39 research outputs found

    The findings of the cultivation of potatoes in organic farming

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    This paper explores the effectiveness of organic and plastic mulching for potato production in the Czech Republic. The mulching with chopped grass (GM) and black textile mulch (BTM) were compared to non-mulching control variant (C) with mechanical cultivation. Especially in plots with BTM were first formed ridges and covered by the black polypropylene non-woven textile and then they were planting. During vegetation the infestation of Colorado potato beetle (CPB), weeds biomass, course of soil temperature and soil water potential were assessed. The results showed that surface of GM had a positive effect on soil temperature reduction, soil water potential depression. This study also indicated a positive effect of GM on the larvae of CPB diminution, on the other hand higher incidence of larvae and higher defoliation was observed in BTM. GM had a significant effect on the yield of potatoes. The yield of ware potatoes was higher by 27 % higher on plots with GM and by 16 % lower on plots wit BTM in comparison with C. NeemAzal T/S decreased statistically significantly % of defoliation and increased yield of ware potatoes by 35 % in comparison with control


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    There were tested water extracts from Syringa vulgaris and Pyrethrum parthenium. They did not prove significant differences of decrease of the air attack of Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata), the activity of eggs – laying and the occurrence of larvae in comparison to the control. Interesting trends of lower-eggs lying and a lower larvae occurrence were discovered. The liquid spray against the late blight (Phytophthora infestans) did not significantly decrease neither occurrence of late blight or the yield. The production of the bio-potatoes is only 0,2 % of all potatoes production in the Czech Republic. The aim of this experiment was to try alternative methods of regulation of Colorado potato beetle and late blight (the biggest harmfull organisms of potatoes). For biological agriculture could be also suitable water extracts. These are possible to use as protection of potatoes against unfavorable factors (Colorado potate beetle and late blight) and increase yield and quality of production

    Alternative protection of potatoes in organic farming

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    There were tested water extracts from Syringa vulgaris and Pyrethrum parthenium. They did not prove signincant differences ofdecrease of the air attack ofColorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata), the activity ofeggs -laying and the occurrence oflarvae in comparison to the control. Interesting trends oflower-eggs lying and a lower larvae occurrence were discovered. The liquid spray against the late blight (Phytophthora infestans) did not signincantly decrease neither occurrence oflate blight or the yield. The production of the bio-potatoes is only 0,2% of all potatoes production in the Czech Republic. The aim of this experiment was to try alternative methods of regulation of Colorado potato beetle and late blight (the biggest harmful! organisms ofpotatoes). For biological agriculture could be also suitable water extracts. These are possible to use as protection of potatoes against unfavorable factors (Colorado potate beetle and late blight) and increase yield and quality ofproduction


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    Mulching which has become more popular lately is an important way of soil protection in the plant production. Mulching massively reduces soil erosion [DÖRING ET AL., 2005], virus vector in seed potatoes [DÖRING ET AL., 2006] and it may also act as a tool for the control of nitrogen losses by immobilization of post-harvest nitrate [DÖRING ET AL., 2005]. Mulch especially reduces water evaporation from soil and helps to maintain stable soil temperature [JI AND UNGER, 2001; KAR AND KUMAR, 2007]. For that reason, the cover of mulch influences soil moisture as well [BRANT ET AL., 2006]. Next, mulching has a positive effect on the weed density, which has been documented by results of some authors [DÖRING ET AL., 2005; JOHNSON ET AL., 2004; SINKEVIČIENE ET AL., 2009]. The aim of this paper was to evaluate the effect of different mulch materials (organic and plastic mulch) on yield and on some factors that influence potatoes production in potato growing region of the Czech Republic. The research was mainly focused on the effect of mulching on air temperature, air relative humidity and occurrence of the late blight

    Preparatoirs for potatoes in organic farming

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    The aim of this experiment was to try alternative methods of regulation of Colorado beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata) and late blight (Phytophthora infestans) (the biggest harmfull organisms of potatoes) and production of the good-class of the biopotatoes. Preparation Neem-Azal showed trend of the lower larvae occurence. Combination of the cupric fungicide with preparation PRP-EBV and vermicompost decreased tops-attack by late blight. The statistically lowest production was under the scaffold net. There were not found significant differences in production by using vitality- strengthening preparation

