal N content in mineral soils is 230 kilograms per hectare, in organic – 190. In the first case, the economic effect of nitrogen introduction is 206 euro per hectare, in the second one – 62. (Conclusions) The developed yield response models can serve to construct a dynamic tool for growers to adjust N applications for maximizing economic profitability. The authors proved that the values predicted by the COUP model for N leaching losses after the application of mineral N fertilizer to perennial grass leys were in accordance with the low values measured, which ranged from 1.2 to 10-15 kilograms per hectar a year in Finland and in the Nordic-Baltic countries. It was also revealed that a possible risk of N leaching losses when using only inorganic N fertilization seems less crucial due to its low level and weak association with N balances.Реферат. Баланс содержания азота в верхнем слое почвы, рассчитанный как разница между количеством внесенного и остаточного азота, считается основным агроэкологическим показателем, который предоставляет информацию о возможном выносе азота с поверхностными или грунтовыми водами. (Цель исследования) Определить модели зависимости урожайности зеленой массы от количества внесенного азотного удобрения, которые могут быть использованы для минимизации баланса азота и одновременного поддержания высокого урожая трав. (Материалы и методы) На основе мета-анализа осуществили количественную оценку результатов 40 опытов по азотной подкормке многолетних травяных угодий в Финляндии. Изучили влияние неорганического азотного удобрения на урожай трав и баланс азота, а также перспективы снижения потребления азота и баланса азота. Для оценки использовали сопряженную модель тепломассопереноса для систем «почва – растение – атмосфера». Осуществили 12 экспериментов по выщелачиванию азота в северных широтах. Провели лизиметрические исследования. Изучили осушенные участки лугов и пастбищ. (Результаты и обсуждение) Установили, что оптимальное содержание азота в минеральных почвах составляет 230 килограммов на гектар, в органических – 190. В первом случае экономический эффект от внесения азота равен 206 евро на гектар, во втором – 62. (Выводы) Разработали модели влияния на урожайность трав, которые сельхозпроизводители могут использовать в качестве динамического инструмента для регулирования нормы внесения азота, чтобы получить максимальный экономический эффект. Показали, что значения, прогнозируемые с помощью сопряженной модели тепломассопереноса для оценки потерь азота вследствие выщелачивания после внесения минерального азотного удобрения на многолетние травяные угодья, соответствовали низким фактическим показателям, полученным в ходе исследования, которые варьировались от 1,2 до 10-15 килограммов на гектар в год в Финляндии и в северных балтийских странах. Выявили, что возможный риск потерь азота вследствие выщелачивания при использовании только неорганического удобрения представляется менее критичным из-за низкого уровня этого элемента и его слабой связи с балансом азота
Selvitys henkilökuljetukseen tarkoitetun köysiradan peruskorjauksesta
Tässä opinnäytetyössä selvitettiin Pääskyvuoren laskettelukeskuksen ensimmäisen hiihtohissin eli köysiradan kuntoa mekaniikan osalta. Hissin kunnosta ei ollut tietoa, sillä se on ollut poissa käytöstä yli 10 vuotta. Työssä perehdyttiin köysiradan rakenteeseen ja sitä koskeviin asetuksiin ja standardeihin. Työhön sisältyi suunnitelman laatiminen kustannusarvioineen köysiradan peruskorjaamiseksi.
Työn tavoitteena oli lisätä ymmärrystä köysiradoista, niitä koskevista määräyksistä, niiden rakenteesta ja kunnossapidosta. Toimeksiantajayrityksen kannalta työn keskeisin tavoite oli kuntoselvityksen tekeminen, josta selviää toimenpiteet ja kustannukset, jos hissi päätettäisiin ottaa käyttöön.
Työn tuloksena toimeksiantajayritys sai hyvän käsityksen köysiradan nykykunnosta ja voi arvioida peruskorjauksen ja hissin uudelleen käyttöönoton kannattavuutta.The main task of this thesis was to evaluate the mechanical condition of a ski lift. The current status of the lift was unknown since it has been out of service for over 10 years. The operator of the ski lift is Ski Resort Pääskyvuori Ltd. The structure of the ropeway of the lift and the regulations and the standards concerning the ropeways are investigated in the thesis. The second part is to make a renovation plan including a cost estimate for taking the ropeway back into service.
The purpose of the thesis was to improve the knowledge about ropeways, their regulations, structure and maintenance. The main goal for the client company was to make a renovation plan where the actions and expenses are shown for taking the lift back into service.
As a result of this thesis the company gained a good understanding of the current mechanical condition of the ski lift and it can utilize the results of the thesis to estimate the expenses of the recommissioning of the ski lift
Makrotaloustekijöiden vaikutus vivutettujen pääomasijoitusten tuottoon
Leveraged buyouts are a significant factor in the modern financial markets and have attracted considerably academic interest.
While there is a significant number of studies on their operating performance implications and fund returns, there is still a range of open questions regarding the drivers of investment level returns and the risk-return performance of buyouts.
