11 research outputs found

    Optical fibre sensors: their role in in vivo dosimetry for prostate cancer radiotherapy

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    Review is made of dosimetric studies of current optical fibre technology in radiotherapy for therapeutic applications, focusing particularly on in vivo dosimetry for prostate radiotherapy. We present the various sensor designs along with the main advantages and disadvantages associated with this technology. Optical fibres are ideally placed for applications in radiotherapy dosimetry; due to their small size they are lightweight and immune to electromagnetic interferences. The small dimensions of optical fibres allows it to be easily guided within existing brachytherapy equipment; for example, within the seed implantation needle for direct tumour dose analysis, in the urinary catheter to monitor urethral dose, or within the biopsy needle holder of the transrectal ultrasound probe to monitor rectal wall dose. The article presents the range of optical fibre dosimeter designs along with the main dosimetric properties required for a modern in vivo dosimetry system to be utilised in a clinical environment

    Water phantom characterization of a novel optical fiber sensor for LDR brachytherapy

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    This work considers the feasibility of using a novel optical fiber-based sensor, employing a terbium-doped gadolinium oxysulfide (Gd2O2S:Tb) inorganic scintillator, as a real-time in vivo dosimetry solution for applications in low-dose-rate (LDR) prostate brachytherapy (BT). This study specifically considers the influence of scintillator geometry (hemisphere tip versus cylindrical cavity), polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) fiber core diameter (0.5 versus 1.0 mm), and sensor housing material (stainless steel versus plastic) on the measured scintillation signal. Characterization measurements were performed using a silicon photon-multiplier (SiPM) detector and a commercial water phantom system, integrated with custom 3-D printed components to allow for precise positioning of the LDR BT radiation source with respect to the optical fiber sensor (OFS). Significant differences in the rate of fall-off in the scintillation signal, with distance from the source, were observed between the different scintillator geometries considered. The hemisphere tip geometry was shown to be the most accurate, tracking with the expected fall-off in dose-rate, within measurement uncertainty. Reducing the fiber core diameter from 1.0 to 0.5 mm resulted in a sixfold reduction in the detected scintillation signal. A further 57% reduction was observed when housing the 0.5-mm fiber within a stainless steel LDR BT needle applicator. Initial results demonstrate the feasibility of employing an OFS, for applications in LDR BT, given the excellent agreement of measurements with theoretical expectations. Furthermore, a calibration process has been described for converting the detected scintillation signal into absorbed dose/dose rate, using our water phantom-based experimental setup.</p

    Optical fiber dosimeter for real-time in-vivo dose monitoring during LDR brachytherapy

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    An optical fiber sensor for monitoring low dose radiation is presented. The sensor, based on radiation sensitive scintillation material, terbium doped gadolinium oxysulphide (Gd2O2S:Tb), is embedded in a cavity of 700ÎĽm diameter within a 1mm plastic optical fiber. The sensor is compared with the treatment planning system for repeatability, angular dependency, distance and accumulated radiation activity. The sensor demonstrates a high sensitivity of 152 photon counts/Gy with a temporal resolution of 0.1 seconds, with the largest repeatability error of 4.1%, to 0.361mCi of Iodine-125 the radioactive source most commonly used in LDR brachytherapy for treating prostate cancer

    A comparison of clinic based dosimeters based on silica optical fibre and plastic optical fibre for in-vivo dosimetry

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    Four sensors based on silica optical fibre and plastic optical fibre for clinical in-vivo dosimetry have been fabricated and tested on site at Galway Clinic. The initial comparison results have been attained for the four sensors when they have been irradiated with beam energies of 6 MV and 15 MV at different dose rates using a modern clinical linear accelerator (Linac) as the radiation source. According to the experimental test results, the sensors based on silica optical fibre exhibit greater sensitivity to the incident radiation beam than the sensors based on plastic optical fibre when they are exposed to identical irradiation conditions. The output intensity from the sensor based on silica fibre is 5 times higher than the sensor based on plastic optical fibre

