27 research outputs found
Forearm-attachable EMG-based wireless controller
This paper presents the development process
starting from a simple electronic module for amplification of
EMG signals. During development the tasks to be solved were
extended towards the creation of an EMG-base controller that
eventually can be connected to a PC. Among the main goals were
the simplicity and low cost of production. There are similar
devices commercially available, but the main focus was on the
whole process of design, testing, fabrication and the exploration
of application areas. It was important to use medical
recommendations. The device matches the suggestion of
SENIAM, except for the resolution of A/D conversion, which is
permissible due to the fact that it was not designed for medical
purposes. The final version is capable of detecting and amplifying
EMG signals, with the appropriate filtering and digitizing
procedures for further processing. With the development of
wireless communication capabilities, the device which can be
attached to the forearm can be used as a USB HID device with a
PC. A number of additional applications are also discussed,
pointing out the fact that this piece of technology offers a wide
range of possibilities
Development of a prosthetic hand regarding complex motion and controllability
In this paper, the critical issues of currently available upper limb prostheses are highlighted; also possibilities of usability improvement are propounded.Although contemporary prosthetic hand constructions are extremely complex and allow numerous movements, they do not give opportunities for many people, because of the difficulties in proper use and the high costs.Based on the aformentioned aspects, the development of such a construction has been started, that hopefully provide solutions both in the ease of use and in cost reduction.After giving a brief overview of upper limb prostheses and detailing the major difficulties, the current state of the device under development is presented, as well as the results of analysesand the direction of future research
Evaluation of Three Different Phalangeal Motion Measurement Systems and Determination of the Functional Range of Motion
The main contribution of this paper is the introduction of three different devices for measuring the flexion of phalangeal articulations. The devices described in the study are suitable for the determination of the active and the functional range of motion (ROM) of finger joints. In the paper, multiple measurements are reported in order to determine the maximum and minimum values of the active and the functional range of motion of phalangeal articulations and to validate the proper operation of the measurement devices. The first measurement method was based on the post factum image processing of video recordings, while the second and the third method used devices that were attached to the finger and equipped with analogue and digital sensors, which is similar to a miniature goniometer with a computer interface. The results showed that people only use 79-82% of the active range of motion of phalangeal articulations. Additionally, there was a 6% difference between the current measurement results and the data available from previously reported measurements. The current study also aims at finding the cause of this anomaly. Comparative analysis of the measurement results provides a basis for the future development of an actuator that would be used in a multiple finger gripper mechanism suitable for rehabilitation purposes
Modern wound treatment with devices working according to various physical principles
The prevalence of venous diseases in Europe is 25.2%. According to studies of the University of Bonn this number can be as high as 90%. Optimistic estimates suggest this number to be 27.5% in Hungary, 21.5% in Germany. Treatment costs of varicosis and its complications are covered by 2% of the annual healthcare expenditure in Western countries. Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI, or chronic venous disease, CVD) affects 1.7% of European population, and can lead to venous ulcers. In Hungary 0.5-1% of the population suffers from venous ulcers, which is a result of primary or secondary varicosity.Although an increasing number of modern wound dressings have appeared during the last decade, the treatment of ulcerous wounds in necrotic and exudative phases requires additional methods, either conventional or surgical. Infrared light is used to discover pathologic veins. Beside sclerotherapy and surgical treatment external and internal (so called intraluminal) methods are used. Leg ulcers of venous origin in various phases can be cleaned with ultrasound devices, vacuum therapy or high pressure water. Hyperbaric oxygen treatment, keratinocytes, magnetic treatment, laser wound care and skin transplantation can be used as adjuvant.Authors present the aforementioned procedures with examples. New devices and methods help to reduce healing time and to avoid amputation in cases that are often considered hopeless.Technical advancement and modern wound dressings permit successful treatment and healing of wounds that earlier were untreatable, however monetary shortage and the current status of healthcare. DOI: 10.17489/biohun/2013/1/0
Specific biomechanical consideration in trauma cases involving forearm and hand
