19 research outputs found

    Identification of Glaesserella parasuis and Differentiation of Its 15 Serovars Using High-Resolution Melting Assays

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    Glaesserella parasuis is the etiological agent of Glässer’s disease, which is associated with polyserositis and arthritis and has a significant impact on the economy of the pig production industry. For the optimal surveillance of this pathogen, as well as for the investigation of G. parasuis-associated diseases, it is crucial to identify G. parasuis at the serovar level. In this work, we designed and developed new high-resolution melting (HRM) approaches, namely, the species-specific GPS-HRM1 and two serovar-specific HRM assays (GPS-HRM2 and GPS-HRM3), and evaluated the sensitivity and specificity of the assays. The HRM assays demonstrated good sensitivity, with 12.5 fg–1.25 pg of input DNA for GPS-HRM1 and 125 fg–12.5 pg for GPS-HRM2 and GPS-HRM3, as well as a specificity of 100% for the identification of all recognized 15 G. parasuis serovars. Eighteen clinical isolates obtained between 2014 and 2022 in Switzerland were tested by applying the developed HRM assays, which revealed a heterogeneous distribution of serovars 2, 7, 4, 13, 1, and 14. The combination with virulence marker vtaA (virulence-associated trimeric autotransporters) allows for the prediction of potentially virulent strains. The assays are simple to execute and enable a reliable low-cost approach, thereby refining currently available diagnostic tools

    Mycobacterium microti: not just a coincidental pathogen for cats

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    Public interest in animal tuberculosis is mainly focused on prevention and eradication of bovine tuberculosis in cattle and wildlife. In cattle, immunodiagnostic tests such as the tuberculin skin test or the interferon gamma (IFN-γ) assay have been established and are commercially available. Feline tuberculosis is rather unknown, and the available diagnostic tools are limited. However, infections with Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex members need to be considered an aetiological differential diagnosis in cats with granulomatous lymphadenopathy or skin nodules and, due to the zoonotic potential, a time-efficient and accurate diagnostic approach is required. The present study describes 11 independent cases of Mycobacterium microti infection in domestic cats in Switzerland. For three cases, clinical presentation, diagnostic imaging, bacteriological results, immunodiagnostic testing, and pathological features are reported. An adapted feline IFN-γ release assay was successfully applied in two cases and appears to be a promising tool for the ante mortem diagnosis of tuberculosis in cats. Direct contact with M. microti reservoir hosts was suspected to be the origin of infection in all three cases. However, there was no evidence of M. microti infection in 346 trapped wild mice from a presumptive endemic region. Therefore, the source and modalities of infection in cats in Switzerland remain to be further elucidated

    Case of the month: What’s your diagnosis?

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    Brucella canis infection in a young dog with epididymitis and orchitis

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    The following case report describes the clinical and diagnostic procedure for suspected brucellosis infection in a dog. A 21 month old intact male Border Collie was presented with an enlarged right testicle and epididymis. The dog was imported to Switzerland from Germany at the age of three months, but was never abroad since then. Clinical and laboratory diagnostic investigation included bacteriology and histology. An initial serological evaluation by means of rapid slide agglutination test (RSAT) was negative. Repeated examination of the same serum by a chromatographic immunoassay (ICT) revealed a positive result. Brucella canis infection was confirmed by culture. The present case is intended to underline the importance of the suspected diagnosis of 'brucellosis' in the presence of reproductive tract problems in dogs. In addition, Brucella canis has zoonotic potential and it is imperative to comply with strict hygiene management

    Identification of <i>Glaesserella parasuis</i> and Differentiation of Its 15 Serovars Using High-Resolution Melting Assays

