16 research outputs found

    Development of a mathematical model of the process of mixing liquid feed in an experimental setup and optimization of design parameters

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    The role of agricultural ecology in current conditions is important in the modern world, as it offers new methods and approaches to the implementation of production processes that should reduce the harmful effects on the environment. The paper outlines the prerequisites for the development of universal mechanization tools for the process of mixing dry and liquid components. The essence of the method is to study the motion of a particle with different design parameters, as well as the physical properties of the medium. The mathematical model of particle motion is built on the basis of theoretical mechanics and hydraulics. The calculation scheme of the impeller is performed from several iterations with a step-by-step approach to the simulated mixing process. In this case, differential equations of motion of dry material particles are applied. Based on the solutions of these equations, the particle motion zone within the impeller structure is determined. At the next stage, the calculation of velocities at different angular speeds and viscosity of the liquid medium is carried out. Thus, there is a consistent approach to the description of the process of mixing a particle with a liquid. According to the proposed algorithm, a program has been developed using MathCad V15 that provides the possibility of graphical and numerical control of the calculation results with a change in parameters. It is possible to change the structural and physical parameters of the environment. Examples of calculation and graphical interpretation of particle motion in the working chamber are presented. According to their results, the optimal modes of operation of the setup for the preparation of liquid feed are proposed

    Experimental and mathematical modelling of grain material velocity

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    The present article represents the next stage in the cycle of work on the research of vibrating motion of grain material. This paper contains the experimental results of the operation of a vibrating conveying machine. The investigation was carried out in three stages. The purpose of the first full-factor experiment with four varying factors was to identify factors having the least impact on the time of movement of grain material. As a result, it was found that the angle of vibration direction that has an impact on the amplitude has almost no effect on the velocity of the grain material. In the second phase of experiment carried out with three varying factors at fixed angle of vibration direction, the equation of mathematical model of time of passage of the control area has been obtained. Moreover, on the basis of previous studies, the angle of vibration direction was fixed at the position which has the greatest influence on the vibration amplitude. The third stage of the experiment was to evaluate applicability of the obtained model equation to describe movement of other grain crops with ellipsoidal grain shape. Verification of the obtained model for adequacy using Fisher's criterion showed that with 95% probability the obtained equation can be used for estimation of movement of grain material having ellipsoidal shape on vibrating surface

    Feed grain micronising plant

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    The heating process of micronisation plays a paramount role in reducing the amount of anti-pittaels in the feed grain, changing the grain structure and increasing the availability of nutrients and improving their digestibility. The efficiency of heating generally depends on the design solutions used in the micronizing plant. This article gives an overview of some designs of installations for forage grain micronisation and presents the design of an installation for infrared micronisation of forage grain, which makes it possible to increase the efficiency of treatment, by reducing the burning of grain to the surface and ensuring uniformity of treatment

    Feed grain micronising plant

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    The heating process of micronisation plays a paramount role in reducing the amount of anti-pittaels in the feed grain, changing the grain structure and increasing the availability of nutrients and improving their digestibility. The efficiency of heating generally depends on the design solutions used in the micronizing plant. This article gives an overview of some designs of installations for forage grain micronisation and presents the design of an installation for infrared micronisation of forage grain, which makes it possible to increase the efficiency of treatment, by reducing the burning of grain to the surface and ensuring uniformity of treatment

    Vibration processes resulting from uneven rotation of the hammer crusher drive pulleys

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    Livestock farming, as one of the main sectors of the agro-industrial cluster, cannot do without good quality forage. For the best absorption of feed, all the nutrients that make up its composition should be given to the animals in a milled form. Hammer mills are among the most compact machines for milling. The grinding of grain forages is a rather energy-intensive process. One of the variants for solving the power intensiveness problem can be the application of a a hammer crusher with periodic fluctuations in the angular speed in the rotation of the the working body. That is accompanied by the appearance of additional external stimulating force - vibration on the elements of a hammer crusher. In the article the question of vibration occurrence at non-uniform rotation of a crusher working body drive pulleys is considered. And such parameters as vibration acceleration, vibration displacement, and vibration velocity in three different axes are considered. In order to optimise the vibration parameters, experiments were carried out on units of different designs with different centre of rotation offset (2 mm). At this uneven rotation speed of 1800 min-1, the vibration velocity on the X-axis increased by 546% and 200%, depending on the machine design. The vibration displacement on the same axis, even at 450 min−1, increased by 442%. Based on these results, we examined the prerequisites for the investigated hammer crusher drive design, which is expected to improve the separation and evacuation process of the crushed product from the crushing chamber, and have an overall positive impact on the crushing process

