10,096 research outputs found

    Configurations Driving NPD Performance Fit with Market Demands and Time Constraints

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    The research reported in this paper is aimed at developing knowledge on organizing NPD systems to optimize their contribution to performance. To this end, a systems approach to fit is used to explain the context-structure-performance relationships for NPD performance, specifically in terms of fit with market demands of the product concept and fit with time constraints of the development process. From a sample of 164 US firms, the top 15 % performers in terms of both fit with market demands and fit with time constraints have been identified. An optimized ‘Ideal Profile’ for the organization of NPD systems, formed by a consistent pattern of: NPD Process, NPD Project Structure and Management, Innovation Climate, and NPD Goal Setting and Portfolio Management, followed from the analysis of the NPD configuration of these top performers. For the calibration sample (the other 85%) significant deviation from the ideal profile on all elements of the configuration was found, the correlations between NPD Performance Fit with Market Demands and Fit with Time Constraints and total Euclidean distance are also significant. Overall, these results provide evidence for the proposition that (1) new product success is a function of a set of NPD development system decisions and (2) to truly understand the impact of those decisions, they must be considered as a holistic system.\ud The contribution of this research is in the empirical validation of the internal consistency of an ideal organizational profile for NPD systems achieving both a high NPD performance in terms of market acceptance of their new products as well in terms of the satisfactory level of the development times of those products. By also examining ideal profiles for each of these NPD performance dimensions separately, the conflicting demands created by multiple performance metrics are highlighted as well as the organizational trade-offs necessary for optimal performance. In terms of managerial implications, this also gives direction for organizational redesign to firms either wanting to maximize their product concept (Fit with Market Demands) or development process (Fit with Time Constraints) performance


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    Agricultural shallow groundwater extraction can result in desiccation of neighbouring nature reserves and degradation of groundwater quality in the Netherlands, whereas both externalities are often not considered when agricultural groundwater extraction patterns are being determined. A model is developed to study socially optimal agricultural shallow groundwater extraction patterns. It shows the importance of stock size to slow down changes in groundwater quality.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Post-Project Market Review as a tool for stimulating commercialisation of knowledge creation projects

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    This paper handles about the introduction of a post-project market review, which is based on the concept of post-project reviews to stimulate commercialisation. It will start with a brief description of the case-company. After this, the motives of the research will be clear and the research methodology will be explained

    Influence of the lattice topography on a three-dimensional, controllable Brownian motor

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    We study the influence of the lattice topography and the coupling between motion in different directions, for a three-dimensional Brownian motor based on cold atoms in a double optical lattice. Due to controllable relative spatial phases between the lattices, our Brownian motor can induce drifts in arbitrary directions. Since the lattices couple the different directions, the relation between the phase shifts and the directionality of the induced drift is non trivial. Here is therefore this relation investigated experimentally by systematically varying the relative spatial phase in two dimensions, while monitoring the vertically induced drift and the temperature. A relative spatial phase range of 2pi x 2pi is covered. We show that a drift, controllable both in speed and direction, can be achieved, by varying the phase both parallel and perpendicular to the direction of the measured induced drift. The experimental results are qualitatively reproduced by numerical simulations of a simplified, classical model of the system

    A nonadiabatic semi-classical method for dynamics of atoms in optical lattices

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    We develop a semi-classical method to simulate the motion of atoms in a dissipative optical lattice. Our method treats the internal states of the atom quantum mechanically, including all nonadiabatic couplings, while position and momentum are treated as classical variables. We test our method in the one-dimensional case. Excellent agreement with fully quantum mechanical simulations is found. Our results are much more accurate than those of earlier semi-classical methods based on the adiabatic approximation.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, submitted to European Physical Journal

    X-ray Crystallographic Characterization of the Co(II)-substituted Tris-bound Form of the Aminopeptidase from \u3cem\u3eAeromonas proteolytica\u3c/em\u3e

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    The X-ray crystal structure of the Co(II)-loaded form of the aminopeptidase from Aeromonas proteolytica ([CoCo(AAP)]) was solved to 2.2 Å resolution. [CoCo(AAP)] folds into an α/ÎČ globular domain with a twisted ÎČ-sheet hydrophobic core sandwiched between α-helices, identical to [ZnZn(AAP)]. Co(II) binding to AAP does not introduce any major conformational changes to the overall protein structure and the amino acid residues ligated to the dicobalt(II) cluster in [CoCo(AAP)] are the same as those in the native Zn(II)-loaded structure with only minor perturbations in bond lengths. The Co(II)–Co(II) distance is 3.3 Å. Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane (Tris) coordinates to the dinuclear Co(II) active site of AAP with one of the Tris hydroxyl oxygen atoms (O4) forming a single oxygen atom bridge between the two Co(II) ions. This is the only Tris atom coordinated to the metals with Co1–O and Co2–O bonds distances of 2.2 and 1.9 Å, respectively. Each of the Co(II) ions resides in a distorted trigonal bipyramidal geometry. This important structure bridges the gap between previous structural and spectroscopic studies performed on AAP and is discussed in this context

