32 research outputs found

    Percepcija sukoba i emocionalni napor u sestrinstvu

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    More and more intense way of life and work, global crisis which causes lack of work resources, make it more difficult to provide adequate health care and lead to stress and conflict at different levels of healthcare activities. Healthcare professionals are exposed to emotional labour on a daily basis. Continuous management and regulation of their emotions may exhaust them, make their work harder and increase the occurrence of conflict. On the other hand, it is possible that conflict itself could be the source of stress and negative emotions which require greater emotional labour in order to be concealed or suppressed. The aim of this research was to examine different features of conflict in the workplace, the level of emotional labour experienced by nurses, and the relationship between the perception of conflict and emotional labour. The research was carried out anonymously on the convenience sample of 104 female (94.2%) and male (5.8%) nurses at the Hospital for Infectious Diseases in Zagreb. The average age of the participants was 36 years, and their average work experience was 15.9 years. For the purpose of the research the Questionnaire on Various Features of Conflict by Stojčić & Perković, and the Questionnaire on Emotional labour by Näring, Briët & Brouwers were used. 76% of the participants perceive conflict as destructive. Conflict in the workplace is not frequent, and the majority of the participants consider themselves as successful in constructive resolution of conflict. Persons with longer work experience enter into conflict more often. Nurses are not exposed to intense emotional labour; workers with secondary education invest greater emotional labour than those with university education. The hierarchical analysis has shown that it is possible to explain 38.4% of the variance of conflict frequency with sets of predictors (age, education level, different work problems, emotional labour). The most important predictors were age, problematic behavior of colleagues and expressing positive emotions. Emotional labour has a significant, but small part in conflict frequency.Sve intenzivniji način života i rada te globalna kriza koja za sobom povlači nedostatak sredstava za rad otežavaju pružanje adekvatne zdravstvene skrbi i dovode do stresa i sukoba na različitim razinama zdravstvene djelatnosti. Zdravstveni djelatnici svakodnevno su izloženi emocionalnom naporu − upravljanju i reguliranju svojih emocija, što ih može iscrpljivati, otežavati rad i pospješiti pojavu sukoba. No moguće je i da su sukobi izvor stresa i negativnih emocija koje zahtijevaju veći emocionalni napor za njihovo prikrivanje ili potiskivanje. Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati različita obilježja sukoba na radnom mjestu, razinu emocionalnog napora koje doživljavaju medicinske sestre te odnos percepcije sukoba i emocionalnog napora. Istraživanje je provedeno anonimno na prigodnom uzorku od 104 medicinskih sestara (94,2%) i tehničara (5,8%) u Klinici za infektivne bolesti u Zagrebu. Prosječna je dob sudionika 36 godina, a radnog staža 15,9 godina. Korišten je upitnik o različitim obilježjima sukoba autora Stojčić i Perković te Upitnik emocionalnog napora autora Näring, Briët i Brouwers. 76% sudionika percipira sukob kao destruktivnu pojavu. Sukobi na radnom mjestu nisu učestali, a većina sudionika smatra se uspješnima u konstruktivnom rješavanju sukoba. Više se sukobljavaju oni s dužim radnim stažem. Medicinske sestre nisu izložene intenzivnom emocionalnom naporu; djelatnici sa srednjom stručnom spremom ulažu veći emocionalni trud u odnosu na one s višim obrazovanjem. Hijerarhijska analiza pokazala je da se setovima prediktora (dob i stručna sprema, različiti problemi u radu, emocionalni napor) može objasniti 38,4% varijance učestalosti sukoba, pri čemu su značajni prediktori dob, problematična ponašanja suradnika i izražavanje pozitivnih emocija. Emocionalni napor ima značajan, ali skroman udio u učestalosti sukoba

    A One Year Retrospective Study of Gastroenteritis Outbreaks in Croatia: Incidences and Etiology

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    Gastroenteritis is one of the most commonly reported communicable diseases in Croatia, where there is a well-established system for the surveillance of this disease. The aim of this study was to identify the frequency and the most causative agents of gastroenteritis outbreaks and to identify underlying factors contributing to disease outbreaks.We analysed 89 reported outbreaks documented by local epidemiologists to the Croatian National Institute of Public Health during 2006. Most outbreaks happened during the summer (39.3%).Causative agents in the summer were mostly bacteriae while viruses were mostly the causative agents in the spring (p<0.01). Also bacteria was the most causative agent in outbreaks conducted in private households and public restaurants, while viruses, mostly norovirus, were causative agents in outbreaks in homes for elderly people and hospitals (p<0.01). Bacterial infections were related to substandard practices in food preparation and warehousing, and virus infections were related to person-to-person contact (fecal-oral route and airborne transmission) (p<0.01). However, it is important to recognize the need for continuous public education, especially for professionals involved in food preparing as a step in how to prevent gastroenteritis

    Psychological Difficulties of Nursing Students – Is There a Difference on Various Levels of Study?

