1,186 research outputs found

    Isolation of a peptide in guinea pig liver homogenate and its turnover of leucine

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    Leucine was synthesized with C14 in the carboxyl group. 10 mg. of the radioactive amino acid (DL) and 0.66 gm. (wet weight) of guinea pig liver homogenate were added to a reaction mixture containing 1.3 per cent of an amino acid mixture corresponding to the composition of casein and 0.005 M fumarate, all in a final volume of 4 ml. of isotonic saline solution(1) at pH 7.4. The reaction was carried out under oxygen for 6 hours at 38°

    Incorporation in vitro of labeled amino acids into bone marrow cell proteins

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    Nearly all experiments on the incorporation of labeled amino acids into tissue proteins in vitro have been done on tissues whose cell structure has been partially or completely disintegrated, e.g. tissue slices, segments, or homogenates. Since cell destruction reduces or abolishes the uptake of labeled amino acids (1), it seemed worth while to carry out studies on intact cells in vitro. Bone marrow cells were found to be suitable for this purpose. The labeled amino acids used were glycine-1-C14, L-leucine-1-C14, L-lysine-1-C14, and L-lysine-6-C14

    Alpha-aminoadipic acid: A product of lysine metabolism

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    As part of a study of protein and peptide metabolism lysine was synthesized with C14 in the ε position and resolved into the L and D isomers. 10 mg. of labeled lysine dihydrochloride (either L- or D-) and 0.66 gm. (wet weight) of guinea pig liver homogenate were added to a reaction mixture containing 1.3 per cent of an amino acid mixture corresponding to the composition of casein except for lysine and 0.01 M α-ketoglutarate, all in a final volume of 4 ml. of isotonic saline solution.(1) The reaction was carried out under oxygen for 6 hours at 38°

    The incorporation of labeled lysine into the proteins of guinea pig liver homogenate

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    When C14-labeled lysine is incubated with guinea pig liver homogenate, α-aminoadipic, α-ketoadipic, and glutaric acids are formed from the lysine (1). These transformations were established by finding the radioactivity of the C14 tracer in the metabolic products. The homogenate proteins coagulated by boiling at pH 5 also contained radioactivity. The counts given by the proteins corresponded to about 0.02 to 0.03 per cent of that added as lysine; the extent of lysine incorporation into the proteins was of the same order of magnitude as Melchior and Tarver (2) had found after incubating S35-labeled methionine and Winnick et al. (3, 4) C14-labeled glycine with rat tissue homogenates. Yet we could not satisfy ourselves that the radioactivity remaining in the proteins in our experiments, although it persisted through exhaustive extraction, did not come from traces of adsorbed radioactive lysine. Some counts were found in the protein when the homogenate was boiled prior to incubation with isotopic lysine

    The degradation of L-lysine in guinea pig liver homogenate: formation of alpha-aminoadipic acid

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    A summary of the little that is known of the metabolism of lysine in animals is as follows: it is indispensable in the diet, its α-amino group does not participate in reversible transamination reaction in vivo (2), neither the L nor D form is attacked by the appropriate amino acid oxidase, certain ε-nitrogen-substituted derivatives can replace lysine in the diet and their α-amino groups are oxidized by amino acid oxidases (3, 4), no α-nitrogen-substituted derivatives yet prepared can substitute for lysine in the diet (4-6)

    Incorporation in vitro of labeled amino acids into proteins of rabbit reticuloytes

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    Continuing our work on the incorporation of labeled amino acids into proteins (1), we have begun a study of the incorporation in vitro of C14-labeled glycine, L-histidine, L-leucine, and L-lysine into the proteins of rabbit reticulocytes. In preliminary experiments the incorporation into the hemoglobin isolated from the reticulocytes was determined. But, after it was found that plasma contains factors accelerating amino acid incorporation, it was decided to proceed as rapidly as possible toward the identification of these factors; we have, therefore, measured incorporation into the total proteins of the reticulocytes, since isolation of the hemoglobin was time-consuming. The results obtained with hemoglobin and with the total proteins are essentially the same, indicating that the other proteins of the reticulocytes incorporate amino acids at approximately the same rate as hemoglobin