    Mental health related stigma as a ‘wicked problem’: the need to address stigma and consider the consequences

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    Recent reviews on the evidence base for mental health related stigma reduction show that under certain conditions interpersonal contact is effective in promoting more positive attitudes, reduced desire for social distance, and increased stigma related knowledge (knowledge which disconfirms beliefs based on stereotypes). Short-term interventions may have effects that are attenuated over time; longer term programmes may support sustained improvements, but research following up long-term interventions is scarce. However, the effectiveness of these interventions should not obscure the nature of stigma as a social problem. In this article we describe stigma as a ‘wicked problem’ to highlight some implications for intervening against stigma and evaluating these efforts. These include the risks of unintended consequences and the need to continually reformulate the concept of stigma, to ensure that tackling stigma at the structural, interpersonal, and intrapersonal levels become part of the core business of stakeholder organisations. We compare the main targets of anti-stigma programmes with what is known about the sources of stigma and discrimination and their impacts to identify targets for future intervention. In some cases, interventions have been directed at the interpersonal level when structural level intervention is also needed; in others, systematic reviews have not so far identified any interventions

    Stand des Wissens und Ableitung des Forschungsbedarfes fĂŒr eine nachhaltige Produktion und Verwertung von Ackerbohne und Erbse

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    Die Studie beruht auf der Auswertung zahlreicher Forschungsprojekte, die in der Vergangenheit durch verschiedene TrĂ€ger gefördert wurde. Der Anbau von Ackerbohnen und Erbsen dient aufgrund seiner vielfĂ€ltigen positiven Leistungen in Agrarökosystemen im hohen Maße einer nachhaltigen Landwirtschaft. Als positive Leistungen wurde der hohe Vorfruchtwert, die Verbesserung der Bodenfruchtbarkeit und der NĂ€hrstoffeffizienz sowie der Kohlenstoff- und Energiebilanzen herausgearbeitet. Ebenso gehören sowohl die Minderung von Treibhausgasemissionen als auch die Möglichkeiten zur Adaptation an den Klimawandel sowie die Erhöhung der BiodiversitĂ€t in Agrarlandschaften dazu. Diese Wirkungen entstehen ausschließlich am Ort des Anbaus und sind somit durch Leguminosenimporte nicht zu erreichen. Damit die Leguminosen am Markt zukĂŒnftig eine selbsttragende WettbewerbsfĂ€higkeit entwickeln können, ist es nach EinschĂ€tzung der Autoren dringend erforderlich, dass eine systemisch konzipierte Forschung kohĂ€rente Forschungsfragen aufgreift. Aktueller Forschungsbedarf fĂŒr Ackerbohnen und Körnererbsen wurde fĂŒr die Bereiche ZĂŒchtung, Pflanzenbau, Pflanzenschutz, TierernĂ€hrung, Betriebswirtschaft und fĂŒr den Food-, Non-Food-Bereich abgeleitet und Hinweise auf spezifische Forschungsinhalte in AbhĂ€ngigkeit von der Kulturart gegeben. Dabei wurde eine Priorisierung der Forschungsinhalte vorgenommen und ihre Bedeutung fĂŒr die Intensivierung des Körnerleguminosenanbaus hervorgehoben. Besonderer Forschungsbedarf wird bei der zĂŒchterischen Bearbeitung der Ertragshöhe und –stabilitĂ€t sowie bei der Standfestigkeit bei Körnererbsen gesehen. Offene Fragen der LeguminosenmĂŒdigkeit bei der Fruchtfolgegestaltung sowie bei der N2-Fixierung durch die Leguminosen mĂŒssen bearbeitet werden. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit im Bereich des Pflanzenschutzes gilt vor allem dem Rost und den BlattlĂ€usen bei Ackerbohne, Bortrytis cinerea und StĂ€ngelbasis- und Wurzelkrankheiten bei Erbse. An der Entwicklung und Zulassung von Herbiziden und Fungiziden muss intensiv weitergeforscht werden. FĂŒr eine erfolgreiche Darstellung und Bewertung der ökonomischen RentabilitĂ€t von Körnerleguminosen in der Gesamtfruchtfolge ist die Entwicklung eines EDV-gestĂŒtzten Kalkulationsmodells auf Grundlage des Bewertungsmaßstabs „DAL“ und unter BerĂŒcksichtigung des Futtervergleichswertes anzustreben. Handlungsbedarf wurde auch fĂŒr die Bereiche Kommunikation, Wissenstransfer und Beratung sowie fĂŒr die Politik abgeleitet. Die Einrichtung von Modell- und Demonstrationsprojekten in regionalen Anbauzentren sollte als Ausgangsbasis fĂŒr die Entwicklung leguminosenbasierter Wertschöpfungsketten unterstĂŒtzt werden. Mit dem in dieser Studie gewonnenen Wissen sollen zukĂŒnftige Forschungsprojekte initiiert und sowohl von ProjekttrĂ€gern als auch zwischen den Forschungsinstitutionen besser koordiniert werden