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    The research of students adapting to university life, difficulties in coping with the academic demands, and personal problems students face during their study is important for a better understanding of their needs in order to prevent possible mental health problems in the student population and increase the overall quality of study. When researching the difficulties that students face, one of the important factors to be taken into account is the type of study, for instance whether they study full or part time. Since nursing students represent the largest student population at the University of Applied Health Sciences in Zagreb, Croatia, we investigated the differences in the perceived difficulties during studying between full-time undergraduate nursing students and part-time specialist graduate nursing students, most of whom already work as professional nurses. In a sample of 231 participants, there were 143 undergraduate students with the average age of 26.38 years (90.2% females) and 88 specialist graduate students with the average age of 37.52 years (95.5% females). We examined the frequency of 62 difficulties that students may encounter during their study using a survey by the Student Counselling Centre at the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb. On average, nursing students perceived 12 difficulties. The most frequent difficulties all students struggle with are nervousness or tension, financial problems, fear of failure, inefficient time management, insecurity, and changes in eating habits. There is no significant difference in the total frequency of perceived difficulties between undergraduate and graduate students but we found significant differences between these two groups in the number of students who encountered particular difficulties regarding 13 issues. Undergraduate students face problems with roommates and problems in communication with professors more often than graduate students, while graduate students struggle the most with financial problems and adapting to the study regime. When faced with problems, 65.4% of all students would seek free psychological counselling. Graduate students and students who perceive more difficulties are more willing to seek psychological support

    Neke odrednice dojenja kod rodilja u Krapinsko-zagorskoj županiji

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    SAŽETAK Ispitivanje odnosa dojenja i nekih psihosocijalnih varijabli je provedeno u rujnu 2012. godine u Krapinsko-zagorskoj županiji na prigodnom uzorku 106 žena koje su rodile 2011. Prosječna dob sudionica je 29,35 uz standardnu devijaciju od 4,69, prosječan broj članova u njihovom obiteljima je 4,69 uz standardnu devijaciju od 1,463 i imaju 1,86 djece uz standardnu devijaciju od 0,930. 67,9% ih je sa osnovnom školom ili srednjom stručnom spremom, a 32,1% sa višom i visokom stručnom spremom. U stalnom je radnom odnosu 67%, a nezaposlenih 24,5% sudionica. Njih 91 (85,8%) ih je rađalo vaginalnim putem. 31,1% sudionica živi u četveročlanoj, 16% u peteročlanoj, a 31,1% u obitelji sa šestero i više članova. 38,7% sudionica živi u obitelji s jednim djetetom, 43,4% u obitelji s dvoje djece, a 17,9% u obitelji s tri ili više djeteta. 5,7% ih boluje od neke kronične bolesti. Djeca sudionica su u prosjeku dojena 9,47 mjeseci. Do 6 mjeseci starosti djeteta od dojenja odustane 30,25% sudionica, do godine dana doji 41,5% sudionica, a nakon godine dana svoje dijete doji 28,3% sudionica. Dojenje na skali od 1 do 5 gdje 1 označava dojenje kao vrlo kompliciranu aktivnost, a 5 kao vrlo jednostavnu aktivnost prosječno procjenjuju s 4,22, uz standardnu devijaciju od 1,095. Od ukupno 65 (89,2%) sudionica koje imaju iskustvo dojenja prethodnog djeteta odnos težine dojenja procjenjuju jednakim kao i sa zadnjim djetetom. Jednu ili više poteškoća pri dojenju imalo je 59 (55,7%) sudionica. Odluku o tome da će dojiti svoje dijete donijelo je 99 (93,4%) sudionica prije poroda. 31 (29,2%) sudionica je pohađala trudnički tečaj, a u rad grupe za potporu dojenja se uključilo 18 (17%) sudionica. Najvredniji izvori znanja o dojenju su zdravstveni djelatnici (M=3,95) i časopisi, knjige i brošure (M=3,49), a izvor informacija koji sudionice procjenjuju najmanje korisnim su partner (M=2,44) i podaci internetskih foruma (M=2,45)