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    Glaesserella parasuis is the etiological agent of Glässer’s disease, which is associated with polyserositis and arthritis and has a significant impact on the economy of the pig production industry. For the optimal surveillance of this pathogen, as well as for the investigation of G. parasuis-associated diseases, it is crucial to identify G. parasuis at the serovar level. In this work, we designed and developed new high-resolution melting (HRM) approaches, namely, the species-specific GPS-HRM1 and two serovar-specific HRM assays (GPS-HRM2 and GPS-HRM3), and evaluated the sensitivity and specificity of the assays. The HRM assays demonstrated good sensitivity, with 12.5 fg–1.25 pg of input DNA for GPS-HRM1 and 125 fg–12.5 pg for GPS-HRM2 and GPS-HRM3, as well as a specificity of 100% for the identification of all recognized 15 G. parasuis serovars. Eighteen clinical isolates obtained between 2014 and 2022 in Switzerland were tested by applying the developed HRM assays, which revealed a heterogeneous distribution of serovars 2, 7, 4, 13, 1, and 14. The combination with virulence marker vtaA (virulence-associated trimeric autotransporters) allows for the prediction of potentially virulent strains. The assays are simple to execute and enable a reliable low-cost approach, thereby refining currently available diagnostic tools

    Mycobacterium nebraskense infection in a dog in Switzerland with disseminated skin lesions

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    BACKGROUND: Cutaneous disseminated mycobacteriosis is rare in dogs. To the best of the authors' knowledge, the slowly growing mycobacterial species Mycobacterium nebraskense has not been described before in this species. OBJECTIVE: Description of clinical features, laboratory analyses and treatment regimen of this unusual case. ANIMAL: A 9-year-old female-spayed West Highland white terrier dog presented with progressive nodules and ulcerations on both sides of the thorax and the rostral aspect of the chest. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Investigations involved histopathological examination of skin biopsies (including special stains for fungi, bacteria and mycobacteria), standard and mycobacterial culture (including susceptibility testing), 16S/23S rRNA sequencing and BLAST similarity searching. RESULTS: Ziehl-Neelsen staining of decontaminated biopsy material revealed acid-fast bacteria morphologically consistent with mycobacteria. Treatment with clarithromycin and marbofloxacin achieved partial resolution. A change in the treatment regimen to pradofloxacin and azithromycin resulted in rapid deterioration of skin lesions. Final healing occurred with the addition of prednisolone at an anti-inflammatory dose. The results of mycobacterial culture and susceptibility testing were received 10 and 12 months, respectively, after the first presentation of the dog. Therapy was stopped after 16 months without recurrence of skin lesions. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE: This case is noteworthy for the description of a new mycobacterial species contributing to disseminated panniculitis in a dog and for the difficulties experienced in the lengthy empirical treatment of slowly growing nontuberculous mycobacterial infections. The addition of prednisolone to induce complete healing raises the question of whether the mycobacterial infection was primary or whether it occurred secondarily to an ongoing sterile panniculitis

    Population structure, genetic diversity and pathotypes of Streptococcus suis isolated during the last 13 years from diseased pigs in Switzerland

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    Streptococcus (S.) suis is a globally important swine pathogen, which comprises certain zoonotic serotypes. In this study, a detailed characterization of 88 porcine S. suis isolates was performed by analyzing capsular (cps) types, multilocus sequence typing (MLST) and investigation of the minimum core genome (MCG). In order to focus on the virulence potential of presumable invasive disease-associated S. suis isolates, virulence-associated gene profiles were assessed followed by screening a chosen subset of S. suis strains with a molecular pathotyping tool. Results showed a high genetic variability within this strain collection. In total, seventeen cps types were identified with a predominance of cps type 9 (15.9%) and 6 (14.8%). MLST revealed 48 sequence types (STs) including 41 novel ones. The population structure of S. suis was heterogenous and isolates belonged to eight different clonal complexes (CCs) including CC28 (9.1%), CC1109 (8%), CC13/149 (6.8%), CC1237 (5.7%), CC1 (3.4%), CC17 (3.4%), CC87 (2.3%), and CC1112 (1.1%), whereas a significant portion of isolates (60.2%) could not be assigned to any described CCs. Virulence-associated markers, namely extracellular protein factor (epf), muramidase-released protein (mrp), and suilysin (sly), showed a link with STs rather than with cps types. With this study an expanded knowledge about the population structure and the genetic diversity of S. suis could be achieved, which helps to contribute to an optimal public health surveillance system by promoting a focus on strains with an increased virulence and zoonotic potential