    Cereal feed production technologies using crushing

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    Przeprowadzona analiza stanu przetwórstwa zbóż i produkcji pasz na potrzeby zwierząt gospodarskich w regionie Kirowa (Rosja) wykazała wysoką efektywność wykorzystania pasz zbożowych (ziarno rozdrabniane, suche i mokre) w diecie zwierząt. Opracowano technologię frakcyjną gniecenia mokrego ziarna paszowego w punktach przetwarzania ziarna po zbiorach i obliczono skuteczność jej zastosowania zamiast tradycyjnej technologii suszenia, sortowania i rozdrabniania ziarna paszowego po zbiorze, co wykazało, że roczny efekt nowej technologii frakcyjnej wynosi 2 059 840 rubli. Opracowano schemat konstrukcyjno-technologiczny dwustopniowego gniotownika ziarna, przeprowadzono teoretyczne badania jego procesu roboczego, które umożliwiły określenie racjonalnych parametrów projektowych elementów roboczych. Zgodnie z opracowanym schematem wyprodukowano gniotownik ziarna PZD-3, przeprowadzono jego wstępne testy, które wykazały zgodność deklarowanych parametrów z wymaganiami. Na podstawie wyników testu instytucja państwowa zaleciła kontynuację testowania dwustopniowego gniotownika PZD-3 po wyeliminowaniu stwierdzonych braków. W procesie rekonstrukcji kompleksu do czyszczenia i suszenia ziarna KZS-20Sh zastosowano technologię frakcyjną zgniatania ziarna paszowego i dwustopniowy gniotownik ziarna PZD-3. Zastosowanie tej technologii przetwarzania ziarna znacznie zmniejsza zużycie energii do suszenia (frakcja ziarna paszowego nie jest suszona, ale jest stosowana jako pasza dla zwierząt w formie zgniecionej), wydajność kompleksu zależy od frakcji ziarna.An analysis of the state of post-harvest grain processing and feed production for livestock needs in the Kirov region (RF), which showed the high efficiency of the use of grain feed in animal diet – crushed grain, dry and wet. The fractional technology for flattening (crushing) wet feed grain at the post-harvest grain processing points was developed, and the effectiveness of its application instead of the traditional technology for post-harvest drying, sorting and crushing of feed grain was calculated, which showed that the annual effect of the new fractional technology is 2 059 840 rubles. For the technology of grain crushing, a constructive-technological scheme of a two-stage grain crusher was developed, theoretical studies of its working process were carried out, which made it possible to determine the rational design parameters of the working elements. According to the developed scheme, the PZD-3 grain crusher was manufactured, its preliminary tests were carried out, which showed the compliance of the claimed parameters with the requirements. Based on the test results of the federal institution recommended continuing the testing of the PZD-3 two-stages crusher after eliminating the identified deficiencies. The fractional technology for crushing feed grain and the two-stage crusher for grain PZD-3 as part of this technology were used in the reconstruction of the grain cleaning and drying complex KZS-20Sh. The use of this technology of processing of grain significantly reduces the energy consumption for drying (the feed grain fraction is not dried, but is used for animal feed in crushed form), the productivity of the complex depends in proportion to the allocated feed fraction

    A research review on coarse grain micronization

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    This article gives an overview of research on grain micronization and the principal research areas that have been carried out in this respect. The results of the effects of infrared radiation on fodder grain used in animal feeding are presented. It is stated in most of the researches that micronization causes destruction of grain molecular structure, decreasing its hardness, partially changing amount of starch, which positively influences on absorption of grain treated by infra-red irradiation. The main lines of research into the micronization process are formulated

    Modelling and calculation of stumulated oscillation for a crushing plant with vibration