    A peptide fraction in liver

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    We reported in a preliminary communication (1) the isolation of a peptide fraction from guinea pig liver. The following points of interest appeared at once: many different amino acids were obtained on hydrolysis; the peptide fraction contained most of the indispensable amino acids, which indicated that it probably is important in protein metabolism; when guinea pig liver homogenate was incubated with C14-labeled glycine, leucine, or lysine, these were rapidly incorporated into this peptide fraction, which is further evidence that it is metabolically active; the peptide fraction had not been described hitherto; a fraction containing one or more large peptides can be separated from so complex a mixture as liver homogenate by starch chromatography

    The uptake in vitro of C14-labeled glycine, L-leucine, and L-lysine by different components of guinea pig liver homogenate

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    We have reported (1) that L-lysine labeled with C14 can be incorporated into the proteins of guinea pig liver homogenate under two different conditions. In the one case the enzyme used was the whole homogenate, the optimum pH was near 6.2, there was an obligatory requirement of calcium, and the incorporation was independent of oxygen. This set of conditions is designated below as the “acid calcium” condition. In the other case the enzyme system was the precipitate obtained by centrifuging the homogenate diluted 15-fold with Ringer’s solution at 2500 X g, the optimum pH was near to 7.3, the reaction was accelerated a little by calcium but the presence of calcium was not obligatory, and the incorporation was a little less under nitrogen than under oxygen. This set of conditions is designated below as the “alkaline” condition

    The Body Experience Questionnaire for adults with mild intellectual disability or borderline intellectual functioning (BEQ-mb):Development and initial evaluation

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    Background: Body experience is an important facet of psychosocial functioning and health. However, to date no test exists to measure body experience in adults with mild intellectual disability and borderline intellectual functioning (MID-BIF). We therefore adapted the Body Experience Questionnaire (BEQ) to this group, resulting in the BEQ-mb, and evaluated its usability, comprehensibility, and reliability. Method: The BEQ-mb was developed in five stages: concept development, focus group, verbal reports, pilot testing, and evaluation. Results: The BEQ-mb is applicable in, and comprehensible by, adults with MID-BIF. Internal consistency is good for the total scale and the body awareness and body satisfaction subscales, but low for the body attitude subscale. Test-retest reliability is excellent for the total scale and the subscales. Conclusion: The BEQ-mb unlocks new opportunities for clinical examination and research on body experience. Future research is needed to investigate its structural validity

    Clinical characteristics of individuals with intellectual disability who have experienced sexual abuse. An overview of the literature

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    Background: Sexual abuse in individuals with average IQ or above is associated with a wide range of behavioural, psychological and body-related characteristics. It is unknown whether individuals with intellectual disability (ID) and a history of sexual abuse suffer from similar clinical characteristics. Objective: The aim of the review is to provide an overview of the literature on the clinical characteristics of individuals with ID who have experienced sexual abuse. Method: PubMed, Embase, PsycInfo, CINAHL, Cochrane Library and Web of Sciences were searched for relevant publications using terms related to concepts of “intellectual disability” and “sexual abuse”. Two independent reviewers screened and selected articles for inclusion in the study, resulting in seven studies. Results: The studies mostly reported behavioural and psychological characteristics such as aggression, self-injury, or posttraumatic stress, anxiety or depressive symptoms associated with sexual abuse in individuals with ID. None mentioned body-related characteristics. Conclusions: Similar to individuals with average IQ or above, sexual abuse in individuals with ID is associated with a broad range of behavioural and psychological characteristics. Conduct disorders, self-injury, inappropriate sexualised talk and poor feelings of personal safety seem to be more indicative for the ID population. Anxiety, depression and PTSD are prevalent in individuals with and without ID who both have experienced sexual abuse. Whether individuals with ID experience body-related characteristics is unclear
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