    Characterization of a terbium activated gadolinium oxysulfide plastic optical fibre sensor in photons and protons

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    A characterization study was carried out to determine if a novel, millimeter sized Terbium-activated Gadolinium Oxysulfide optical fibre detector has potential for future use in proton dosimetry. Preliminary studies employed a Theratronics Theratron 780C Cobalt-60 unit and were used to determine nominal dose response, field size response and ÄŚerenkov contributions in 1.25-MeV gamma radiation. More extensive testing was done using 74 MeV-protons produced in the TRIUMF 500-MeV cyclotron facility examining raw Bragg peak, spread out Bragg peak, dose response, and ÄŚerenkov signal. The detector was low-cost and easily assembled; it showed excellent sensitivity, signal to noise ratio, and reproducibility. Quenching at high linear energy transfer was severe. Additional investigations are needed to further explore ÄŚerenkov-only depth-dose curves, signal detection at the extreme distal end of the Bragg peak, and possible sensitivity to neutrons

    Dosimetric characterization of an inorganic optical fiber sensor for external beam radiation therapy

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the dosimetric performance of a novel optical fiber sensor for use in external beam radiation therapy. Repeatability and reproducibility of the output signal, linearity, dose rate and dose per pulse dependence were evaluated. Angular dependence was investigated in the axial and azimuthal planes. The percentage depth dose and lateral dose profiles were measured using the optical fiber sensor system and compared to commercially available detectors such as Exradin W1 plastic scintillator and a PTW-microdiamond detector. The result of this study show that the optical fiber sensor system has good repeatability and reproducibility of the output signal with a maximum deviation of 0.17% and 1.00%, respectively. The system also showed an excellent linearity with dose, and its signal was independent of dose rate. However, the systemshowed a strong dependence on dose per pulse with 27% deviation from the W1 result at the highest dose per pulse value that was achieved at 75 cm source to surface distance. The system also showed an angular dependence when the incident beam was in the azimuthal plane due to the geometry of the scintillator at the tip of the fiber. The optical fiber sensor over-responded when measuring percentage depth dose curves and lateral dose profiles due in part to the sensitivity of the scintillating material (Gd2O2S:Tb) to low energy scattered radiation. However, further investigation is needed to quantify the overall contribution of Cerenkov radiation to the over-response of the optical fiber sensor

    Optical fbre based real‑time measurements during an LDR prostate brachytherapy implant simulation: using a 3D printed anthropomorphic phantom

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    An optical fibre sensor based on radioluminescence, using the scintillation material terbium doped gadolinium oxysulphide (Gd2O2S:Tb) is evaluated, using a 3D printed anthropomorphic phantom for applications in low dose-rate (LDR) prostate brachytherapy. The scintillation material is embedded in a 700 µm diameter cavity within a 1 mm plastic optical fibre that is fixed within a brachytherapy needle. The high spatial resolution dosimeter is used to measure the dose contribution from Iodine-125 (I-125) seeds. Initially, the effects of sterilisation on the sensors (1) repeatability, (2) response as a function of angle, and (3) response as a function of distance, are evaluated in a custom polymethyl methacrylate phantom. Results obtained in this study demonstrate that the output response of the sensor, pre- and post-sterilisation are within the acceptable measurement uncertainty ranging from a maximum standard deviation of 4.7% pre and 5.5% post respectively, indicating that the low temperature sterilisation process does not damage the sensor or reduce performance. Subsequently, an LDR brachytherapy plan reconstructed using the VariSeed treatment planning system, in an anthropomorphic 3D printed training phantom, was used to assess the suitability of the sensor for applications in LDR brachytherapy. This phantom was printed based on patient anatomy, with the volume and dimensions of the prostate designed to represent that of the patient. I-125 brachytherapy seeds, with an average activity of 0.410 mCi, were implanted into the prostate phantom under transrectal ultrasound guidance; following the same techniques as employed in clinical practice by an experienced radiation oncologist. This work has demonstrated that this sensor is capable of accurately identifying when radioactive I-125 sources are introduced into the prostate via a brachytherapy needl