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    The paper presents the results of the mathematical modelling of external stimuli to improve the efficiency of the removal of grain material from the grinding zone. Thus, the authors proposed to improve the evacuation conditions of the finished product from the working chamber of the crushing plant, as one of these solutions to improve the grinding process in crushers. As a result of creation of external vibrating influence. For this purpose, the calculation chart for modelling the proceeding process of the crushing plant body movement is created which takes into account weight and sizes of the crusher, weight, angular velocity of rotation and eccentric piece location, as well as rigidity of an elastic suspension on which the crusher is established. For the solution of the posed problem, we used methods of analytical mechanics, the Lagrange equation of the second kind, for the mechanical system with two degrees of freedom. As a result of calculations amplitude-frequency characteristics of mechanical system are determined. The conclusion about the choice of the angular velocity of the eccentric rotation for creation of necessary external stimulating influence on the crushing system and improvement of conditions of evacuation of a ready product from a working zone is given. The resonance frequencies of firstand second-order system vibrations and the vibrator frequency are determined to achieve resonance frequencies. Keywords: vibration, modelling, Lagrangian equations of the second kind, grinding, crushing plant

    Theoretical Studies of the Interaction between Screw Surface and Material in the Mixer

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    Mixing is one of the most commonly used processes in food, animal feed, chemical, cosmetic, etc., industries. It is supposed to provide high-quality homogenous, nutritious mixtures. To provide appropriate mixing of materials while maintaining the process high efficiency and low energy consumption it is crucial to explore and describe the material flow caused by the movement of mixing elements and the contact between particles. The process of mixing is also affected by structural features of the machine components and the mixing chamber, speed of mixing, and properties of the mixed materials, such as the size of particles, moisture, friction coefficients. Thus, modeling of the phenomena that accompany the process of mixing using the above-listed parameters is indispensable for appropriate implementation of the process. The paper provides theoretical power calculations that take into account the material speed change, the impact of the material friction coefficient on the screw steel surface and the impact of the friction coefficient on the material, taking into account the loading height of the mixing chamber and the chamber loading value. Dependencies between the mixer power and the product degree of fineness, rotational speed of screw friction coefficients, the number of windings per length unit, and width of the screw tape have been presented on the basis of a developed model. It has been found that power increases along with an increase in the value of these parameters. Verification of the theoretical model indicated consistence of the predicted power demand with the power demand determined in tests performed on a real object for values of the assumed, effective loading, which was 65–75%

    Poprawa efektywności pracy poziomego mieszalnika wstęgowego poprzez optymalizację parametrów konstrukcyjnych i eksploatacyjnych

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    The homogeneity of mixing various feed mixture ingredients and the reliability of mixers directly depend on the constructional features of mixing devices and operational parameters of their work. This article presents a theoretical underpinning for the structural (design) specifications of a horizontal ribbon auger mixer (blender) with regard to the fulfilment of the condition when the material is transported by auger tapes in different directions, ensuring the efficient mixing of the feed mixture ingredients and timely material unloading from the mixer tank (hopper). The performed optimization of the structural and operational specifications as a result of experimental studies has allowed to increase the reliability of the mixer and to determine the homogeneity coefficient of the finished product, which reaches its the highest value of 94.13% with the forward direction of rotation of the mixer movable operating elements, when mixing time is 13 minutes and when the tank load is 52.4% of its volume.Jednorodność mieszania różnych składników mieszanki paszowej i niezawodność mieszalników zależy bezpośrednio od cech konstrukcyjnych urządzeń mieszających i parametrów roboczych ich pracy. W artykule przedstawiono teoretyczne podstawy dotyczące parametrów konstrukcyjnych (projektowych) poziomego mieszalnika ślimakowego (mieszarki) wywierających wpływ na warunki przemieszczania (podczas transportu w różnych kierunkach) zapewniających efektywne mieszanie składników mieszanki paszowej i terminowy rozładunek materiału ze zbiornika mieszalnika (zasobnika). Przeprowadzona na bazie badań eksperymentalnych optymalizacja parametrów konstrukcyjnych i eksploatacyjnych pozwoliła na zwiększenie niezawodności mieszalnika i wyznaczenie współczynnika homogeniczności gotowego produktu, który osiąga najwyższą wartość 94,13% podczas przemieszczania przy normalnym kierunku obrotów ruchomych elementów mieszalnika, z czasem mieszania wynoszącym 13 minut, gdy ładunek stanowi 52,4% objętości zbiornika