The rescue of a severed or amputated limb and restoration of the its biomechanical unity after serious hand or forearm injuries is analysed and discussed with two case presentations. Methods of anatomy and surgery in these cases are not part of the everyday practice, the need for improvization during surgery is essential. Ischaemia reperfusion time is also crucial when a limb has to be saved. The fi rst case reports on the subtotal amputation of a young man’s right hand and the successful revascularization and unorthodox restoration of the radiocarpal joint to full function. The second case is of a young woman with a conquassated left forearm. A special aspect in this case is the extremely long ischaemia-reperfusion time. Complete function was restored in this case too, however the patient’s refusal of spongiosa-plasty resulted in the fatigue break of the fi xation plate, that had to be replaced.In traumatology it happens quite often, that serious decisions have to made by the operating table without the chance of consultation with colleagues and literature. The two presented cases might help to decide on treatment for those who meet similar cases in their practice. DOI: 10.17489/biohun/2010/1/2
New aspects in grouping typical injuries from road traffic accidents
Typical mechanisms and specifi c injuries of people involved in road traffi c accidents are presented.Injury patterns specifi c to occupants of vehicles with enclosed passenger compartment, as well as unprotected participants of traffi c (pedestrians, bicyclists, motorcyclists, etc.) are grouped.Injury severity classifi cation, treatment planning and outcome prediction is usually done based on various scoring systems, both internationally and in Hungary. The enormous number of such scoring systems make a thorough survey diffi cult and conversion among these scores has limitations. However prehospital care providers and hospital emergency staff need a “common language”, preferably a system that utilizes the advantages of scoring systems. There is no uniform practice of this communication and data transfer in Hungary now, that is why part of the important data from the incident scene might not get to the hospital together with the patient.The documentation of prehospital care providers both in Hungary and abroad are discussed and analyzed. Score systems in prehospital and emergency medicine, as well as outcome prediction measures are covered. Data collection schemes especially the Utstein-Style for documenting major trauma and the German MIND2 (Minimale Notarztdatensatz, minimal prehospital care data set) are also presented.A suggestion is introduced for the data content of prehospital documentation, so that it could further help hospital admission and care. The main aspects of the suggestion are road traffi c accidents, because the creation of such a widely accepted and used document (a prehospital patient report form) requires a team of experts from various – mainly medical – specialties. Technical aspects, such as digital data collection are also covered. Future directions of development are named, too. DOI: 10.17489/biohun/2010/1/0
Retaining hand biomechanics in case of a hand tumor
The case of a patient with lung cancer is presented whose fi rst metastasis was detected in the 5th metacarpal head. Hand metastasis in lung cancer is a rarity in literature. After the detection of the hand tumor treatment was sidetracked by representatives of other medical specialities. The growing tumor destroyed the 3rd, 4th and 5th metacarpals, thus based on DSA, MRI, CT, PET-CT and X-ray results and thorough planning of the surgical procedures only opposition and grip of thumb and index fi nger was possible to form. During surgery unexpected diffi culties occured partly because of the condtion of tissues, partly because the tumor was infected. It was not possible to plan exactly before the procedure due to the nature of the tumor, and according to the hystological results, the metastasis was cleared only by 6 mm. It was possible to rescue the 2nd metacarpal with the atypical insertion of an AO-plate, so that the fi nal statics of the hand was secured. The postoperative period proved to be reassuring, however due to the quick progression of the underlying disease the patient was lost. DOI: 10.17489/biohun/2010/1/2
Biokompatibilis nyúlásmérő bélyeg szerkezeti és mechanikai vizsgálata
A következőtanulmány egy biokompatibilis bevonattal ellátott, villamosan vezető, szilikon alap-anyagú nyúlásmérőbélyeg tervezését, a próbadarabok elkészítését, az elvégzett vizsgálatokat, valamint azok eredményeit foglalja össze. A tervezési feladat a meglévővillamosan vezetőszilikon nyúlásmérőbélyeg biokompatibilissé tétele volt, tehát a bevonat lehetséges alapanyagainak meg-határozása, létrehozásának lehetőségei és a megvalósítható módszer kiválasztása után a próba-testek gyártásához szükséges szerszámok létrehozása is idetartozik. Az elkészített próbadarabok esetén vizsgáltuk, hogy a még teljesen használatlan nyúlásmérő bélyeg konstans és ciklikus mechanikai terhelés hatására produkál-e bármilyen tranziens jelenséget, amennyiben igen, milyen annak jellege és mértéke. Pásztázó elektronmikroszkóp segítségével elemeztük a nyúlásmérőbélyeg felépítését, meghatároztuk a villamosan vezetőszilikon és a biokompatibilis réteg közötti átmenet jellegét. Az eredmények azt mutatják, hogy a nyú-lásmérők alapanyagtól függően különbözőmértékben, de mindenképpen átesnek egy tranziens beálláson. Megállapítható, hogy a szilikonok polimerizációját elősegítőkatalizátoroktól függően a biokompatibilis bevonat és a villamosan vezetőalap nem minden alapanyag esetén képes megfelelőtérhálósodásra. DOI: 10.17489/biohun/2014/1/01