    Attitudes of physiotherapy students towards psychiatric patients

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    U životu se susrećemo s mnogim stereotipima o različitim skupinama ljudi, ali rijetko je koja skupina toliko obilježena predrasudama kao skupina oboljelih od psihičkih bolesti. Iako s vremenom dolazi do pozitivnih promjena u gledanju na psihijatrijske bolesnike, te se promjene odvijaju vrlo sporo, a istraživanja pokazuju da predrasuda nisu lišeni ni zdravstveni djelatnici. Stoga je cilj ovog rada bio ispitati stavove studenata fizioterapije o psihijatrijskim bolesnicima. Skala stavova sastavljena je za potrebe ovog istraživanja kompilacijom i prilagodbom tvrdnji iz nekoliko instrumenata, a sadržavala je ukupno 39 čestica. Analizom glavnih komponenata dobivena je jednofaktorska struktura za 33 čestice s objašnjenih 27,3 % varijance. Ispitivanje se provelo online na 135 studenata fizioterapije sa sve tri godine studija, od čega je 81,5 % ženskog, a 17,8 % muškog spola. Prosječna dob ispitanika iznosi 28,7 godina. Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju na blago pozitivne stavove prema psihijatrijskim bolesnicima. Najnegativniji stavovi iskazani su kroz aspekt dodatnog opreza, nesigurnosti i nepovjerenja u komunikaciji s njima. Za ukupni rezultat na skali stavova nije dobivena značajna razlika ni po spolu, ni s obzirom na način studiranja, kao ni za godinu studija. Studentice imaju pozitivnije stavove od muške populacije na sedam čestica, ali se značajno više boje psihijatrijskih bolesnika. Izvanredni studenti imaju značajno više profesionalnog iskustva s psihijatrijskim bolesnicima, dok redovni studenti iskazuju pozitivnije stavove na tri čestice u svezi načina komunikacije s psihijatrijskim bolesnicima i njihovih prava. Unatoč relativno pozitivnoj slici, mjesta za poboljšanje svakako ima, i to u vidu pojačanja edukacije i izrazitijih kontakata sa psihijatrijskim bolesnicima.During our lifetime we encounter a multitude of stereotypes about different groups of people, but rarely is a group so marked by prejudice as people suffering from psychiatric illnesses. Although there are positive changes in the perception of psychiatric patients over time, these changes are very slow, and research shows that health professionals are not deprived of prejudice either. Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine the attitudes of physiotherapy students towards psychiatric patients. The scale of attitudes was compiled for the purposes of this study by compiling and adapting items from several instruments, and it contained a total of 39 items. Principal component analysis identified a one-factor structure for 33 items with 27.3% variance explained. The survey was conducted online on 135 physiotherapy students from all three years of study, of which 81.5% were female and 17.8% male. The average age of the respondents was 28.7 years. The obtained results indicate slightly positive attitudes towards psychiatric patients. The most negative attitudes were expressed through the aspect of extra caution, insecurity and mistrust in communicating with them. There is no significant difference in total score between men and women, full-time and part-time students or between the different years of study. For seven items females have more positive attitudes than male population, but they tend to be more afraid of psychiatric patients. Part-time students have more professional experience with psychiatric patients, while full-time students show more positive attitudes on three items about communication and psychiatric patients’ rights. Despite the relatively positive picture, there is certainly room for improvement, in the form of enhanced education and more contact with psychiatric patients

