867 research outputs found

    Ligand-Displaying Escherichia coli Cells and Minicells for Programmable Delivery of Toxic Payloads via Type IV Secretion Systems

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    Bacterial type IV secretion systems (T4SSs) are highly versatile macromolecular translocators and offer great potential for deployment as delivery systems for therapeutic intervention. One major T4SS subfamily, the conjugation machines, are well-adapted for delivery of DNA cargoes of interest to other bacteria or eukaryotic cells but generally exhibit modest transfer frequencies and lack specificity for target cells. Here, we tested the efficacy of a surface-displayed nanobody/antigen (Nb/Ag) pairing system to enhance the conjugative transfer of IncN (pKM101), IncF (F/pOX38), or IncP (RP4) plasmids, or of mobilizable plasmids including those encoding CRISPR/Cas9 systems (pCrispr), to targeted recipient cells. Escherichia coli donors displaying Nbs transferred plasmids to E. coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa recipients displaying the cognate Ags at significantly higher frequencies than recipients lacking Ags. Nb/Ag pairing functionally substituted for the surface adhesin activities of F-encoded TraN and pKM101-encoded Pep, although not conjugative pili or VirB5-like adhesins. Nb/Ag pairing further elevated the killing effects accompanying the delivery of pCrispr plasmids to E. coli and P. aeruginosa transconjugants bearing CRISPR/Cas9 target sequences. Finally, we determined that anucleate E. coli minicells, which are clinically safer delivery vectors than intact cells, transferred self-transmissible and mobilizable plasmids to E. coli and P. aeruginosa cells. Minicell-mediated mobilization of pCrispr plasmids to E. coli recipients elicited significant killing of transconjugants, although Nb/Ag pairing did not enhance conjugation frequencies or killing. Together, our findings establish the potential for the deployment of bacteria or minicells as programmed delivery systems for the suppression of targeted bacterial species in infection settings. IMPORTANCE The rapid emergence of drug-resistant bacteria and current low rate of antibiotic discovery emphasize the urgent need for alternative antibacterial strategies. We engineered Escherichia coli to conjugatively transfer plasmids to specific E. coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa recipient cells through the surface display of cognate nanobody/antigen (Nb/Ag) pairs. We further engineered mobilizable plasmids to carry CRISPR/Cas9 systems (pCrispr) for the selective killing of recipient cells harboring CRISPR/Cas9 target sequences. In the assembled programmed delivery system (PDS), Nb-displaying E. coli donors with different conjugation systems and mobilizable pCrispr plasmids suppressed the growth of Ag-displaying recipient cells to significantly greater extents than unpaired recipients. We also showed that anucleate minicells armed with conjugation machines and pCrispr plasmids were highly effective in killing E. coli recipients. Together, our findings suggest that bacteria or minicells armed with PDSs may prove highly effective as an adjunct or alternative to antibiotics for antimicrobial intervention

    Protein Ontology: A controlled structured network of protein entities

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    The Protein Ontology (PRO; http://proconsortium.org) formally defines protein entities and explicitly represents their major forms and interrelations. Protein entities represented in PRO corresponding to single amino acid chains are categorized by level of specificity into family, gene, sequence and modification metaclasses, and there is a separate metaclass for protein complexes. All metaclasses also have organism-specific derivatives. PRO complements established sequence databases such as UniProtKB, and interoperates with other biomedical and biological ontologies such as the Gene Ontology (GO). PRO relates to UniProtKB in that PRO’s organism-specific classes of proteins encoded by a specific gene correspond to entities documented in UniProtKB entries. PRO relates to the GO in that PRO’s representations of organism-specific protein complexes are subclasses of the organism-agnostic protein complex terms in the GO Cellular Component Ontology. The past few years have seen growth and changes to the PRO, as well as new points of access to the data and new applications of PRO in immunology and proteomics. Here we describe some of these developments

    Structural and Functional Diversity of Type IV Secretion Systems

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    Considerable progress has been made in recent years in the structural and molecular biology of type IV secretion systems in Gram-negative bacteria. The latest advances have substantially improved our understanding of the mechanisms underlying the recruitment and delivery of DNA and protein substrates to the extracellular environment or target cells. In this Review, we aim to summarize these exciting structural and molecular biology findings and to discuss their functional implications for substrate recognition, recruitment and translocation, as well as the biogenesis of extracellular pili. We also describe adaptations necessary for deploying a breadth of processes, such as bacterial survival, host–pathogen interactions and biotic and abiotic adhesion. We highlight the functional and structural diversity that allows this extremely versatile secretion superfamily to function under different environmental conditions and in different bacterial species. Additionally, we emphasize the importance of further understanding the mechanism of type IV secretion, which will support us in combating antimicrobial resistance and treating type IV secretion system-related infections

    The F Plasmid Conjutome: The Repertoire of E coli Proteins Translocated Through an F-Encoded Type IV Secretion System

