815 research outputs found
Sharing Resources: A Bistate Extension Specialist Position
As Extension budgets across the United States continue to tighten, sharing a specialist between states could become an increasingly effective way to provide high-quality programming at a lower total cost. This article describes the working modalities, benefits, challenges, and outputs of an existing two-state Extension consumer food safety specialist position. Overall, this bistate position has been beneficial to both states involved. The model could be implemented in other states, and the descriptions of aspects of the position provided in this article may be instructive for states considering such an option
The Effects of the Diet Suggested in the United States Dietary Goals on Serum Cholesterol Levels
The effects of the diet suggested in the United States Dietary Goals on serum cholesterol levels was studied by using male Holtzman rats. There were twelve experimental diets. All of the diets contained 28% of total calories as fat. The type of fat was either saturated, unsaturated, or half saturated and half unsaturated. Two sources of carbohydrate, sucrose and cornstarch, and tw6 levels of each, 52% and 62%, were examined. The source of protein was the same in all diets, but varied in amount, 10% or 20% of total calories. The type of fat did not yield a significant difference in total cholesterol, but HDL cholesterol levels were significantly higher in diets with unsaturated fat. Diets containing sucrose yielded significantly higher total cholesterol levels than cornstarch based diets, especially when the fat was half saturated and half unsaturated. Percent HDL cholesterol levels were significantly higher in the starch diets than in the sucrose diets. Level of protein in the diets produced no significant effects except that total cholesterol and percent HDL cholesterol were highest when the lowest level of protein was combined with saturated fat. As the level 6f sucrose increased and levels of protein decreased, total cholesterol increased and percent HDL cholesterol decreased. The effects were just the opposite with starch, total cholesterol decreased and percent HDL increased. From these results, it appears that the source and level of carbohydrate in the diet had the most effect on serum cholesterol levels
Manual de direito ambiental : doutrina, vocabulário ambiental e legislação básica
- Divulgação dos SUMÁRIOS das obras recentemente incorporadas ao acervo da Biblioteca Ministro Oscar Saraiva do STJ. Em respeito à lei de Direitos Autorais, não disponibilizamos a obra na íntegra.- Localização na estante: 34:504(81) P481
Does the General Public Share Research on Twitter? A Case Study on the Online Conversation about the Search for a Nuclear Repository in Germany
The search for a final nuclear repository in Germany poses a societal and political issue of high national medial presence and controversy. The German Repository Site Selection Act demands the search to be a “participatory, science-based [...] process”. Also, the repository search combines numerous scientific aspects (e. g., geological analyses, technical requirements) with broad societal implications. For these reasons it constitutes a promising background to analyze the general public’s habits regarding referencing research on Twitter. We collected tweets associated with the conversation around the German nuclear repository search based on keywords. Subsamples of the resulting tweet set are coded regarding sending users’ professional roles and types of hyperlinked content. We found the most vocal group participating in the conversation to be activists and initiatives, while journalists constituted the follower-wise most influential accounts in the sample. Regarding references to scientific content, we found only very few cases of direct links to scholarly publications; however, several kinds of indirect references to academic findings could be identified, e. g., links to paraphrases of studies in news articles or blog posts. Our results indicate participation from a fairly diverse set of users in the observed communication around the German repository search; exchanges of research findings however appear to have happened rarely and been limited to very few particular studies. The findings also illustrate a central problem regarding the expressive power of socialmedia-based altmetrics, namely that a large share of signals indicating a scholar-y work’s influence will not be found by searching for explicit identifiers
Leukotriene B4 enhances the generation of proinflammatory microRNAs to promote MyD88-dependent macrophage activation
MicroRNAs are known to control TLR activation in phagocytes. We have shown that leukotriene (LT) B4 (LTB4) positively regulates macrophage MyD88 expression by decreasing suppressor of cytokine signaling-1 (SOCS-1) mRNA stability. In this study, we investigated the possibility that LTB4 control of MyD88 expression involves the generation of microRNAs. Our data show that LTB4, via its receptor B leukotriene receptor 1 (BLT1) and Gαi signaling, increased macrophage expression of inflammatory microRNAs, including miR-155, miR-146b, and miR-125b. LTB4-mediated miR-155 generation was attributable to activating protein-1 activation. Furthermore, macrophage transfection with antagomirs against miR-155 and miR-146b prevented both the LTB4-mediated decrease in SOCS-1 and increase in MyD88. Transfection with miR-155 and miR-146b mimics decreased SOCS-1 levels, increased MyD88 expression, and restored TLR4 responsiveness in both wild type and LT-deficient macrophages. To our knowledge, our data unveil a heretofore unrecognized role for the GPCR BLT1 in controlling expression of microRNAs that regulate MyD88-dependent activation of macrophages
Vertrauenswürdigkeit und Wissenschaftlichkeit von Visualisierungen im partizipativen Prozess der Endlagersuche für hoch radioaktive Abfälle in Deutschland
Nach über 60 Jahren Nutzung ziviler Kernenergie in Deutschland und dem Atomausstieg bis 2022 stellt sich die Frage nach der Endlagerung (hoch-) radioaktiver Abfälle. Für die Endlagersuche in Deutschland trat 2017 das Standortauswahlgesetz (StandAG) in Kraft, das ein partizipatives, wissenschaftsbasiertes und transparentes Verfahren fordert (Deutscher Bundestag, 2020). Um die in diesem Verfahren auftretenden Fragen und Ergebnisse gesellschaftlich und wissenschaftlich fundiert diskutieren zu können, werden von den am Prozess beteiligten Stakeholdern in zunehmendem Maße auch digitale Informationsangebote bereitgestellt. Diese nutzen verschiedene Arten des Informationsdesigns (Umwandlung komplexer Daten in einfachere, nützliche und efektive Informationen, um Bedürfnisse und Ziele Nutzender kontextabhängig zu erfüllen (Herrera, 2013)), u.a. Kartendarstellungen, wie sie auch in anderen partizipativen Verfahren eingesetzt werden, um niederschwellig Information bereitzustellen (Moser et al., 2020). Vertrauen ist besonders wichtig, um den Betroffenen bei der Entscheidung zu helfen, ob sie an öffentlichen Beteiligungsprozessen teilnehmen (Santamaría-Philco & Wimmer, 2018). In früheren Umfragen wurde den verschiedenen Stakeholdern generell ein sehr unterschiedlicher Grad an Vertrauenswürdigkeit zugestanden (Drögemüller, 2017; Hocke, Stolle & Gloede, 2003; TNS Opinion & Social, 2008). Bei kritischer Würdigung der Fähigkeit dieser Stakeholder, die öffentliche Meinung zu beeinflussen, stellt sich die Frage, ob eine Beurteilung des Inhalts anhand des Informationsdesigns oder aufgrund des dem Stakeholder zugestandenen Vertrauens erfolgt. Wissenschaftlichkeit hingegen ist als Kriterium vor allem mit Blick auf das StandAG relevant, welches einen wissenschaftlich fundierten Prozess fordert. Um diese Aspekte zu untersuchen, wurde eine Umfrage durchgeführt. [Aus: Einleitung
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