75 research outputs found

    Can I just check...? Effects of edit check questions on measurement error and survey estimates

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    Household income is difficult to measure, since it requires collecting information about all potential income sources for each member of a household. We assess the effects of two types of edit check questions on measurement error and survey estimates: within-wave edit checks use responses to questions earlier in the same interview to query apparent inconsistencies in responses; dependent interviewing uses responses from prior interviews to query apparent inconsistencies over time. The findings suggest that traditional interviewing methods under-estimate household income in the lower tail of the income distribution, but that neither edit check method has much effect on estimated poverty rates or transition rates in poverty

    Can we predict device use? An investigation into mobile device use in surveys

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    In this study, we investigate whether mobile device use in surveys can be predicted. We aim to identify possible motives for device use and build a model by drawing on theory from technology acceptance research and survey research. We then test this model with a Structural Equation Modeling approach using data of seven waves of the GESIS panel. We test whether our theoretical model fits the data by focusing on measures of fit, and by studying the standardized effects of the model. Results reveal that intention to use a particular device can predict actual use quite well. Ease of smartphone use is the most meaningful variable: if people use a smartphone for specific tasks, their intention to use a smartphone for survey completion is also more likely. In conclusion, investing in ease of use of mobile survey completion could encourage respondents to use mobile devices. This can foremost be established by building well-designed surveys for mobile devices

    Театральний фестиваль аматорських колективів «Блакитна троянда»

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    3-4 квітня 2009 року в Луцьку відбувся театральний фестиваль аматорських колективів «Блакитна троянда». Організатори – Луцька міська рада, Волинський національний університет імені Лесі Українки та театр-студія «Гармидер»

    Correcting inferences for volunteer-collected data with geospatial sampling bias

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    Citizen science projects in which volunteers collect data are increasingly popular due to their ability to engage the public with scientific questions. The scientific value of these data are however hampered by several biases. In this paper, we deal with geospatial sampling bias by enriching the volunteer-collected data with geographical covariates, and then using regression-based models to correct for bias. We show that night sky brightness estimates change substantially after correction, and that the corrected inferences better represent an external satellite-derived measure of skyglow. We conclude that geospatial bias correction can greatly increase the scientific value of citizen science projects

    Adapting Surveys to the Modern World:Comparing a Research Messenger Design to a Regular Responsive Design for Online Surveys

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    Online surveys are increasingly completed on smartphones. There are several ways to structure online surveys so as to create an optimal experience for any screen size. For example, communicating through applications (apps) such as WhatsApp and Snapchat closely resembles natural turn-by-turn conversations between individuals. Web surveys currently mimic the design of paper questionnaires mostly, leading to a survey experience that may not be optimal when completed on smartphones. In this paper, we compare a research messenger design, which mimics a messenger app type of communication, to a responsive survey design. We investigate whether response quality is similar between the two designs and whether respondents' satisfaction with the survey is higher for either version. Our results show no differences for primacy effects, number of nonsubstantive answers, and dropout rate. The length of open-ended answers was shorter for the research messenger survey compared to the responsive design, and the overall time of completion was longer in the research messenger survey. The evaluation at the end of the survey showed no clear indication that respondents liked the research messenger survey more than the responsive design. Future research should focus on how to optimally design online mixed-device surveys in order to increase respondent satisfaction and data quality

    Maximum interpolable gap length in missing smartphone-based GPS mobility data

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    Passively-generated location data have the potential to augment mobility and transportation research, as demonstrated by a decade of research. A common trait of these data is a high proportion of missingness. Naïve handling, including list-wise deletion of subjects or days, or linear interpolation across time gaps, has the potential to bias summary results. On the other hand, it is unfeasible to collect mobility data at frequencies high enough to reflect all possible movements. In this paper, we describe the relationship between the temporal and spatial aspects of these data gaps, and illustrate the impact on measures of interest in the field of mobility. We propose a method to deal with missing location data that combines a so-called top-down ratio segmentation method with simple linear interpolation. The linear interpolation imputes missing data. The segmentation method transforms the set of location points to a series of lines, called segments. The method is designed for relatively short gaps, but is evaluated also for longer gaps. We study the effect of our imputation method for the duration of missing data using a completely observed subset of observations from the 2018 Statistics Netherlands travel study. We find that long gaps demonstrate greater downward bias on travel distance, movement events and radius of gyration as compared to shorter but more frequent gaps. When the missingness is unrelated to travel behavior, total sparsity can reach levels of up to 20% with gap lengths of up to 10 min while maintaining a maximum 5% downward bias in the metrics of interest. Temporal aspects can increase these limits; sparsity occurring in the evening or night hours is less biasing due to fewer travel behaviors

    Understanding Willingness to Share Smartphone-Sensor Data

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    The growing smartphone penetration and the integration of smartphones into people’s everyday practices offer researchers opportunities to augment survey measurement with smartphone-sensor measurement or to replace self-reports. Potential benefits include lower measurement error, a widening of research questions, collection of in situ data, and a lowered respondent burden. However, privacy considerations and other concerns may lead to nonparticipation. To date, little is known about the mechanisms of willingness to share sensor data by the general population, and no evidence is available concerning the stability of willingness. The present study focuses on survey respondents’ willingness to share data collected using smartphone sensors (GPS, camera, and wearables) in a probability-based online panel of the general population of the Netherlands. A randomized experiment varied study sponsor, framing of the request, the emphasis on control over the data collection process, and assurance of privacy and confidentiality. Respondents were asked repeatedly about their willingness to share the data collected using smartphone sensors, with varying periods before the second request. Willingness to participate in sensor-based data collection varied by the type of sensor, study sponsor, order of the request, respondent’s familiarity with the device, previous experience with participating in research involving smartphone sensors, and privacy concerns. Willingness increased when respondents were asked repeatedly and varied by sensor and task. The timing of the repeated request, one month or six months after the initial request, did not have a significant effect on willingness

    Recruiting Young and Urban Groups into a Probability-Based Online Panel by Promoting Smartphone Use

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    A sizable minority of all web surveys are nowadays completed on smartphones. People who choose a smartphone for Internet-related tasks are different from people who mainly use a PC or tablet. Smartphone use is particularly high among the young and urban. We have to make web surveys attractive for smartphone completion in order not to lose these groups of smartphone users. In this paper we study how to encourage people to complete surveys on smartphones in order to attract hard-to-reach subgroups of the population. We experimentally test new features of a survey-friendly design: we test two versions of an invitation letter to a survey, a new questionnaire lay-out, and autoforwarding. The goal of the experiment is to evaluate whether the new survey design attracts more smartphone users, leads to a better survey experience on smartphones and results in more respondents signing up to become a member of a probability-based online panel. Our results show that the invitation letter that emphasizes the possibility for smartphone completion does not yield a higher response rate than the control condition, nor do we find differences in the socio-demographic background of respondents. We do find that slightly more respondents choose a smartphone for survey completion. The changes in the layout of the questionnaire do lead to a change in survey experience on the smartphone. Smartphone respondents need 20% less time to complete the survey when the questionnaire includes autoforwarding. However, we do not find that respondents evaluate the survey better, nor are they more likely to become a member of the panel when asked at the end of the survey. We conclude with a discussion of autoforwarding in web surveys and methods to attract smartphone users to web surveys