5 research outputs found

    Investigation of the Quasi-Binary Phase Diagram FLiNaK-NdF3

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    The NdF3 solubility in molten eutectic FLiNaK, which is a conceivable medium for a molten salt reactor (MSR), was determined by the quasi-binary phase diagram FLiNaK-NdF3. The eutectic mixture FLiNaK was prepared by direct melting of components LiF, NaF and KF·HF. The acidic anhydrous salt (KF·HF) was used instead of the hygroscopic KF. The NdF3 was sintered by hydrofluorination of Nd2O3. The oxygen impurity in the prepared eutectic FLiNaK, determined by an oxygen analyzer LECO OH836, was 0.036 wt.%, whereas the NdF3 contained 0.04 wt.% of oxygen. A part of the FLiNaK-NdF3 quasi-binary phase diagram was obtained using two thermal analysis techniques: differential thermal analysis (DTA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The FLiNaK-NdF3 phase diagram in the region of 0–30 mol.% NdF3 contains one eutectic at 2 mol.% NdF3 and 450 °C and two peritectic points: 8 mol.% NdF3 at 500 °C and 22 mol.% NdF3 at 575 °C. The region of the FLiNaK-NdF3 phase diagram below the liquidus line is rather complicated due to the complex structure of the multicomponent system in its molten state, as in its solid state. The NdF3 solubility in FLiNaK is about 5 mol.% at 490 °C and 29 mol.% at 700 °C; this means that the process of the MA transmutation in the MSR can be carried out in molten FLiNaK with a content of actinides as high as 15–20 mol.% in the temperature range of 550–650 °C

    Electrochemical Reduction of Pd-Nd<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>-CeO<sub>2</sub> Mixtures in the LiCl-Li<sub>2</sub>O Melt

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    The electrochemical reduction of pelleted heterophase powder Pd-Nd2O3-CeO2 mixtures was studied in molten LiCl-Li2O (1–1.5 wt%) at 650 °C. The influence of the composition of the mixture, as well as electrochemical factors—i.e., the amount of electricity passed and the cathode potential during electrolysis—were considered. It was found that in the presence of metallic palladium, neodymium and cerium oxides are reduced by lithium released at the cathode and form intermetallic compounds of different compositions. At potentials more positive than the formation of a phase based on liquid lithium at 0.5–0.8 V, CePd3 and NdPd3 intermetallic compounds are present in the reduced product. At potentials close to the formation of liquid lithium, a whole spectrum of intermetallic compounds is synthesized: CePd, NdPd, Ce3Pd4, and Nd3Pd4. The mechanisms of formation of palladium alloys with neodymium and cerium are proposed and considered. The degree of the reduction of lanthanide oxides was calculated from the data on the concentration of residual oxygen in the reduced product

    Thermal Conductivity of FLiNaK in a Molten State

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    Although the thermal conductivity of molten salt mixtures is of interest for many potential technological applications, precise values are often hard to obtain. In this study, the thermal diffusivity of FliNaK was studied in a molten state using the laser flash method and found to be very slightly dependent on temperature. The heat capacity of FliNaK was measured using the DSC method. There was a minor difference between our results and data from the literature. From calculations based on thermal diffusivity, density and heat capacity values, thermal conductivity was shown to decrease with temperature

    Thermal Properties of Li<sub>2</sub>BeF<sub>4</sub> near Melting Point

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    The LiF–BeF2 system is used as a heat transfer medium in molten salt reactors (MSRs). The thermal diffusivity of Li2BeF4 was studied using the laser flash analysis (LFA) method in solid and transition states. While the thermal diffusivity is shown to decrease slightly in solid-state Li2BeF4, it drops significantly at temperatures close to phase transition. The heat capacity of Li2BeF4 was measured by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Some differences were observed between the results obtained in cooling and heating modes. Thermal conductivity was calculated using thermal diffusivity-, density-, and heat-capacity data. The good thermal conductivity of the Li2BeF4 compound in solid and liquid states justifies its use as a heat transfer medium for molten salt reactors

    Corrosion Behavior of Candidate Functional Materials for Molten Salts Reactors in LiF–NaF–KF Containing Actinide Fluoride Imitators

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    Molten fluorides of alkali metals are considered a technological medium for molten salt reactors (MSRs). However, these media are known to be extremely corrosive. The successful implementation of high-temperature technological devices using molten alkali metal fluorides requires the selection of such structural materials that have high corrosion resistance in melts with compositional characteristic of MSRs. In this research, the corrosion behavior of 12Cr18Ni10Ti steel, the alloy Ni60Cr20Mo15, and the alloy Monel 404 (Ni50Cu50) was investigated in the LiF–NaF–KF eutectic melt, containing additions of CeF3 and NdF3 from 0 to 5 wt.% as imitator fluorides of actinides in an inert argon atmosphere at 550 °C for 100 h. Gravimetry, energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) microanalysis of surfaces and cross-section of samples, and ICP-MS were used to establish the corrosion behavior of the investigated alloys. Corrosion resistance of the studied materials was found to decrease in a row from Monel 404 > Hastelloy C2000 > 12Cr18Ni10Ti. The addition of cerium fluoride into the melt resulted in the additional etching of the alloy surface. The addition of neodymium fluoride resulted in the formation of the point/inter-crystalline corrosion damages in the sample bulk. The samples of steel 12Cr18Ni10Ti were subjected to local cracking corrosion. The austenitic nickel-based alloys suffered specific local corrosion with formation of subsurface voids. Excellent corrosion resistance of the Monel alloy under the test conditions was found