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    Bacterial conjugation systems pose a major threat to human health through their widespread dissemination of mobile genetic elements (MGEs) carrying cargoes of antibiotic resistance genes. Using the Cre Recombinase Assay for Translocation (CRAfT), we recently reported that the IncFV pED208 conjugation system also translocates at least 16 plasmid-encoded proteins to recipient bacteria. Here, we deployed a high-throughput CRAfT screen to identify the repertoire of chromosomally encoded protein substrates of the pED208 system. We identified 32 substrates encoded by the Escherichia coli W3110 genome with functions associated with (i) DNA/nucleotide metabolism, (ii) stress tolerance/physiology, (iii) transcriptional regulation, or (iv) toxin inhibition. The respective gene deletions did not impact pED208 transfer proficiencies, nor did Group 1 (DNA/nucleotide metabolism) mutations detectably alter the SOS response elicited in new transconjugants upon acquisition of pED208. However, MC4100(pED208) donor cells intrinsically exhibit significantly higher SOS activation than plasmid-free MC4100 cells, and this plasmid carriage-induced stress response is further elevated in donor cells deleted of several Group 1 genes. Among 10 characterized substrates, we gained evidence of C-terminal or internal translocation signals that could function independently or synergistically for optimal protein transfer. Remarkably, nearly all tested proteins were also translocated through the IncN pKM101 and IncP RP4 conjugation systems. This repertoire of E. coli protein substrates, here termed the F plasmid conjutome, is thus characterized by functions of potential benefit to new transconjugants, diverse TSs, and the capacity for promiscuous transfer through heterologous conjugation systems. Importance: Conjugation systems comprise a major subfamily of the type IV secretion systems (T4SSs) and are the progenitors of a second large T4SS subfamily dedicated to translocation of protein effectors. This study examined the capacity of conjugation machines to function as protein translocators. Using a high-throughput reporter screen, we determined that 32 chromosomally encoded proteins are delivered through an F plasmid conjugation system. The translocated proteins potentially enhance the establishment of the co-transferred F plasmid or mitigate mating-induced stresses. Translocation signals located C-terminally or internally conferred substrate recognition by the F system and, remarkably, many substrates also were translocated through heterologous conjugation systems. Our findings highlight the plasticity of conjugation systems in their capacities to co-translocate DNA and many protein substrates

    The response of VEGF-stimulated endothelial cells to angiostatic molecules is substrate-dependent

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    BACKGROUND: The microenvironment surrounding cells can exert multiple effects on their biological responses. In particular the extracellular matrix surrounding cells can profoundly influence their behavior. It has been shown that the extracellular matrix composition in tumors is vastly different than that found in normal tissue with increased amounts of certain matrices such as collagen I. It has been previously demonstrated that VEGF stimulation of endothelial cells growing on type I collagen results in the induction of bcl-2 expression and enhanced endothelial cell survival. We sought to investigate whether this increased endothelial cell survival resulted in the failure of angiostatic molecules to inhibit angiogenesis. RESULTS: We now demonstrate that VEGF-induced survival on collagen I impairs the ability of three known angiostatic molecules, TSP-1, IP-10 and endostatin to inhibit endothelial cell proliferation. Apoptosis of endothelial cells, growing on collagen I, induced by TSP-1 and IP-10 was also inhibited following VEGF stimulation. In contrast, endostatin induced apoptosis in these same cells. Further analysis determined that endostatin did not decrease the expression of bcl-2 nor did it increase activation of caspase-3 in the presence of VEGF. Alternatively, it appeared that in the presence of VEGF, endostatin induced the activation of caspase-8 in endothelial cells grown on collagen I. Furthermore, only endostatin had the ability to inhibit VEGF-induced sprout formation in collagen I gels. CONCLUSION: These data suggest that TSP-1, IP-10 and endostatin inhibit endothelial cells via different mechanisms and that only endostatin is effective in inhibiting angiogenic activities in the presence of collagen I. Our results suggest that the efficacy of angiostatic treatments may be impaired depending on the context of the extracellular matrix within the tumor environment and thus could impede the efficacy of angiostatic therapies

    IncFV Plasmid pED208: Sequence Analysis and Evidence for Translocation of Maintenance/Leading Region Proteins Through Diverse Type IV Secretion Systems

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    Two phylogenetically distantly-related IncF plasmids, F and pED208, serve as important models for mechanistic and structural studies of F-like type IV secretion systems (T4SSFs) and F pili. Here, we present the pED208 sequence and compare it to F and pUMNF18, the closest match to pED208 in the NCBI database. As expected, gene content of the three cargo regions varies extensively, although the maintenance/leading regions (MLRs) and transfer (Tra) regions also carry novel genes or motifs with predicted modulatory effects on plasmid stability, dissemination and host range. By use of a Cre recombinase assay for translocation (CRAfT), we recently reported that pED208-carrying donors translocate several products of the MLR (ParA, ParB1, ParB2, SSB, PsiB, PsiA) intercellularly through the T4SSF. Here, we extend these findings by reporting that pED208-carrying donors translocate 10 additional MLR proteins during conjugation. In contrast, two F plasmid-encoded toxin components of toxin-antitoxin (TA) modules, CcdB and SrnB, were not translocated at detectable levels through the T4SSF. Remarkably, most or all of the pED208-encoded MLR proteins and CcdB and SrnB were translocated through heterologous T4SSs encoded by IncN and IncP plasmids pKM101 and RP4, respectively. Together, our sequence analyses underscore the genomic diversity of the F plasmid superfamily, and our experimental data demonstrate the promiscuous nature of conjugation machines for protein translocation. Our findings raise intriguing questions about the nature of T4SS translocation signals and of the biological and evolutionary consequences of conjugative protein transfer

    FieldML: concepts and implementation

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    The field modelling language FieldML is being developed as a standard for modelling and interchanging field descriptions in software, suitable for a wide range of computation techniques. It comprises a rich set of operators for defining generalized fields as functions of other fields, starting with basic domain fields including sets of discrete objects and coordinate systems. It is extensible by adding new operators and by their arbitrary combination in expressions, making it well suited for describing the inherent complexity of biological materials and organ systems. This paper describes the concepts behind FieldML, including a simple example of a spatially varying finite-element field. It outlines current implementations in established, open source computation and visualization software, both drawing on decades of bioengineering modelling software development experience