    Ecological growing of potatoes with using of grass mulch and black textile mulch

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    The aim of the experiment was to evaluate the effect of different mulch materials on the occurrence of Colorado Potato Beetle, weed biomass and especially on the yield of ware potatoes. The experiment with different types of mulching (grass mulch, black textile mulch, non-mulched control) and 2 varieties (Finka and Katka) was carried out under organic system in 2009. The results showed that the grass mulch was the best mulching material for reaching the highest yield, where an increase of the yield of ware tubers by 6.6 - 7.8 t/ha in comparison with non-mulched control variant was observed. In the experiment the mulching of organic potatoes had a positive effect on a lower activity of an oviposition of Colorado Potato Beetle and a consecutive occurrence larvae by the variant with the grass mulch, a lower weed infestation by the variant with the black mulch textile in comparison with non-mulched control

    Effect of grass mulch application on tubers size and yield of ware potatoes in organic farming

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    The aim of this experiment was to evaluate influence of mulching on the tuber yield and on the number of ware potatoes. In organic farming grass mulch for potatoes was used in 2008. For the experiments different ways of mulching (grass mulch after planting, grass mulch after second hoeing) were used and compared with bare soil (control variant). The results showed that grass mulching had positive effect on the yield of ware potatoes and some of the yield-forming components. The yield of ware potatoes was significantly higher by 9.3 t/ha in comparison with control variant. The highest number of ware potatoes was found out in the variant with grass mulch after planting

    Alternativní ochrana brambor v systému ekologického zemědělství

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    Cílem pokusu bylo zvýšit vitalitu rostlin a produkci kvalitních hlíz. Pokus byl zaměřen na regulaci mandelinky bramborové (Leptinotarsa decemlineata) a plísně bramboru (Phytophthora infestans), což jsou faktory působící největší obtíže při ekologickém pěstování brambor. Přípravek Neem-Azal vykazoval trend nižšího kladení larev mandelinky. Kombinace mědnatého fungicidu s přípravkem PRB-EBV a vermikompostem snižovaly napadení natě plísní bramboru. Výnos byl statisticky nejnižší při použití sítě (jako mechanické zábrany). Nebyly zjištěny významné rozdíly ve výnosu při použití přípravků posilujících vitalitu rostlin

    Black polypropylene non-woven textile as mulch in organic farming

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    Black polypropylene textile was used in potatoes by organic agriculture and it had positive effect on soil temperature (in the depth of 100 mmJ. Slightly higher soil temperatures under black polypropylene mulch in the vegetation oeriod after planting had favourable influence on stands emergence. The water potential depth of250 and also ~vater content have been beneficial for black polypropylene mulch. Signihcantly IO'Ner values the water potentials have been found in the period after planting and at the ofvegetation. Black polyprooylene mulch provided favourable temperatures and soil moisture

    Vliv ošetření na produkci sadby v ekologickém zemědělství

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    Výběr a kvalita sadby je velmi významným prvkem při pěstování brambor ekologickým způsobem. Zásadním požadavkem na sadbu je její vysoká biologická a semenářská hodnota. Pro zlepšení množitelských porostů je možné využít několik povolených přípravků. V našich pokusech přípravek PRP-SOL zvyšoval výnos sadbových hlíz. Z porovnávaných odrůd (Monika, Red Anna a Jelly) odrůda Monika dosáhla nejvyššího výnosu sadbových hlíz (21,46 t/ha) a nejvyšší průměrné hmotnosti hlíz. Proto je u odrůdy Monika potřeba dbát na včasný termín ukončení vegetace. Měřený obsah chlorofylu jsme využily pro zjištění fyziologické aktivity ošetřených porostů a trend vyššího obsahu chlorofylu byl zjištěn u neošetřené kontroly bez mulče a pod ochrannou sítí