Only in the last two years have data availability and the methods to estimate the systematic risk of buyouts developed enough to make a reliable analysis of the return drivers and risk-return performance possible.
This paper contributes to buyout literature by analyzing the impact of macroeconomic factors on levered buyout returns and the risk-return performance of buyouts compared to public equity.
By employing quantile regression this study is, to the best of our knowledge, the first to analyze the differences in return drivers between high and low performing buyouts.
In line with previous studies we find that buyouts are pro-cyclical in that their returns are driven by GDP growth and market returns.
We further show that industry growth has actually a statistically more significant impact on returns than either GDP growth or market return, and emphasize the importance of using industry in addition to market level variables in future studies.
Our results further indicate that the returns of poorer performing buyouts are actually driven by GDP rather than industry growth, where as the returns of well performing buyouts are driven by industry rather than GDP growth.
This indicates that while good economic conditions help support the worst buyouts, a good choice of industry is needed to achieve top performance.
Our results show that gearing has a strong impact on equity returns, but no such impact on enterprise value returns.
We interpret this as a sing that gearing does not help to create value, but inflates equity returns by reducing the equity investment required.
We also find that gearing only has an impact on the higher return quantiles, which supports the argument that it does not create value but helps inflate the returns from value creation.
We find that buyouts clearly outperform public equity in the risk-return sense.
The average levered alpha, although driven by few outliers, is as high as 99.9% and even the median alpha reaches considerable 17.5%, which is comparable with 12.6% average alpha by Groh and Gottschalg (2008).
We estimate the average levered beta over holding time at 1.32, which is in line with the results of Groh and Gottschalg (2008).Vivutetut pääomasijoitukset ovat merkittävät tekijä nykyajan rahoitusmarkkinoilla.
Sijoitusten operatiivisia vaikutuksia ja pääomasijoitusrahastojen tuottoja on tutkittu paljon, mutta sijoitusten tuottoihin vaikuttavat tekijät ja niiden riskikorjattu tuotto sijoitustasolla ovat edelleen avoimia kysymyksiä.
Vasta viimeisen kahden vuoden aikana tiedon saatavuuden ja riskinarviointimenetelmien kehitys on mahdollistanut tuottoihin vaikuttavien tekijöiden ja riskikorjatun tuoton luotettavan tutkimisen.
Tämä työ laajentaa vivutettuja pääomasijoituksia koskevaa kirjallisuutta analysoimalla makrotaloustekijöiden vaikutusta vivutettujen pääomasijoitusten tuottoihin, sekä sijoitusten riskikorjattua tuottoa listattujen osakkeiden tuottoon verrattuna.
Tämä tutkimus on parhaan tietomme mukaan ensimmäinen, joka analysoi hyvin ja huonosti tuottavien sijoitusten eroja kvantiiliregressiolla.
Aiempien tutkimusten tavoin tuloksemme osoittavat että talouden kasvu ja osakemarkkinoiden kehitys vaikuttaa vivutettujen pääomasijoitusten tuottoon positiivisesti.
Tuloksemme osoittavat myös että toimialan kasvulla on tilastollisesti merkitsevämpi vaikutus tuottoihin kuin talouden kasvulla tai osakemarkkinoiden kehityksellä.
Lisäksi tulokset osoittavat, talouskasvu vaikuttaa erityisesti huonosti tuottavien sijoitusten tuottoihin, kun taas toimialan kasvu vaikuttaa hyvin tuottavien sijoitusten tuottoihin.
Tämä antaa viitteitä, että hyvä taloustilanne tukee huonoimpiakin sijoituksia, mutta huipputuottoihin vaaditaan oikeaa toimialan valintaa.
Tuloksemme osoittavat, että velkavivulla on merkittävä vaikutus osakepääoman tuottoon, mutta ei vaikutusta koko pääoman tuottoon.
Lisäksi velkavivun vaikutus on sitä merkittävämpi, mitä suurempi sijoituksen tuotto on.
Tämä osoittaa, ettei velkavipu auta luomaan arvoa vivutetuissa pääomasijoituksissa mutta kasvattaa osakepääomalle saatavaa tuottoa onnistuneissa sijoituksissa Tulostemme mukaan vivutettujen pääomasijoitusten riskikorjattu tuotto on selkeästi listattuja osakkeita korkeampi.
Keskimääräinen ylituotto velkavipu huomioiden on jopa 99%, mutta tähän vaikuttaa merkittävästi muutama erittäin hyvin tuottanut sijoitus.
Mediaani ylituotto on 17.5%, joka on vertailukelpoinen Groh ja Gottschalgin (2008) keskimääräisen 12.6% ylituoton kanssa.
Tulostemme mukaan sijoitusten keskimääräinen beta velkavipu huomioiden on 1.32, mikä on samoin vertailukelpoinen Groh ja Gottschalgin (2008) tulosten kanssa