    Emotional State Of Patients Before And After Hip Surgery

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    Ugradnja totalne endoproteze kuka (TEP) jedna je od najčešćih operacija u ortopedskoj kirurgiji. Riječ je o složenom operacijskom zahvatu koji zahtijeva dugotrajan oporavak. Neugodne emocije mogu usporiti oporavak i otežati prilagodbu pacijenata te je važno znati u kojoj su mjeri neugodna emocionalna stanja poput depresije, anksioznosti i stresa prisutna kod pacijenata. Stoga je cilj ovoga istraživanja bio utvrditi učestalost pojave anksioznosti, depresije i stresa kod pacijenata prije i nakon ugradnje totalne endoproteze kuka. Zanimalo nas je i kakav je odnos promatranih emocionalnih stanja s nekim sociodemografskim obilježjima. Primijenjen je upitnik koji uključuje osnovne sociodemografske podatke ispitanika te Skala depresije, anksioznosti i stresa (DASS-S). Uzorak od 50 ispitanika obaju spolova bio je prigodnog tipa, prosječne dobi 69 godina. Istraživanje je provedeno dvokratno za vrijeme boravka pacijenata u bolnici, dan prije operacije i drugi dan nakon operacije kuka. Prije operacije emocionalno stanje pacijenata bilo je vrlo neugodno, osobito stres. Nakon operacije došlo je do izrazitog, statistički značajnog smanjenja svih triju neugodnih emocija, što ukazuje na poboljšanje emocionalnog stanja pacijenata nakon operacije u odnosu na stanje prije. Osobe koje imaju samo osnovnoškolsko obrazovanje značajno su starije od ostalih te imaju značajno izrazitiju depresivnost nakon operacije. Korelacije su pokazale da s povećanjem dobi pacijenata, raste i anksioznost, i to u obje točke mjerenja, te je i razina depresivnog raspoloženja izrazitija. Po spolu, bračnom statusu, kao ni po tome imaju li ispitanici djece nije dobivena statistički značajna razlika.Total hip replacement (THR) is one of the most common operations in orthopedic surgery. It is a complex operation that requires a long recovery. Unpleasant emotions can slow down recovery and make it difficult for patients to adapt, so it is important to know to what extent unpleasant emotional states such as depression, anxiety and stress are present in patients. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the frequency of anxiety, depression, and stress in patients before and after total hip arthroplasty. We were also interested in the relationship between observed emotional states and some sociodemographic characteristics. The questionnaire we used includes the basic sociodemographic data of the respondents, and the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-S). The sample of 50 respondents of both genders was of a convenience type, with an average age of 69 years. The research was conducted twice during the patients’ stay in the hospital, one day before surgery and the second day after hip surgery. Before the operation, the emotional state of the patients was very unpleasant, especially the stress. After the operation, there was a marked, statistically significant decrease in all three unpleasant emotions, which indicates an improvement in the emotional state of the patients after the operation compared to the state before the operation. People with only primary education were significantly older than other patients and were significantly more depressed after the surgery. The correlations showed that as the age of the patients increases, so does anxiety, in both measurement points, and the level of depressed mood is more pronounced. No statistically significant difference was obtained for gender, marital status, or whether they have children