    Initial evaluation of the performance of novel inorganic scintillating detectors for small animal irradiation dosimetry

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    The purpose of this study was to design and evaluate the performance of four novel inorganic scintillating detectors (ISDs) on the Small Animal Radiation Research Platform (SARRP). Relative scintillator output, measurement repeatability, setup uncertainty, linearity with dose rate, and signal reproducibility over time were investigated. The Gd2O2S:Tb detector had the highest relative signal output, generating up to 219 times more charge than a previously characterized BCF-60based plastic scintillating detector (PSD). The Gd2O2S:Tb detector was then used to measure 220 kVp therapy beam profiles of 10 x 10 and 5 x 5 mm2 fields. Beam profiles using the ZnS-based phosphor were also obtained and compared to investigate the performance of a lower density inorganic scintillator. 10 x 10 and 5 x 5 mm2 therapy beam profile measurements made with the Gd2O2S:Tb and BCF-60 detectors differed, on average, by 1.1% and 1.9%, respectively. The ZnS:Ag measurements differed, on average, by 2.5% and 6% relative to BCF-60 measurements of the 10 x 10 and 5 x 5 mm2 beam profiles, respectively. MicroCT imaging of the detector volumes was also performed, revealing poor packing of the ZnS:Ag crystalline phosphor in the deepest region of the cylindrical cavity. The Gd2O2S:Tb detector, in particular, has proven to be a promising candidate for real-time dosimetry of small fields in small animal irradiators, primarily because of the very large signal intensities observed, along with good repeatability, dose rate linearity, reproducibility and agreement with beam profile measurements made with a previously validated detector

    Dosimetric application of phosphorus doped fibre for X-ray and proton therapy

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    Phosphorous-doped silica optical fibres with a core diameter of 4 µm were tested in X-ray and proton fields for application in cancer therapy dosimetry. Specifically, the radiation-induced attenuation was investigated in terms of linearity in deposited dose in 15 MV and 6 MV photons and 74 MeV protons, as well as Bragg-peak detection along the proton track. Fibres were found to demonstrate linear relative dose response in both radiation modalities, but possible saturation did occur at the high linear energy transfer of the Bragg peak. This demonstrates the possibility to use these fibres as a relative dosimeter for radiation therapy applications

    Advanced characterization of an optical fibre sensor system based on an MPPC detector for measurement of X-ray radiation in clinical linacs

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    A reliable, accurate and in-vivo dosimetry system for measuring the radiation dose and profiling the X-ray beam during radiotherapy is reported. Its dynamic range is investigated using an accurately controlled pulsed light emitting diode (LED) system. Highly resolved temporal analog and digital signals were captured from the analog and digital outputs of a multi-pixel photon counter (MPPC) detector when exposed to the LED system. The photon distribution of a low intensity pulsed LED light source was observed and is found to obey a Poisson distribution with changing light intensity. The average number of photons was obtained using the digital MPPC output signals which in turn allowed the appropriate intensity of the light source to be determined for the correct light exposure conditions for the detector. The average analog output voltage over a single 3 μs pulse is determined to indicate the intensity of the detected light. The MPPC detector output analog signal is limited to a narrow range (0.6 V to 1.4 V) to ensure adequate signal detection level (the lower limit) and prevention of entry into saturation (the upper limit) which also corresponds to a digital output signal range (in counts). An average photon number range of 3 to 7 for the digital output signal is established, which leads to the establishment of a unique and constant photon number to average output voltage ratio of 4.64 ± 0.10. Experimental results show that the establishment of this ratio is significant as adherence to it ensures the correct exposure conditions of the MPPC and speeds up the measurement cycle in the clinical setting