    A Comparison of Two Physiotherapy Treatment Approaches for Nonspecific Neck Pain

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    Bol u vratu jedna je od najčešćih bolnih senzacija uzrokovana dugotrajnim zadržavanjem glave u jednom položaju, dugotrajnom stereotipnom aktivnošću ruku ispred tijela, sve manjom zastupljenošću dinamičkih aktivnosti te stresom. Bol je popraćena smanjenom pokretljivošću vrata te poteškoćama s ravnotežom, poglavito u kroničnom stanju. Iako postoje brojne metode kojima se tretira nespecifična bol u vratu, nisu popraćene zadovoljavajućim brojem istraživanja o djelotvornosti. Cilj je rada utvrditi djelotvornost dvaju različitih fizioterapijskih pristupa u smanjenju boli, povećanju sagitalnog, frontalnog i transverzalnog indeksa gibljivosti te poboljšanju ravnoteže osoba s nespecifičnom boli u vratu. Istraživanje je provedeno u Specijalnoj bolnici za medicinsku rehabilitaciju Krapinske Toplice, a sudjelovalo je 30 pacijenata, pri čemu su polovicu tretirali fizioterapeuti kroz metode manipulacije mekog tkiva, trakciju i mobilizaciju glave (relaksacijska skupina), dok je druga skupina od petnaest sudionika educirana za izvođenje statičkih vježbi snage i vježbi disanja u svrhu relaksacije (izometrička skupina). Promatrane varijable, opseg pokreta, bol i balans, mjerene su prije i nakon terapije u trajanju od 15 dana. Uzorak je sastavljen od 80 % žena i 20 % muškaraca, prosječna je starost u izometričkoj skupini 55,6 godina, a u relaksacijskoj skupini 52,4 godina. Nema značajne razlike među skupinama po dobi, spolu, kao ni po promatranim kriterijima. Prije terapije prisutna je jaka bol, pokretljivost vrata je ograničena, a održavanje ravnoteže na jednoj nozi kratkotrajno, pri čemu ne postoji značajna razlika među skupinama. Rezultati nakon terapije pokazuju pozitivne pomake, uz velik glavni efekt: obje metode znatno djeluju na smanjenje boli, povećanje gibljivosti u sve tri promatrane ravnine te rezultatima na testu ravnoteže na klupici i testu „ustani i kreni”. Među skupinama nema znatne interakcije ni za jedan promatrani kriterij. Značajne razlike u djelotvornosti dviju terapija dobivene su za frontalnu gibljivost te za ravnotežu na desnoj nozi, gdje izometrička skupina pokazuje znatno veći napredak. Obje terapijske metode ublažile su tegobe i poboljšale stanje pacijenata s nespecifičnom boli u vratu, a postoje sporadični pokazatelji o većoj djelotvornosti statičkih vježbi snage i vježbi disanja.Neck pain is one of the most common pain sensation caused by long-term head restraint in one position, long-lasting stereotypic activity, reduced physical activity and stress. Pain is associated with restricted rang of neck motion and postural balance difficulties, especially in chronic state. There are numerous methods of treating nonspecific neck pain, but evidence of their effectiveness is still lacking. The aim of this study was to determine efficacy of two different physiotherapy approaches to pain reduction, increasing sagittal, frontal and transverse mobility index and balance improvement in patients with nonspecific neck pain. Research was conducted in Special Hospital for Medical Rehabilitation Krapinske Toplice, and 30 patients were included. Half of them were treated by physiotherapist through the methods of soft tissue manipulation, traction and neck mobilisation (relax group). The other group of fifteen participants was educated for performing static strength exercises and breathing exercises for relaxation (isometric group). Observed variables were range of motion, pain and balance measured before and after 15-day therapy. Sample included 80% of women and 20% of men, with an average age of 55.6 years in isometric group, and 52.4 years in relax group. There is no significant difference between two groups in age, gender, or others criteria of interest. Prior to therapy there is severe pain, range of neck motion is limited, and one legged maintaining balance last shortly, where there is no significant difference between the groups. The results after the therapy show positive changes, with very large effect size: both methods have a significant effect on pain reduction, improvement in neck mobility in all observed planes, and on results in “One-leg balance” test and „Timed Up and Go“ test. There is no significant interaction between the groups for any of the observed criteria. There were significant difference between two groups in frontal flexibility, and in right leg balance: isometric group achieved significantly bigger improvement. Both therapeutic methods were effective for decreasing neck difficulties and improving the condition of patients with nonspecific neck pain, and there are sporadic indicators that static strength and breathing exercises are more effective


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    Introduction: There is growing evidence that resilience is a key factor for prevention of mental disorder. Low resilience levels were found in individuals at clinical high risk to psychosis and schizophrenia. Higher level of resilience was associated with better functioning, less severe negative, anxiety and depressive symptoms. Low level of self stigma is associated with recovery from schizophrenia. Aim of this paper was to determine whether resilience and self-stigma are significant predictors of mental health recovery in patients diagnosed with schizophrenia and depression treated in a rehabilitation-oriented program. Subjects and methods: 51 patients diagnosed with psychoses and 53 patients with depression treated in day hospital participated in this study. Internalized Stigma of Mental Illness Scale (ISMI), The Boston University Empowerment Scale (BUES), Perceived Devaluation and Discrimination (PDD) Scale, Mental Health Recovery Measure (MHRM) and Resilience questionnaire were used. Results: Self-stigma positively correlates with PDD (r=0.44; p=0.000), and negatively with BUES (r=-0.78; p=0.000), resilience (r=-0.51; p=0.000) and with recovery (r=-0.59; p=0.000) in two groups. In addition, a higher PDD score indicates poorer levels of empowerment (r=-0.42; p=0.000), resilience (r=-0.35; p=0.000) and recovery (r=-0.44; p=0.000). Mental health empowerment, resilience and recovery all correlate significantly and positively with each other. Cross-group comparison results show the best results for patients with schizophrenia. Sociodemographic factors do not affect resilience, self-stigma nor recovery. Conclusion: Self-stigma and resilience are connected with moderate correlation. Research supports the need for interventions that prevent self-stigma and increase resilience in the treatment of schizophrenia patients